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Citări |
Lucrarea citată |
An |
1 |
Esmaeli (S), Khosravi (K), Pourahmad (R), Komeili (R), 2012. An Experimental Design for Production of Selenium-Enriched Yeast, IN: World Applied Sciences Journal 01/2012; 19:31-37. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2012.19.01.2634 , factor de impact 0.23 |
Marinescu, G., Stoicescu, A., Teodorof, (L.), 2010. Selenium yeast from spent brewer’s yeast. IN: Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies,16(3), 341-345, indexată BDI |
2012 |
2 |
Sun (N.X.), Liu ( Y.H.), Wang (Y.X.), 2015. Utilization o spent brewer’s yeast for selenium-enriched yeast, IN: Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD2015), p 781-788 |
Marinescu, G., Stoicescu, A., Teodorof, (L.), 2010. Selenium yeast from spent brewer’s yeast. IN: Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies,16(3), 341-345, indexată BDI |
2015 |
3 |
Matache (M.L.), Marin (C), Rozylowicz (L), Tudorache (A), 2013. Plants accumulating heavy metals in the Danube River wetlands, IN: Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12/2013; 11(1):39. DOI:10.1186/2052-336X-11-39 ·Factor impact 1,01 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097-8 |
2013 |
4 |
Vosniakos (F), Vasile (G), Albanis (T), Petre (J); Stanescu (E), Cruceru (L), Nicolau (M), Kochubovski (M), Gjorgjev (D), Nikolaou (G), Vosniakos (K), Vasilikiotis (G), 2011. Chapter: Comparison Study of Physicochemical Parameters Evaluation between Danube River Delta and AXIOS- VARDAR River Valley (2003–2009), IN: Environmental Heavy Metal Pollution and Effects on Child Mental Development: Risk Assessment and Prevention Strategies, Edited by Simeonov L.I., Kochubovski M.V., Simeonova B., 12/2011: pages 257-286; Springer., ISBN: 978-94-007-0252-3. Factor impact 1 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097-8 |
2011 |
5 |
Zrnčić (S), Oraić (D), Caleta (M), Mihaljević (Z), Zanella (D), Bilandžić (N), 2012. Biomonitoring of heavy metals in fish from the Danube River, IN: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 04/2012; 185(2). DOI:10.1007/s10661-012-2625-x, Factor impact ·1,68 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097-8 |
2012 |
6 |
Stoica (C.), Gheorghe (Ș), Lucaciu (E.I.), Paun (C), Niculescu (L.D), 2014. The Impact of Chemical Compounds on Benthic Invertebrates from the Danube and Danube Delta Systems, IN Soil and Sediment Contamination 03/2014; 23(7). DOI:10.1080/15320383.2014.870529. Factor impact 0,58 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097- |
2014 |
7 |
Krems (P), Rajfu (M), Wacławek (M), Kłos (A), 2013. The Use of Water Plants in Biomonitoring And Phytoremediation of Waters Polluted with Heavy Metals, IN: Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. S = Chemia i Inżynieria Ekologiczna. S 01/2013; 20(2). DOI:10.2478/eces-2013-0026. Factor impact ·0,56 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097- |
2013 |
8 |
Staniškienė (B), Matusevičius (B.P.), Urbanavičius (A.), 2009. Distribution of Heavy Metals in Muscles of Fish: Concentrations and Change Tendencies, IN: Envrironmental Research, Enginering and management, 48 (2)p. 35-41 ISSN: 1392-1649 .Factor impact 0,885 |
Tudor (M. I.), Tudor (M.), David (C.),Teodorof (L.), Tudor (D.), Ibram (O.), 2006. Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania, pp. 435-442. IN: Simeonov (L.), Chirila (E.), eds., Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, series: NATO Securitythrough ScienceSeries C: Environmental Security, ISBN 978-1-4020-5097- |
2009 |
9 |
Cioacă (E), Linnebank (F.E.), Bredeweg (B), Salles (P), 2009. A qualitative reasoning model of algal bloom in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR), IN: Ecological Informatics, 4 (5-6), November–December, p 282–298. Impact factor 1,299 |
Teodorof (L.), David (C.), Tudor (D.), Nastase (C.), 2007. Surfacewater quality indicators of Danube Delta lakes between 2003-2005. IN: Scientific Annals of theDanube Delta Institute, 13: 145-154, ISSN 1583-6932 |
2009 |
10 |
