„We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”
– Martin Luther King Jr. –
With the establishment in 1926 of the first Hydrobiological Research Station in Romania, in Tulcea, Grigore Antipa consecrated the foundation „stone” of the Institute.
Fish Research Stations are established: Tulcea – is the second research station established in the ANTIPA period
The Romanian Fisheries Research Institute is established in Bucharest with two hydrobiological and fisheries research stations: the Bio-Oceanographic Research Station in Constanţa and the Fisheries Research Station in the Danube Delta from Tulcea (SCPDD Tulcea).
It was created by the Ministry of Wood and Paper Industry, the Experimental Reed Station „Danube Delta” based in MALIUC (S.E.S.D.D. Maliuc)
The Research and Design Institute for the Danube Delta is organized as a multidisciplinary research for reed, fishing, agricultural, forestry and hunting institute.
It is reorganized in the Research, Design and Production Institute „Danube Delta”, based in the independent commune known today as Murighiol commune.
In 1989, on December 22, the Institute’s researchers and designers declared their intention to promote the concepts of sustainable development and ecological management in the Danube Delta, through a letter sent to the National Salvation Front, which was read on National Television.
From the perspective of implementing the Government Ordinance no. 25, the configuration of the Institute was oriented towards the status of Public Institution of national interest.
The institute is declared as „National Institute for Research and Development” under the Ministry of Water, Forests and Environmental Protection.
„Danube Delta” National Institute for Research and Development – I.N.C.D.D.D. Tulcea becomes a subunit of the National Institute for Research and Development for Environmental Protection.
„Danube Delta” National Institute for Research and Development regains his independence as a National Research and Development Institute in the field of environmental protection, ecology and sustainable development
May we, at the end of the Institute’s History, warmly congratulate all the forerunners who through their work and dedication contributed to this establishment, but also those on whose initiative we witness today this prestigious event – the semicentenary of the Institute, an opportunity to dedicate this ancient and unparalleled homage to the Institution and to all those who truly represent it:
Download DDNI's History
Here is a full description docuemt that details the evolution of the institute throughout it’s history. Strating from the vision of few academics all the way to it’s current state. This document represents a summary of the forthcoming monography of the institute that is still an ongoing process.
Dear friends, we are happy to invite you once again to our annual simposium that has been pending for over an year now. This year’s Deltas and Wetlands, that cellebrates also our institution’s jubilee of research and development activityes, has been rescheduled for 13th of September 2021. So please take a moment to read all the available info and register for this long waited event. We are eagerly waiting to welcome you once again in Tulcea, stay safe, stay healthy!
This multimedia file is one of the institute’s archive gem that dates from 1995, when DDNI was cellebrating 25 years of activity. This is the perfect opportunity to wipe the dust off and share it with everybody once again.
Strada Babadag , nr. 165, CP. 820112, Tulcea ,Romania, Luni - Joi: 8.00 - 16.30 / Vineri: 8.00 - 14.00
Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,
Telefon (Secretariat): (+4) 0240 - 531 520
Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547
e-mail: office@ddni.ro
Zona membrilor
Accesați datele dumneavoastră din intranet
Director General: Luni 09.00 - 11.00
Director Științific: Marti 09.00 - 11.00
Director Tehnic: Miercuri 09.00 - 11.00
Director Economic: Joi 09.00 - 11.00
Înscrierea în audiență se realizează cu programare prealabilă telefonic la numărul de telefon 0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) și prin e-mail la: office@ddni.ro