Nr. Crt. Titlul Revista Autorii Anul Factor impact (ISI)
1 The Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus population in the Danube Delta and its habitat selection for breeding Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 47: No. 1, Lucian-Eugen Bolboacă, Alexandru-Cătălin Doroșencu, Mihai Marinov, Marta Peraita, Maxym Yakovliev, Vasile Alexe 2023 1
2 Potential mosquito vector attraction to- and feeding preferences for pigs in Romanian backyard farms Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Veterinary Infectious Diseases. 9:1046263. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1046263.  Stelder J.J., Mihalca A.D., Olesen A.S., Kjær L.J., Boklund A.E., Rasmussen TB, Marinov M., Alexe V., Balmoş O.M., Rene Bødker R. 2023 3.471
3 Assessment of Natural and Anthropogenic Limiting Factors to the Nesting Population of White-tailed Sea-eagle Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its surroundings, Romania  Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 75.3 Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Mierlă M., Kiss J.B., Peraita M., Murariu D. 2023 0.5
4 Creating knowledge about food-water-energy nexus at a local scale: A participatory approach in Tulcea, Romania Environmental Science and Policy, 141(2023) 23-32 Dragos Balaican, Iulian Nichersu, Iuliana.I.Nichersu, Andrea Pierce, Olga Wilhelmi, Pia Laborgne, Edward Bratfanof 2023 6.424
5 Assessing of Pontic Shad (Alosa immaculata, Bennett 1835) Stock Status from Romanian Black Sea Coast Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(SI), TRJFAS23217. Țiganov G., Grigoraș D., Năstase A., Păun C., Galațchi M., 2023 1.423
6 The Danube Delta: The Achilles Heel of Danube River–Danube Delta–Black Sea Region Fish Diversity under a Black Sea Impact Scenario Due to Sea Level Rise—A Prospective Review Fishes 2023, 8, 355. 10.3390/fishes8070355 Bănăduc, D., Afanasyev S., Akeroyd, J.R., Năstase A., Năvodaru I., Tofan, L., Curtean-Bănăduc A. 2023 2.3
7 New insights into the trophobiology and human perception of the Golden Jackal, Canis aureus, in the Danube Delta and surroundings: between myth and reality.  Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 74.1 : 103 – 110. Impact Factor (2022) – 0,41. Scorul Relativ de Influenta:  0,235 Marinov M., Ionică AM., Mihalca A.D., Alexe V.,  Doroşencu A., Tudor M., Kiss JB., Bolboacă LE. 2022 0.41
8 Ecological status of fish fauna from Razim Lake and the adjacent area, the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 52(1): 43–52. Impact Factor: 1 (2021) Năstase A, Honț Ș, Iani M, Paraschiv M, Cernișencu I, Năvodaru I,  2022 1
9 Severe Drought Monitoring by Remote Sensing Methods and Its Impact on Wetlands Birds Assemblages in Nuntași and Tuzla Lakes (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve). Land 11(5):672, 10.3390/land11050672 Factor de Impact 3,905 (2021) Vasile Jitariu, Alexandru Dorosencu, Pavel Ichim, Constantin Ion 2022 3.905
10 Exploratory analyses of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual dichromatism (SD) in free-living adult purple herons (Ardea purpurea) Waterbirds. Factor de Impact 0.69 (2021)  Emanuele FASOLA , Fabrizio STEFANI , Giovanni FORCINA, Mauro FASOLA , Enrico VIGANÒ, Alexandru DOROSENCU, Juan S. MONRÓS ,Michelangelo MORGANTI 2022 0.69
11 Assesment of cultural services used in relations to nature based solutions provided by three urban lakes from Romania  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 23. (3): 957-965. Torok, L.; Torok, Z.; Bratfanof, E. 2022 0.56
12 Seasonal dynamics of Phlebotomus neglectus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cave microhabitats in Romania and the rediscovery of Sergentomyia minuta (Rondani, 1843) after 50 years. Parasites & Vectors (Journal).   14:476 ISSN – 1756-3305. Factor de Impact – 3,876. Scorul Relativ de Influenta: 1,661. Cazan C.D., Horváth C., Panait L.C., Porea D., Marinov M.*, Alexe V., Mihalca A.D,  2021 3.876
13 Urban Living Labs: how to enable inclusive transdisciplinary research? Urban transformations, Volume 3, Issue 1, DOI:10.1186/s42854-021-00026-0 Laborgne, Pia; Ekille, Epongue; Wendel, Jochen; Pierce, Andrea; Heyder, Monika; Suchomska, Joanna; Nichersu, Iulian; Balaican, Dragos; Slebioda, Krzysztof; Wroblewski, Michal; Goszczynski, Wojciech 2021 0