Vosniakos (F), Vasile (G), Albanis (T), Petre (J); Stanescu (E), Cruceru (L), Nicolau (M), Kochubovski (M), Gjorgjev (D), Nikolaou (G), Vosniakos (K), Vasilikiotis (G), 2011. Chapter: Comparison Study of Physicochemical Parameters Evaluation between Danube River Delta and AXIOS- VARDAR River Valley (2003–2009), IN: Environmental Heavy Metal Pollution and Effects on Child Mental Development: Risk Assessment and Prevention Strategies, Edited by Simeonov L.I., Kochubovski M.V., Simeonova B., 12/2011: pages 257-286; Springer., ISBN: 978-94-007-0252-3, Factor de impact 1 |
Teodorof (L.), David (C.), Tudor (D.), Nastase (C.), 2007. Surfacewater quality indicators of Danube Delta lakes between 2003-2005. IN: Scientific Annals of theDanube Delta Institute, 13: 145-154, ISSN 1583-6932 |
2011 |
11 |
Dvořák, P. Andreji, J. Mráz, J. Dvořáková-Líšková, Z. 2015, Concentration of heavy and toxic metals in fish and sediments from the Morava river basin Czech Republic. IN: Neuroendocrinology Letters. s. 126—132, 36 (1), ISSN: 0172-780X. Impact factor 0,800 |
Teodorof (L.), Năstase (C.), Anuţi (I.), 2009. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish from Dobrudja aquaculture farm, IN: Revista de chimie Bucuresti, 60(11), p. 1235-1241, ISSN:0034-7752 |
2015 |
12 |
Mihaly, M. Niculae G., Stefan S., Meghea, A., 2010. Transfer and Translocation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Within Some Aquaculture Biosystems in Romania, IN: Revista de chimie Bucuresti, 61 (11): 1009-1016, ISSN:0034-7752. Impact factor 0,552 |
Teodorof (L.), Năstase (C.), Anuţi (I.), 2009. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish from Dobrudja aquaculture farm, IN: Revista de chimie Bucuresti, 60(11), p. 1235-1241, ISSN:0034-7752 |
2010 |
13 |
Valová Z, Hudcová H, Roche K, Svobodová J, Bernardová I, Jurajda P. 2013, No relationship found between mercury and lead concentrations in muscle and scales of chub Squalius cephalus L. IN: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(4) . 185:3359–3368. Impact factor 1,680 |
Teodorof (L.), Năstase (C.), Anuţi (I.), 2009. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish from Dobrudja aquaculture farm, IN: Revista de chimie Bucuresti, 60(11), p. 1235-1241, ISSN:0034-7752 |
2013 |
14 |
Kieliszek (M.), Błażejak (I.), Gientka (I.), Wróbel (A.), 2015, Accumulation and metabolism of selenium by yeast cells, IN: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 99, (13), p 5373-5382, (Scor relativ la influenta 1,712), Springer, ISSN 0175-7598 Impact Factor: 3,81 |
Marinescu (G.), Stoicescu (A. G.), Teodorof, (L.), 2011, Industrial nutrient medium use for yeast selenium preparation. IN: The Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI Food Technology, 35 (1): 45-53, ISSN 1843 –5157 |
2015 |
15 |
Papadatu (C.P.), Bordei (M.), Romanescu (G.), Sandu (I.), 2016. Reaserches on Heavy Metals Determination from Water and soil in Galati County, Romania, IN: Revista de Chimie, 67(9), p 1728-1733, ISSN:0034-7752, Impact factor 0,810 |
Burada (A), Ţopa(C), Georgescu (I.P.), Teodorof (L), Năstase (C), Seceleanu Odor (D), Iticescu (C), 2015, Heavy metals environment accumulation in Somova – Parcheş aquatic complex from the Danube Delta area, IN: Revista de Chimie, Volume I 2015, p 48-54, ISSN:0034-7752 |
2016 |
16 |
Itigilova, (M.T.), Tashlykova, (N.A.), Afonina,(E.Y.), 2016. Heavy metals in phyto- and zooplankton of Lake Kenon (Transbaikalia), IN: Contemporary Problems of Ecology, Volumul 9 (6), p. 783-789, Impact Factor 0.259 |
Burada (A.), Ţopa(C.), Georgescu (I.P.), Teodorof (L.), Năstase (C.), Seceleanu Odor (D.), Iticescu (C.), 2015. Heavy metals bioaccumulation in plankton and water from four aquatic complexes from Danube Delta area. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation, IN: International Journal of the Bioflux Society, 7 (5) p 301-310, ISSN 2066-7655 |
2016 |
17 |
Holger Cremer, Anthonie D. Buijse, Andre F. Lotter , Willem Oosterber, Mircea Staras (2004).The paleolimnological potential of diatom assemblages in floodplain lakes of the Danube Delta, Romania: a pilot study
Hydrobiologia 513: 7–26, Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands 0.83 impact factor |
