Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Contextual Ecosystem Services Evaluation in Black Sea Deltaic Protected Areas” – IASON+


CARE SEA is enhancing protection and preservation of nature and biodiversity by raising awareness on different types of pollution among communities and providing practical means of action towards a greener and cleaner Black Sea region during a 24-month period.


Restore4Life showcases the remarkable socio-economic benefits derived from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to restoring freshwater and coastal wetlands in the Danube basin and the project’s core activities are centered around the restoration of lateral connectivity on river corridors, crucial for restoring the ecological balance.


DAnube WETlands REStoration Lighthouse is designed to develop and demonstrate (pilot) concrete solutions applied on the Danube basin to address the challenges faced by its inland and coastal wetlands ecosystems’, namely on biodiversity, water quality and availability, climate resilience and/or neutrality and socio-economic benefits for the local communities.


DANUBE4all will develop a fundamental and fully public Restoration Action Plan for the Danube basin lighthouse of the Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”.


The main objective of EcoDaLLi is to centralise Danube governance structures in terms of innovative solutions for improved ecological restoration, protection & preservation of the Danube basin & its Delta by fostering a stronger innovation ecosystem within a well-connected Living Lab system.

DANUrB – Danube Urban Brand

The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive spatio-cultural network, a “Danube Сultural Promenade” connecting all communities along the river, unifying these into one tourism destination brand, offering thematic routes and developing possibilities that can increase the number of visitors and can prolong their stay in the region.

Corine Land Cover

Within Specific Contract No 3436/R0-COPERNICUS/EEA., DDNI is supporting Copernicus activities for the period 2017-2018 related to products of Romania territory


Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the Eurovelo cycling route network in the Danube region


Foster the capabilities and sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage of river deltas and boost economic development


Timespan: Jan 2017 – Jun 2019, Budget: 1 586 244 Euro, Project leader: Ph.D Vasile PIPIRIGEANU / CERONAV Constanta, Partners: 10


Scent will engage citizens in environmental monitoring and enable them to become the ‘eyes’ of the policy makers. In doing so citizens will support the monitoring of land-cover/use changes using their smartphones and tablets.


RainSolutions assesses innovative nature-based solutions (NBS) for the sustainable management of nature, addressing a combination of societal challenges such as climate change, water security, water pollution, human well-being and risk management.


Timespan: 2015 – 2018, Project coordination: Ecologic Institute, Germany, 

CyanoAlert: Space Based Cyanobacteria Information & Service

The CyanoAlert service will be a global service for the environmental authorities and commercial sector, concerned by health risks and quality of water resources.


Timespan: 2013 – 2015, the project Beneficiary is “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati and Consortium include 5 partners

Fish behaviour preparatory study at Iron Gate Hydropower dams and reservoirs

Timespan: 2014 – 2015, Budget: 221 810 Euro, Project coordination:  Danube Delta National Institute (DDNI), Tulcea, Romania

Beluga Sturgeon Community based Tourism

Timespan: 2009 – 2011, Budget: 1 260 000 Euro, Project leader: Radu Suciu / INCDDD Tulcea, Partners: NIVA Oslo, NTNU Trondheim, Kaviar House Ltd. Isaccea


The overall objective of the FLOODRISK project was to develop and produce high quality, stakeholder oriented flood risk maps for the transnational Danube river floodplains to provide adequate risk information for spatial planning and economic requests.

Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress systems

Timespan: 2014 – 2018, DDNI roll: partner, 6persons, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Germany– Coordinator.


Timespan: 2012 – 2014, DDNI as partner, Nostra follows the overall objective of preservation of biodiversity and natural heritage.