14 Accumulation of chromium, cadmium and arsenic in white-tailed sea-eagle feathers (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and surrounding areas (Romania). Turkish Journal of Zoology. 45 : 425-431. ISSN: 1300-0179. Impact factor 0.93. Scorul Relativ de Influenta: 0,498. Alexe V., Burada A., Teodorof L., Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Bolboacă L.E., Despina C., Seceleanu D., Peraita M., Tudor M., Kiss J.B., Murariu D.,  2021 0.93
15 Speaking their language – development of a multilingual decision support tool for communicating invasive species risks to decision makers and stakeholders Environmental Modelling and Software 135 (2021) 104900, 11pp. Available online 13 October 2020. 1364-8152/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. IF2021 5.7; SRI2020 2.19 Gordon H. Copp, Lorenzo Vilizzi, Hui Wei, Shan Li, Marina Piria, Abbas J. Al-Faisal, David Almeida, Usman Atique, Zainab Al-Wazzan, Rigers Bakiu, Tea Bašić, Thuyet D. Bui, João Canning-Clode, Nuno Castro, Ratcha Chaichana, Tülin Çoker, Dimitriy Dashinov, F. Güler Ekmekçi, Tibor Erős, Árpád Ferincz, Teresa Ferreira, Daniela Giannetto, Allan S. Gilles Jr, Łukasz Głowacki, Philippe Goulletquer, Elena Interesova, Sonia Iqbal, Katarína Jakubčinová, Kamalaporn Kanongdate, Jeong-Eun Kim, Oldřich Kopecký, Vasil Kostov, Nicholas Koutsikos, Sebastian Kozic, Petra Kristan, Yoshihisa Kurita, Hwang-Goo Lee, Rob S. E. W. Leuven, Tatsiana Lipinskaya, Juliane Lukas, Agnese Marchini, Ana Isabel González Martínez, Laurence Masson, Daniyar Memedemin, Seyed Daryoush Moghaddas, João Monteiro, Levan Mumladze, Rahmat Naddafi, Ion Năvodaru, Karin H. Olsson, Norio Onikura, Daniele Paganelli, Richard Thomas Pavia Jr, Costas Perdikaris, Renanel Pickholtz, Dariusz Pietraszewski, Meta Povž, Cristina Preda, Milica Ristovska, Karin Rosíková, José Maria Santos, Vitaliy Semenchenko, Wansuk Senanan, Predrag Simonović, Evangelia Smeti, Barbora Števove, Kristína Švolíková, Kieu Anh T. Ta, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Nildeniz Top, Elena Tricarico, Eliza Uzunova, Leonidas Vardakas, Hugo Verreycken, Grzegorz Zięba, Roberto Mendoza 2021 5.7
16 Characterization of European lampreys and fishes by their longitudinal and lateral distribution traits Elsevier Journal, Ecological Indicator. ISSN: 1470-160X / 1872-7034,  Vol. 123: 107350. WOS:000615942100001 Christian Wolter , Jost Borcherding, Teresa Ferreira, Jorg Freyhof, Jorn Gessner, Konrad Gorski, Aurel Nastase, Christian Schomaker, Tibor Eros,  2021  4.229 
17 A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.  Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147868. IF2019 6.551; SRI2020 2.099 Lorenzo Vilizzi, Gordon H. Copp, Jeffrey E. Hill, Boris Adamovich, Luke Aislabie, Daniel Akin, Abbas J. Al-Faisal, David Almeida, M.N. Amal Azmai, Rigers Bakiu, Adriana Bellati, Renée Bernier, Jason M. Bies, Gökçen Bilge, Paulo Branco, Thuyet D. Bui, João Canning-Clode, Henrique Anatole Cardoso Ramos, Gustavo A. Castellanos-Galindo, Nuno Castro, Ratcha Chaichana, Paula Chainho, Joleen Chan, Almir M. Cunico, Amelia Curd, Punyanuch Dangchana, Dimitriy Dashinov, Phil I. Davison, Mariele P. de Camargo, Jennifer A. Dodd, Allison L. Durland Donahou, Lennart Edsman, F. Güler Ekmekçi, Jessica Elphinstone-Davis, Tibor Erős, Charlotte Evangelista, Gemma Fenwick, Árpád Ferincz, Teresa Ferreira, Eric Feunteun, Halit Filiz, Sandra C. Forneck, Helen S. Gajduchenko, João Gama Monteiro, Ignacio Gestoso, Daniela Giannetto, Allan S. Gilles Jr, Francesca Gizzi, Branko Glamuzina, Luka Glamuzina, Jesica Goldsmit, Stephan Gollasch, Philippe Goulletquer, Joanna Grabowska, Rogan Harmer, Phillip J. Haubrock, Dekui He, Jeffrey W. Hean, Gábor Herczeg, Kimberly L. Howland, Ali İlhan, Elena Interesova, Katarína Jakubčinová, Anders Jelmert, Stein I. Johnsen, Tomasz Kakareko, Kamalaporn Kanongdate, Nurçin Killi, Jeong-Eun Kim, Şerife Gülsün Kırankaya, Dominika Kňazovická, Oldřich Kopecký, Vasil Kostov, Nicholas Koutsikos, Sebastian Kozic, Tatia Kuljanishvili, Biju