Tudor, I M., Török, L., (1999), Studii preliminare asupra planctonului în ostrovul Cernovca dupa un an de la inundare – 1997. IN: Analele Ştiinţifice – 1999, VII: 418–424 |
2004 |
18 |
Tziavos (I.N.), Alexandridis (K.), Aleksandrov (B.), Andrianopoulos (A.), Doukas (I.D.), Grigoras (I.), Grigoriadis V.N.), Papadopoulou (I.D.), Savvaidis (P), Stergioudis (A.), Teodorof (L.), Vergos (G.S.), Vorobyova (L.), Zalidis (G.C.), 2016. Development of a Web-based GIS monitoring and environmental assessment system for the Black Sea: application in the Danube Delta area, IN: Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, 188 (8):462, factor impact 1,633 |
Tudor, I. M., Tudor, M., Ibram, O., Alexandrov, B., & Racovet, N. (2014). The evolution of zooplankton community structure in Danube delta region. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 15(2), 506–516 |
2016 |
19. |
Thackeray S. J., Noges P., Dunbar M.J., Dudley B. J., Skjelbred B., Morabitof G., Carvalhod L., Phillip G., Mischke U., Catalan J., Hoyos C. de, Laplace C., Austoni M., Padedda B. M., Maileht K., Pasztaleniec A., Jarvinen M., Solheim A. L., Clarke R. T., 2013, Quantifying uncertainties in biologically-based water quality assessment: A pan-European analysis of lake phytoplankton community metrics, Ecological Indicators 29: 34–47 |
Carvalho L., Lepisto L., Rissanen J., Pietilainen O.-P., Rekolainen, S., Torok L., Lyche Solheim A., Saloranta T., Ptacnik, R., Tartari G., Cardoso A.C., Premazzi G., Gunn I., Penning E., Hanganu J., Hellsten S., Orhan I., Navodaru I., 2006. Solimini, A., Cardoso, A.C., Heiskanen, A.-S. Eds., Indicators and Methods for the Ecological Status Assessment under the Water Framework Directive: Linkages between Chemical and Biological Quality of Surface Waters. European Commission, Luxembourg, pp. 3–32, ISSN 1018-5593 |
2013 |
20 |
Burtea M.C., Ciurea A., Bordei M., Sandu A.V., 2015, Development of the Potential of Ecological Agriculture in the Village Ciresu, County of Braila, Revista de Chimie –Bucharest, 668: 1222-1226 |
Romanescu G., Dinu C., Radu A., Török L , 2010. Ecologic characterization of the fluviatile limans in the south-west Dobrudja and their economic implications Romania, IN Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 52, 2010, pp. 25-38 |
2015 |
21 |
Vignati D. A.L., Secrieru D., Bogatova Y. I., Dominik J., Céréghino R., Berlinsky N. A., Oaie Ghe., Szobotka S., Stanica A., 2013, Trace element contamination in the arms of the Danube Delta Romania/Ukraine: Current state of knowledge and future needs Journal of Environmental Management 125: 169-178 |
Coops H., Buijse L., Buijse A.D.T., Constantinescu A., Covaliov S., Hanganu J., Ibelings B.W., Menting F., Navodaru I., Oosterberg W., Staras M., Török L, 2008. Trophic gradient in a large-river Delta: ecological structure determined by connectivity gradients in theDanube Delta Romania, IN River Research and Applications, ISSN 1535-1467, 245: 698-709. |
22 |
Güttler F.N., Niculescu S., Gohin F., 2013, Turbidity retrieval and monitoring of Danube Delta waters using multi-sensor optical remote sensing data: An integrated view from the delta plain lakes to the western–northwestern Black Sea coastal zone, Remote Sensing of Environment, Impact Factor: 5.1, vol.132, pag.86–101, DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2013.01.009 |
Coops H., Buijse L., Buijse A.D.T., Constantinescu A., Covaliov S., Hanganu J., Ibelings B.W., Menting F., Navodaru I., Oosterberg W., Staras M., Török L, 2008. Trophic gradient in a large-river Delta: ecological structure determined by connectivity gradients in theDanube Delta Romania, IN River Research and Applications, ISSN 1535-1467, 245: 698-709 |
23 |
Górski K., Buijse A.D., Winter H.V., De Leeuw J.J., Compton T.J., Vekhov D.A., Zolotarev D.V., Verreth J.A.J., Nagelkerke L.A.J., 2013, Geomorphology and flooding shape fish distribution in a large- scale temperate floodplain, River Research and Applications, Impact Factor, 2.43. DOI:10.1002/rra.2610 |
Coops H., Buijse L., Buijse A.D.T., Constantinescu A., Covaliov S., Hanganu J., Ibelings B.W., Menting F., Navodaru I., Oosterberg W., Staras M., Török L, 2008. Trophic gradient in a large-river Delta: ecological structure determined by connectivity gradients in theDanube Delta Romania, IN River Research and Applications, ISSN 1535-1467, 245: 698-709 |
