The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and its main objective is conducting fundamental and applied research for scientific support of the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) and other wetland areas of national and international interest, with particular focus on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Due to its expertise and contribution to the local, regional and national research and development programmes, DDNI has been nominated as:

  • Centre of Excellence for Deltas & Wetlands;
  • National Reference Centre for Land Cover and Fisheries;
  • Main Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development for the implementation of the NATURA 2000 Network in Romania;
  • Centre of Technological Information for the Danube Delta of the National Authority for Scientific Research.

The relevance of DDNI’s research activities for local, regional, national and international environmental issues is sustained by the Danube Delta’s protection status and the international Conventions and Programmes adopted by Romania.

Scientific research is one of the most important components of these conventions, having been defined as one of the main functions of Biosphere Reserves by the MAB-UNESCO program.  The research activities of the Danube Delta National Institute are oriented towards achieving the management objectives of the largest protected area in Romania and Europe:

  • assessment of the ecological status of natural heritage and the elaboration of biodiversity conservation measures;
  • monitoring of the DDBR biodiversity and environmental factors;
  • assessment of natural resources and the exploitation levels in accordance with the regeneration potential and carrying capacity of the ecosystems;
  • elaboration of hydrological scenarios in support of ecological restoration measures for improvement of the water circulation regime on the existing channels network;
  • measures for the recovery of endangered species populations – fish, birds, reptiles, mammals;
  • elaboration of technical solutions for the restoration of abandoned agricultural polders and fish ponds in order to increase the area of natural habitats of fish and bird species;
  • modeling the basic processes of aquatic ecosystems;
  • supporting studies for the harmonization of socio-economic interests with the concept of conservation  of natural capital;
  • developing a Geographic Information System for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

At the European level, DDNI participates as partner in the consortia of projects financed under the EC Framework Programmes (FP 4 – 1 project, FP 5 – 3 projects, FP 6 – 6 projects) as well as in projects financed through other programmes and funds (PHARE, SOCRATES Programme, COST, LIFE).

The main users of DDNI’s research results are:

  • The Ministry of Environment;
  • ‘Romanian Waters’ National Administration;
  • National Agency for Environmental Protection;
  • National Agency for Fishing and Aquaculture;
  • Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority;
  • European Community;
  • SME’s.



Dr. Biologist Marian TUDOR

Dr. Biologist Marian TUDOR

General Director / Principal Researcher

Principal reseracher as expert in ecological restoration and habitats.

Dr. Eng. Iulian NICHERSU

Dr. Eng. Iulian NICHERSU

Scientific Director / Scientific Council President / Principal Researcher / Director of the Nucleus Research Programme

Principal researcher as expert in geodesy and environmental policies.


Programs, Contracts, Personel, Payroll and Marketing Director / Leading Researcher

Email: irina.cernisencu@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 130

Ec. Victoria HANGANU

Economical Director, Financial Accounting

Email: victoria.hanganu@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 103



Dr. Eng. Iulian Nichersu

Dr. Eng. Iulian Nichersu

Scientific Council President / Scientific Director / Principal Researcher

Dr. Alexandru Dorosencu

Dr. Alexandru Dorosencu

Scientific Council Vice-President / Senior Researcher

Dr. Biologist Marian Tudor

Dr. Biologist Marian Tudor

General Director / Principal Researcher

Eng. Paula Pindic

Eng. Paula Pindic

Leader of the Technological Development, Transfer and Spatial Planning Department

Dr. Adrian Burada

Dr. Adrian Burada

Leader of the Laboratories and Research Stations Department / Senior Researcher

Dr. Mihai Doroftei

Dr. Mihai Doroftei

Lead Researcher

Dr. Mihai Marinov

Dr. Mihai Marinov

Leader of the Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Department / Lead Researcher

Silviu Covaliov

Silviu Covaliov

Senior Researcher

Dr. Iuliana Mihaela Tudor

Dr. Iuliana Mihaela Tudor

Principal Researcher

Orhan Ibram

Orhan Ibram

Senior Researcher

Dr. Marian Mierlă

Dr. Marian Mierlă

Leader of the Informational System and geomatics Department Leader / Senior Researcher



Veronica MOS-MAN


Email: veronica.mosman@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 159



Email: doru.spiridon@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 161

Iuliana Viorica CONDRAT


Email: iuliana.condrat@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 133

Veronica MIHAI


Email: veronica.mihai@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 



Email: george.popescu@ddni.ro

Tel.: +40240/524550 int.: 173

Administrative information

Administrative information

You can access the document by clicking this LINK

Președinte Consiliu de Administrație Dr. biolog Tudor Marian Președinte, Director General al Institutului Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare “Delta Dunarii” Tulcea wealth and interests declarations
Dr. ing. Nichersu Iulian Președinte al Consiliului Științific al Institutului Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare “Delta Dunarii” Tulcea wealth and interests declarations
Paul-Vasile POP Specialist al Ministerului Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării wealth and interests declarations
Dan DOMNIŞOR Specialist al Ministerului Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării wealth and interests declarations
Adrian-Sebastian TĂNASE Reprezentant al Ministerului Muncii și Solidarității Sociale wealth and interests declarations
Alina-Narcisa INTZE Reprezentant al Ministerului Finanțelor wealth and interests declarations
Nina ZANFIR Reprezentant al Ministerului Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării wealth and interests declarations
Secretar: Iacob Daniela wealth and interests declarations


