DDTIC concluded within DDNI the cooperation protocols with institutions from Romania and abroad, in order to carry out and develop common programmes on different themes that are compatible with the activities developed by the subscribers. Their implementation is realized through:
- transfer knowledge between partners in their own field of expertise;
- development of the framework for implementation of research projects in partnership;
- organization of scientific events;
- organization of specialized trening;
- dissemination/awerness events on different themes;
- materials with informative and educative purposes;
- summer schools/practice/specific information sessions;
- exchange of didactic-method and scientific-technical literature;
- publishing of common articles, etc.
- Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute
- Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts)
- Deltaica
- Manual pentru conservarea biodiversitatii si monitorizarea speciilor periclitate. Authors: Daniela Porea, Dragoş-Lucian Bolboacă
- Danube Migratory Fish Habitat Manual. Authors: Ciocan B., Paraschiv M., Pekarik L.
- Manual de management al nurcii europene (Mustela lutreola) în Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării – România. Author: MARINOV Mihai
- Pădurile din Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării – cele mai întâlnite specii de floră lemnoasă. Authors: COVALIOV Silviu, DOROFTEI Mihai
- Manual de…Delta Dunării. Editors: DOROFTEI Mihai, COVALIOV Silviu
- Ghid metodologic de monitorizare a factorilor hidromorfologici, chimici si biologici pentru apele de suprafaţă din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării. Editor: TUDOR Iuliana-Mihaela
- Atlasul peştilor din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării. Author OŢEL Vasile
- Conservarea viperei de stepă (Vipera ursinii Moldavica), în Rezervatia Biosferei Delta Dunării. Author Zsolt TÖRÖK
- Ghidul sintetic de monitorizare a speciilor comunitare de reptile si amfibieni din România. Author Zsolt TÖRÖK
- Technical Report within DDNI’s projects
Organization of international and national scientific events (2018 – 2022):
- “Deltas & Wetlands” DDNI Scientific Event Community, Annual International Symposium
- “4 DELTA” – Annual national scientific symposium
- “European Researchers Night” – BlueNIGHTs project
- “Stakeholders engagement in Innovation Actions related to Deltas & Wetlands” – meeting within the 3D Initiative (Decarbonation of the Danube Delta) – EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube project
- “TTP.10 – Tick and Tick-borne Pathogen Conference”, Co-organization World Congress
- “3D Initiative Workshop” (Decarbonizing Danube Delta), International Workshop
- “Green Deal Challenges – Decarbonising Danube Delta”: 3D Initiative workshop, Edaphic-Bloom Danube project
- “BELMONT – Creating Interfaces, Citizen Science: Creating interfaces by using active participation through Living Labs for developing knowledge on food-water-energy Nexus”
- “EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube” – International Symposium
- “WATER RESOURCES & WETLANDS” – International Conference
- “DANS – DANUBIUS-RI Support” – International Conference
- “Geohistoire des zones humides d’ici et d’ailleurs”, Co-organization International Conference
- “Water Resources & Wetlands 2018” – co-organization International Conference
– online multimedia scientific materials
– specialized publications
– materials on electronic support, posters, paper cases, personalized diplomas for scientific events
– brochures, folders, flyers and other scientific and technique information materials
Medium term strategic objectives of DDTIC
- Create a pole of competitiveness and innovation in the Dobrogea region and achieving technology transfer between Western Europe and Eastern Europe
- Develop partnerships and innovative information networks
- Auto-financial and logistical support of the CIT DD
- Increase awareness of SMEs and the public in science and technology
Specific short-term objectives of DDTIC
- Orientation to technology information services with market demand
- Continuing increase of professional level and the effective use of human resources
- Developing and modernizing the patrimony of the DDTIC
- Identify and attract funding sources for financial support of the Centre
- Improving the marketing orientation of the DDTIC
165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00
Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,
Phone (Secretary Office): (+4) 0240 - 531 520
Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547
e-mail: office@ddni.ro
Member Area
Access your data within the intranet
General Director : Monday 09.00 - 11.00
Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00
Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00
Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00
Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at: 0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: office@ddni.ro