24 |
Güttler F.N., Niculescu S., Gohin F., 2013, Turbidity retrieval and monitoring of Danube Delta waters using multi-sensor optical remote sensing data: An integrated view from the delta plain lakes to the western–northwestern Black Sea coastal zone, Remote Sensing of Environment , 132: 86–101, DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2013.01.009 |
Oosterberg W., Staraş M., Bogdan L., Buijse A.D., Constantinescu A., Coops H., Hanganu J., Ibelings B.W., Menting G.A.M., Năvodaru I., Török L. 2000. Ecological gradients in the Danube Delta lakes – Present state and man-induced changes , RIZA rapport 2000.015., , The Netherlands: 1-168., ISSSN 90.369.5309x |
25 |
Girard, F., Badets, V., Blanc, S., Gazeli, K., Marlin, L., Authier, L., Svarnas, P., Sojic, N., Clement, F., Arbault, S., 2016. Formation of reactive nitrogen species including peroxynitrite in physiological buffer exposed to cold atmospheric plasma. IN: Rsc Advances 6, 78457-78467, factor impact 3,829. |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
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Gu, Y., Wang, X., Zhou, C., Li, P., Xu, Q., Zhao, C., Liu, W., Xu, W., 2016. Investigation on Cryptosporidium infections in wild animals in a zoo in Anhui province. IN: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47, 846-854, factor impact 0,421. |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
27 |
Janda, M., Martisovits, V., Hensel, K., Machala, Z., 2016. Generation of Antimicrobial NOx by Atmospheric Air Transient Spark Discharge. IN: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 36, 767-781, factor impact 1.811 |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
28 |
Kovalova, Z., Leroy, M., Jacobs, C., Kirkpatrick, M.J., Machala, Z., Lopes, F., Laux, C.O., DuBow, M.S., Odic, E., 2015. Atmospheric pressure argon surface discharges propagated in long tubes: physical characterization and application to bio-decontamination. IN: Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 48, factor impact 2,772 |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2015 |
29 |
Lazovic, S., Leskovac, A., Petrovic, S., Senerovic, L., Krivokapic, N., Mitrovic, T., Bozovic, N., Vasic, V., Nikodinovic-Runic, J., 2017. Biological effects of bacterial pigment undecylprodigiosin on human blood cells treated with atmospheric gas plasma in vitro. IN: Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 69, 55-62 , factor impact 1,716. |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2017 |
30 |
Pawlat, J., Terebun, P., Kwiatkowski, M., Diatczyk, J., 2016. RF atmospheric plasma jet surface treatment of paper. IN: Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49, factor impact 2,772. |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
31 |
Recek, N., Andjelic, S., Hojnik, N., Filipic, G., Lazovic, S., Vesel, A., Primc, G., Mozetic, M., Hawlina, M., Petrovski, G., Cvelbar, U., 2016. Microplasma Induced Cell Morphological Changes and Apoptosis of Ex Vivo Cultured Human Anterior Lens Epithelial Cells – Relevance to Capsular Opacification. IN: PLoS One 11, factor impact 3,057 |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
32 |
Shi, X., Cai, J., Xu, G., Ren, H., Chen, S., Chang, Z., Liu, J., Huang, C., Zhang, G., Wu, X., 2016. Effect of Cold Plasma on Cell Viability and Collagen Synthesis in Cultured Murine Fibroblasts. IN: Plasma Science & Technology 18, 353-359, factor impact 0,659 |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |
33 |
Uchida, G., Nakajima, A., Ito, T., Takenaka, K., Kawasaki, T., Koga, K., Shiratani, M., Setsuhara, Y., 2016. Effects of nonthermal plasma jet irradiation on the selective production of H2O2 and NO2- in liquid water. IN: Journal of Applied Physics 120, factor impact 2,101 |
Hensel, K., Kučerová, K., Tarabová, B., Janda, M., Machala, Z., Sano, K., Mihai, C.T., Ciorpac, M., Gorgan, L.D., Jijie, R. and Pohoata, V., 2015. Effects of air transient spark discharge and helium plasma jet on water, bacteria, cells, and biomolecules. Biointerphases, 10(2), p.029515. |
2016 |