After 30 years of DDNI’s annual scientific simpozium, COVID’s continuing emergency has broken the well-established habit of a unique framework for the sustainable wetland ecology research ecosystem of the 28th international multi-event scientific community „DELTAS AND WETLANDS” 2020. After taking place on almost every year, in 2021 we plan to take place in September, with a similar program as was establish in May 2020.

This meeting of the scientific community will be hosted in the ”Mihail Kogălniceanu” Hall of Tulcea County Council and will aim to maintain a special focus on various aspects of ecology research and systemic and adaptive management of deltas and wetlands by proposing invited discussions and debates based on the Researches results. The invited key-note speakers are among the most important personalities in the ecology field and will give an overview of the main scientific topics, which will be discussed extensively during the 4 days of the events. The four sessions will give participants the chance to get in touch with the most appreciated scientific concerns, which have provided relevant contributions to increase our knowledge of delta and wetland systems.

This is a brief review regarding THE 27TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM „DELTAS AND WETLANDS” that took place between 5 – 9 June in 2019. The main objective of this event was to create the possibility to identify and discuss the scientific aspects related to the implementation of the European Environmental Directives at national level as well as those related to the cross-border and interregional cooperation. The event hosted renowned keyspeakers, oral presentations and PICO sessions that contributed in making this an awesome event that is more visible than ever.


Strada Babadag , nr. 165, CP. 820112, Tulcea ,Romania, Luni - Joi: 8.00 - 16.30 / Vineri: 8.00 - 14.00

Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,

Telefon (Secretariat): (+4) 0240 - 531 520

Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547


Zona membrilor

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Director General: Luni  09.00 - 11.00

Director Științific: Marti  09.00 - 11.00

Director Tehnic: Miercuri 09.00 - 11.00

Director Economic: Joi 09.00 - 11.00

Înscrierea în audiență se realizează cu programare prealabilă telefonic la numărul de telefon 0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) și prin e-mail la: