Obiectivul principal al proiectului este creșterea eficienței energetice pentru Sediul I.N.C.D.D.D. Tulcea – Laboratoare de cercetare și spații de proiectare…mai multe detalii
Dezvoltarea Statiei de monitorizare a pestilor migratori: sturioni si scrumbie – Isaccea
SAVE E-MINK-RO (2017-2020)
A început implementarea proiectului POIM:
,,Asigurarea unui statut favorabil de conservare pentru salvarea de la extincție a populației de nurcă europeană – Mustela lutreola (specie de interes comunitar, critic periclitată) – din România ‐
SAVE E-MINK-RO (2017-2020)”
Strategy and actions for preparation of the national participation in the DANUBIUS-RI project (DANS)
The DANS project aims to support the activities to be carried out by Romania in line with the commitment to coordinate the development of DANUBIUS-RI ( and to participate in the construction of the three-component infrastructure: Murighiol International Scientific Center DANUBIUS-RI Hub), the DANUBIUS-RI Data Center and the study area (supersite) of the Danube Delta
CARTODD project involves the development of a high resolution cartographic support through remote sensing technology: LIDAR – Light detection and Ranging.
The UAS-BIRDD project envisages a strong interdisciplinary approach in order to identify, evaluate, design, experimentally tests and determine all necessary aspects, to define, establish and demonstrate a full cycle functional model and dynamic information support system/toolset for wildlife management and environment research.
Parteneriate in Programele Domenii de Prioritate C&T (2007-2013)
- MORFDD – New and innovative model used as scientific tool in decision making on protection and ecological reconstruction of wetlands and preservation of protected areas based on mathematical modelling of morphohydrography and water quality (Project leader – Dr. Eugenia Cioaca)
- NARDUS – Inventory of natural grassland with high biodiversity value in order to scientifically support the management measures for their protection (Project leader – Dr. Jenica Hanganu) –
Programul CEEX
- DIECADL – The infrastructure development for evaluation and certification of conformity for dangerous substances from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve [Module 4] (project leader – Liliana Teodorof)
- COMADUREP – Conservation and sustainable management of the fisheries resources [Module 1] (project leader – Dr. Ion Navodaru)
- DANSTUR – Conservation and sustainable use of sturgeons of the Lower Danube River [Module 1] (project leader – Dr. Radu Suciu)
- DIECMS – The development of the infrastructure for evaluation and certification of conformity for ecological and chemical state in the Danube Delta according with the Water Framework Directive [Module 4] (project leader – Liliana Teodorof)
Programul "Orizont" 2000-2002
- Designing and development of an IT system for the Romanian wetlands (project leader – Dr. Ioan Grigoras)
- Re-integration of the DDBR’s unused anthropic systems into the natural ones (project leader – Marian Tudor)
- Assessment of the Danube River pollution effects on the DDBR’s ecosystems (project leader – Cristina David)
- Identification, validation and assessment of the environmental factors in order to define the ecosystem trends of evolution (project leader – Cristina David)
- Research for the background of a sustainable management of DDBR natural resources (project leader – Dr. Mircea Staras)
- Assessment of the status and evolution of the wild genetic resources and the establishment of measures for their protection and conservation (project leader – Dr. Vasile Otel)
- Assessment of the ethnic cultural and the anthropological diversity in the Danube Delta (project leader – Dr. Iulian Nichersu)
- Research for underlying the protection and recovery measures for the sturgeon populations from the Lower Danube River (project leader – Dr. Radu Suciu)
- Sustainable use of the DDBR’s soils (project leader – Dr. Alexandru Volcov)
Programul "RELANSIN" (2000-2002)
- Integrated management of the Razim-Sinoie Lagoon Complex and the afferent zones (project leader – Dr. Eugenia Cioaca)
- Research for underlying a strategy for sustainable development of the socio-economic systems from the DDBR (project leader – Dr. Vasilica Ignatescu)
- Elaboration of the Management plans for the strictly protected areas in order to maintain the biological diversity and ecological integrity (project leader – Gaetanu Gheorghiu)
- Improving the ecological conditions of the lake complexes within the Danube Delta, using the hydrological modelling as a decision making support (project leader – Dr. Eugenia Cioaca)
- Solutions for ecological restoration of some human induced damaged areas for the DDBR (project leader – Marian Tudor)
- Forestry fences for protectiing the Danube Delta branches and channels (project leader – Anuta Ince)
- Research on underlying and developing the scientific tourism in DDBR (project leader – Diana Bota)
- Software package for the management of the county public domain (fish ponds and agricultural polders) in the Danube Delta (project leader – Adrian Constantinescu)
- Integrated monitoring of the DDBR (project leader – Mihaela Tudor)
Programul "Orizont 2000" (1998-2000)
- The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Atlas (project leader – Dr. Iulian Nichersu)
- Surveys on the nutrient content in the Danube Delta’s waters (project leader – Cristina David)
- Research on the protection and recovering of the migratory marine sturgeon populations in the Danube River (project leader – Dr. Radu Suciu)
- Monitoring and evaluation of the biodiversity of the DDBR in order to establish protection and conservation measures (project leader – Dr. Vasile Otel)