Timespan: May 2015 – April 2017, Budget: 1.556.177 Euro, Project Director: Dr. ing. Eugenia CIOACĂ, DDNI


WP3 – assessment of the land cover/use changes for different scenarios in the Black Sea Catchment, and WP5 – Impacts on selected Societal Benefit Areas, biodiversity and wetland ecosystems of the Department of Natural Resources,

Corine Land Cover

GMES initial Operations (GIO) Land Monitoring 2011 – 2013 in the framework of regulation (EU) No 911/2010 Pan-EU Component. Timespan: 2011 – 2013, DDNI roll: National coordinator, 11 persons

Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe (DNAqua-Net)

The current approach to biodiversity assessment is based on morpho-taxonomy. This approach has many drawback such as being time consuming, limited in temporal and spatial resolution, and error-prone due to variation of individual taxonomic expertise of the analysts. 

REstoration and prognosis of PEAT formation in fens – linking diversity in plant functional traits to soil biological and biogeochemical processes

The study spans four countries covering both the least and the most disturbed sites of all major fen regions in the EU. In order to compare undrained, drained and rewetted fens, we will analyse ecosystem processes at four study areas, supplemented by an ex-situ mesocosm and laboratory experiments.

Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin (MEASURES)

Sturgeons and other migratory fish species represent a historic, economic and natural heritage of the Danube River Basin and are indicators of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems, especially of the functionality of ecological corridors. Their populations have suffered substantially from overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction and disruption of their migration routes. The need for their conservation is recognized at a high political and management level (EUSDR-PA 06, Biodiversity, DRBMP).

A Black Sea network promoting integrated natural waste water treatment systems

WASTEnet is a network joint action, which aims at motivating the widest possible audience of local and regional authorities of the participating Black Sea countries to develop and apply Natural Treatment Systems (NTS), and in particular Constructed Wetlands (CWs), for the wastewater treatment of their remote rural communities.

Climate change and European aquatic RESources (CERES)

CERES advances a cause-and-effect understanding of how climate change will influence Europe’s most important fish and shellfish resources and the economic activities depending on them.


ResponSEAble is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program and has 15 partners from around the European Union. This diverse group has been trying to figure out how to connect people to their seas and to help them better understand the complex human-ocean relationship. The reason is simple: if people have better knowledge they will make responsible decisions – in other words, they will become “ocean literate”.


The project “Creating Interfaces” (2018 – 2021) addresses capacity building for the urban food-water-energy (FWE) nexus, facilitating cooperation and knowledge exchange among the stakeholders (city government, science, business and citizens/civil society). It develops and tests innovative approaches for local knowledge co-creation and participation in three mid-size cities on water: Tulcea (Romania), Wilmington (USA) and Slupsk (Poland).


Provide a pro-active and personalized citizen-centric public service application that will encourage citizens’ involvement, to raise awareness on flood risks and enable collective risk mitigation solutions and response actions.


Promoting Technology Innovation in Environmental Monitoring and Modelling forAssessment of Fish Stock and Non-fish Resources (TIMMOD) is a EU funded project financed within the Black Sea Basin Program 2014-2020, under Priority 2. Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin, objective 2.1 Improve joint environmental monitoring.


The DANUrB+ project funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme was launched on 1st July 2020 to foster resilient use of cultural heritage and resources of the peripheral and border regions along the Danube. In 30 months, it will create new opportunities for attractiveness in selected settlements and shrinking areas and activate underused cultural heritage to strengthen the Danube cultural identity.


Ecological resizing through urban and rural actions & dialogues for GHG mitigation in the Lower Danube Floodplains & Danube Delta (EDAPHIC-BLOOM DANUBE), aims to boost capacities for GHG mitigation in the target region, through organic soils conservation/restoration and enhancing energy efficiency in the built environment sector.


The change that the project will bring relates with the improved access and use of data, uniform assessment, information and communication procedures on IAS threats.


A touch of Blue in the EU Research Nights for a more Sustainable Use of the Ocean


Project “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries” is aimed at solving common problems of nature parks and protected areas in the Black Sea Basin (BSB). The overall project objective is to contribute to increasing the level of availability of cross-border compatible environmental monitoring data and information in nature parks and protected areas in BSB.


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