Puteți deschide documentul accesând acest (in curs de lucru) LINK

You can access the 2015 – 2022 strategy by clicking this LINK

You can access the 2020 – 2030 strategy by clicking this LINK

Președinte Consiliu Științific Dr. ing. Nichersu Iulian
Vicepreședinte Dr. biolog Dorosencu Alexandru Cătălin
Membrii: Dr. biolog Tudor Marian
Ing. Paula Pindic
Dr. Adrian Burada
Dr. Doroftei Mihai
Dr. Marinov Mihai
Covaliov Silviu
Dr. Iuliana Mihaela Tudor
Orhan Ibram
Dr. Marian Mierlă
Secretar: Iacob Daniela

Puteți deschide documentul accesând acest LINK

Decizia de numire a Consiliului Științific la acest LINK

Director General Dr. biolog Tudor Marian
Director științific Dr. ing. Nichersu Iulian
Direcția programe contracte, personal salarizare și marketing Dr. ing. Cernișencu Irina
Director Tehnic Ing. Alexandru Bănescu
Director economic Ec. Hanganu Victoria
Director Centrul de Informare Tehnologică “Delta Dunării” Bratfanof Edward

Department conservarea biodiversității și utilizare durabilă a resurselor naturale

Dr. Marinov Mihai

Departament centrul pentru studiul bolilor transfrontaliere, emergente și zoonozelor

Dr. Ștefan Răileanu
Departament restaurare ecologică și redresare specii Anca Crăciun
Departament sistem informational și geomatică Dr. Marian Mierlă
Departament laboratoare și baze de cercetare Dr. Adrian Burada
Serviciu transporturi, administrative și protecția muncii Ec. Doru Spiridon
Departament dezvoltare tehnologică, transfer tehnologic și planificare spațială Ing. Paula Pindic

2019 Activity Report – You can access the document by clicking this LINK

2020 Activity Report – You can access the document by clicking this LINK

2021 Activity Report – You can access the document by clicking this LINK

2022 Activity Report – You can access the document by clicking this LINK

Competition for the following positions: Engineer in Technical Development and Senior Scientific Researcher Published on 18th January 2024

Competition for the following positions: Engineer in Technical Development in GeologyPublished on 17th January 2024

Competition for the following positions: Engineer in Technical Development and Scientific Researcher Assistant – Published on 16th January 2024

Competition for the following position: Scientific researcher in Botany – Published on 07 December 2023

Competition for the following position: Lead researcher in ichthyology Published on 04 October 2023

Competition for the following position: Qualified woker Published on 10 April 2023

Competition for the following position: Zootechnician Published on 10 April 2023

Competition for the following position:  COR 213149, Research assistant in genetic engineeringPublished on 27 March 2023

Competition for the following position: Technician in ichthyology, full time Published on 22 March 2023

Competition for the following posittion: Civil, industrial and egricultural engineeringPublished on 21 March 2023

Competition for the following positions: 1. scientific researcher for flood risk and hazard assessment; 2. senior researcher for climate change impact assessment – Published on 15 February 2023

Competition for the position of laboratory technician level II – Published on 16 January 2023

Competition for the position of economist in management – Published on 16 January 2023

Competition for occupying a genetics assistant possition and repliles and a amphibians monitoring possition – Published on 21 November 2022

Competition for occupying a scientific research assistant possition with backround in amphibians and reptiles and a engineer possition with backround in hidrotechnical constructions– Published on 07 November 2022

Competition for occupying two biologist expert positions within “Măsuri pentru asigurarea unui statut favorabil de protecție și conservare a habitatelor și a speciilor periclitate din RBDD în context internațional” project – Published on 11 October 2022

Competition for occupying the scientific positions within Management Plan project – Published on 20 September 2022

Competition for occupying the scientific positions within ANADROM project – Published on 11 August 2022

Competition for occupying the folowing positions:  principal researcher in plant and animal resources – Published on 20 June 2022

Competition for occupying the folowing positions: aquatic ecology expert, environment chemistry expert, ichtyofauna technician, ichtyofauna  expert, genetics expert, biostatistics assitant,laboratory technician, ichthyofauna sampler – Published on 31 march 2022 (UPDATE) Candidate Enrollment Selection – published on 12 April 2022 (UPDATE) Selection results – published on 14 April 2022

Competition for occupying one vacant position for Assistant Researcher (Botany) – Published on 17 March 2022

Competition for occupying 2 vacant positions for Scientidic Researchers (General Economy and Aquatic Ecology) – Published on 19 January 2022

Competition for occupying 9 vacant positions within the „Dezvoltarea Stației de monitorizare a peștilor migratori: sturioni și scrumbie – Isaccea” project ,SMIS CODE 2014+ 136849– Published on 07 January 2022 (UPDATE) Competition Candidate Selection – published on 18 January 2022

You can access the document by clicking this LINK

Gender Equality Plan 2022 – 2025. To access this document, click HERE

Institutional Innovation Strategy can be downloaded here.

Management Declaration Concerning the Innovation Policy can be downloaded here.

The government decision 253/2015 can be downloaded here.


165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania

Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00

Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,

Phone (Secretary Office): (+4) 0240 - 531 520

Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547

e-mail: office@ddni.ro

Member Area

Access your data within the intranet


General Director : Monday  09.00 - 11.00

Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00

Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00

Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00

Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at:  0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: office@ddni.ro