- Research on the evolution and biology of ornithofauna of the DDBR in order to establish protection and conservation measures (project leader – Dr. Janos Botond Kiss)
- Identification, selection and assessment of the ecological factors that influence the DDBR habitats status (project leader – Cristina David)
- Research on sustainable use of the fish resources in DDBR (project leader – Dr. Ion Navodaru)
- Research on vegetal resources – grasslands, reed, forests, medicinal herbs (project leader – Dr. Jenica Hanganu)
- Research on the species of hunting interest for a sustainable use of the game resources (project leader – Mihai Marinov)
- Research to background the ecotourism activity on the DDBR territory (project leader – Marieta Suciu
- Research regarding the human population ecology and the alternatives of its integration into the general management of the DDBR (project leader – Vasilica Ignatescu)
- Studies on some alternatives and solutions in order to decrease the anthropic impact on the natural ecosystems (project leader – Gaetanu Gheorghiu)
- Restoration of DDBR polders (project leader – Marian Tudor)
- Design and implementation of the GIS applications for the DDBR management (project leader – Dr. Ioan Grigoras)
- Identification and description of the Romanian wet zones which have to be included in the national protected areas network or to accomplish the criteria to be established as wet zones of national interest (project leader – Zsolt Torok)
- Hydrological modelling of the Danube Delta as part of the Geographical Informational System (GIS) (project leader – Adrian Constantinescu)
- Anthropological studies in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (project leader – Dr. Iulian Nichersu)
- Effects of the human activities on fishery (project leader – Dr. Irina Cernisencu)
Departamentul de Mediu
- Studies for the implementation of NATURA 2000 European network of protected areas at national level (study leader – Zsolt Torok)
- Inventory of the flora and fauna species on the DDBR territory in conformity with Romania’s Law no. 462/2001 (study leader – Alexandru Dorosencu)
- GIS Map of the Romanian natural habitats which have to be declared Special Areas for Conservation (study leader – Zsolt Torok)
- Studies of the stocks of the marine migratory sturgeons in the Danube River in order to background their management according to CITES Convention (study leader – Dr. Radu Suciu)
- Assessment of the potential for sustainable use of the DDBR natural resources (study leader – Dr. Ion Navodaru)
- Studies on the environment, economic and social impact of the Bystroe Canal construction in Ukraine on the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania (study leader – Romulus Stiuca)
- Studies for the rehabilitation of the Danube Delta hydrological regime to compensate the effects of the Bystroe Canal construction in Ukraine (study leader – Adrian Constantinescu)
Departamentul de Management al Apelor
- Studies for supporting the implementation of the Water Framework Directive:
- Description of the abiotic and biotic factors which define the ecological status of the aquatic ecosystems (branches, channels and lakes) in DDBR (study leader – Cristina David)
- Development of reference conditions for the biological, physical and chemical parametres of the surface waters of the Danube River and the Danube Delta (study leader – Orhan Ibram)
- Identification, mapping and description of the zones designed to protect the aquatic species of economic importance (study leader – Eduard Vasile)
- Monitoring of the ecological status of the DDBR surface waters (study leader – Cristina David)
- Contributions to the Management Plan of the DDBR in accordance with the DC 2000/60/CE (study leader – Vasilica Sbarcea)
- Study on the accumulation and transfer of pollutants in the main trophic chains of the aquatic ecosystems of the Danube Delta (study leader – Mihaela Tudor)
- Identification and description of the DDBR zones which need ecological restoration measures (study leader – Dan David)
Academia de Știinte Agricole și Forestiere
- Improvement of the quality and productivity of the species Glychyrrhiza glabra, Accorus calamus and Symphytum officinale – 1996 – 2000 (project leader – Dr. Alexandru Volcov)
- Protection fences for the soil and crops within the impounded areas in the Danube Delta; the structure and improvement of the biological material for establishing a plantation for the „fast growing species”, highly resistant to the biotic and abiotic negative factors – 1996 – 2000 (project leader – Anuta Ince)
Agenția Spațială Română
- Modelling the Lower Danube flood regime using the satellite images – 2004 – 2006 (project leader – Dr. Ioan Grigoras)
Agenția de Protecție a Mediului, Tulcea
- Study for the assessment of the usage and exploitation of the natural resources of the Macin Mountains National Park – 2004 – 2005 (study leader – Marian Tudor)
- Participative management of the protected area of Macin Mountains, LIFE03NAT/RO/000026 – 2004 – 2006 (project leader – Zsolt Torok)
Strada Babadag , nr. 165, CP. 820112, Tulcea ,Romania, Luni - Joi: 8.00 - 16.30 / Vineri: 8.00 - 14.00
Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,
Telefon (Secretariat): (+4) 0240 - 531 520
Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547
Zona membrilor
Accesați datele dumneavoastră din intranet
Director General: Luni 09.00 - 11.00
Director Științific: Marti 09.00 - 11.00
Director Tehnic: Miercuri 09.00 - 11.00
Director Economic: Joi 09.00 - 11.00
Înscrierea în audiență se realizează cu programare prealabilă telefonic la numărul de telefon 0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) și prin e-mail la: