Danube Delta Technological Information Centre was built and developed within national programe INFRATECH in 2005.
It is an innovation and technological transfer entity, without juridical personality, part of the DDNI, functioning based on its own status.
It was started as an initiative of Education and Research Ministry accepted by the DDNI’s board (01.10.2005). It was acreditated in 01.12.2006 by the Decision no. 9459/ 27.11.2006 of the National Authority for Scientific Research’s President.
Member of National Network for Innovation and Techological Transfer;
Member of Romanian Association For Technology Transfer and Innovation;
Publishing House registered to National Library.
The main activity object of DDTIC is the absorption and results diffusion of research-development activity in the socio-economic environment, aiming the rise of the products, processes and services’ quality and competitiveness, creation of new working places and the economic sustainable development in a competition environment in conformity with Gov.Decision 406/2003.
Main attributions
a) organizes courses of:
– information and scientific perfection,
– medium level professional training and specialization in environment protection and natural biological resources management.
b) facilitates students practical training
c) collaborates with NGOs, high schools and schools within the ecological education programs
d) publishes and distributes specialized publications:
e) assures the transfer and capitalisation of research results towards Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration, central and local authorities, scientific community, NGOs and economic agents;
f) organizes and participate to round tables, sessions, symposiums, congresses, fairs, exhibitions and other scientific manifestations in the own activity area;
g) participates to the international programmes of biosphere reserves network and wetlands of conservative interest;
h) facilitates collaboration with international organisms involved in conservation and environment protection activities;
i) facilitates Danube Delta National Institute collaboration with institutes and other entities for common research projects developing in their activity area;
j) maintains information regarding national, regional and local priorities in the own activity domain;
k) provides assistance services and consultancy for intellectual property rights exploitation.
– technological information
– technological transfer
– organization of scientific events
– organization of specialized trening and practicum for students
– organization of mentoring activities/information visits
– editing
– it provides the technical support for participation to symposiums, conferences and congresses.
Always aiming higher
The “Danube Delta Technological Information Center” (DD TIC) was re-accredited in 2023 by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization for a period of 5 years (2023 – 2028), as an innovation and technological transfer infrastructure entity in the fields of: Environment and eco-technologies, Bioeconomy, Digital economy and space technologies.
165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00
Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,
Phone (Secretary Office): (+4) 0240 - 531 520
Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547
e-mail: office@ddni.ro
Member Area
Access your data within the intranet
General Director : Monday 09.00 - 11.00
Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00
Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00
Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00
Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at: 0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: office@ddni.ro