Kumar, Lohith Kumar, Yoshihisa Kurita, Irmak Kurtul, Lorenzo Lazzaro, Laura Lee, Maiju Lehtiniemi, Giovanni Leonardi, Rob S.E.W. Leuven, Shan Li, Tatsiana Lipinskaya, Fei Liu, Lance Lloyd, Massimo Lorenzoni, Sergio Alberto Luna, Timothy J. Lyons, Kit Magellan, Martin Malmstrøm, Agnese Marchini, Sean M. Marr, Gérard Masson, Laurence Masson, Cynthia H. McKenzie, Daniyar Memedemin, Roberto Mendoza, Dan Minchin, Laurence Miossec, Seyed Daryoush Moghaddas, Moleseng C. Moshobane, Levan Mumladze, Rahmat Naddafi, Elnaz Najafi-Majd, Aurel Năstase, Ion Năvodaru, J.Wesley Neal, Sarah Nienhuis, Matura Nimtim, Emma T. Nolan, Anna Occhipinti-Ambrogi, Henn Ojaveer, Sergej Olenin, Karin Olsson, Norio Onikura, Kathryn O’Shaughnessy, Daniele Paganelli, Paola Parretti, Jiří Patoka, Richard Thomas B. Pavia Jr, Daniele Pellitteri-Rosa, Michèle Pelletier-Rousseau, Elfritzson M. Peralta, Costas Perdikaris, Dariusz Pietraszewski, Marina Piria, Sophie Pitois, Laura Pompei, Nicolas Poulet, Cristina Preda, Riikka Puntila-Dodd, Ali T. Qashqaei, Tena Radočaj, Hossein Rahmani, Smrithy Raj, David Reeves, Milica Ristovska, Viktor Rizevsky, D. Ross Robertson, Peter Robertson, Laura Ruykys, Abdulwakil O. Saba, José M. Santos, Hasan M. Sarı, Pedro Segurado, Vitaliy Semenchenko, Wansuk Senanan, Nathalie Simard, Predrag Simonović, Michał E. Skóra, Kristína Slovák Švolíková, Evangelia Smeti, Tereza Šmídová, Ivan Špelić, Greta Srėbalienė, Gianluca Stasolla, Paul Stebbing, Barbora Števove, Vettath R. Suresh, Bettina Szajbert, Kieu Anh T. Ta, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Jonathan Tempesti, ThomasW. Therriault, Hannah J. Tidbury, Nildeniz Top-Karakuş, Elena Tricarico, Débora F.A. Troca, Konstantinos Tsiamis, Quenton M. Tuckett, Pero Tutman, Umut Uyan, Eliza Uzunova, Leonidas Vardakas, Gaute Velle, Hugo Verreycken, Lizaveta Vintsek, HuiWei, András Weiperth, Olaf L.F. Weyl, Emily R.Winter, Radosław Włodarczyk, Louisa E.Wood, Ruibin Yang, Sercan Yapıcı, Shayne S.B. Yeo, Baran Yoğurtçuoğlu, Anna L.E. Yunnie, Yunjie Zhu, Grzegorz Zięba, Kristína Žitňanová, Stacey Clarke  2021 6.551
18 Assessment of the present level of the main compounds of pollutant emissions from inland waterway transport system in the Danube region wetlands-Green Danube.  Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, 517-530. DOI:10.30638/eemj.2021.051. IF 0,94 (2021), SJR 0,165 (2020) Tudor I.–M., Pipirigeanu V., Munteanu D., Tudor M., Burada A., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Despina C., M. Mierla, Trifanov C., Anore C., Bota D., Cupsa O. S., Vintila M., Budescu N., Robert R., Markus E., Szuppinger P., Penchev V. S.,  2021 0.94
19 Synergy of High-Resolution Radar and Optical Images Satellite for Identification and Mapping of Wetland Macrophytes on the Danube Delta Remote Sens. 2020, 1-29p., 12, 2188; ISI, IF: 4.509 (2019), 5-year Impact Factor: 5.001. doi:10.3390/rs12142188  Niculescu S., Boissonnat J.-B., Lardeux C., Roberts D., Hanganu J., Billey A., Constantinescu A., Doroftei M. 2020 4.509
20 Current status of bird species in annex 1 of the Birds Directive for which Special Protection Areas have been designated on the territory of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Rom.  J. Biol. – Zool. Academia Română. Ed. Academiei Române, București. 65.1 – 2 : 61 – 70. Ed. Academiei Române. 2248-3799. Marinov M., Doroşencu C. A., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Kiss J. B. 2020 0
21 Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A review of the geographical aspects.  Folia Oecologica – vol. 47, no. 2, 168-177 p., Grigorescu I., Kucsicsa Ghe., Dumitrașcu M., Doroftei M. 2020 1
22 New approach to enhance the involvement of stakeholders trough the collaborative floodserv platform in flood risk management  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 21, NO 2, 767–775, ISSN 1311-5065; Impact Factor (2020) = 0.57 Nichersu I.I, Nichersu I., Ogrezeanu A., Balaican D.  2020 0.57
23 Changes in ecosystem services from wetland loss and restoration: An ecosystem assessment of the Danube Delta (1960–2010). Ecosystem Services, Volume 39, 100965, ISSN 2212-0416, 16/j.ecoser.2019.100 965 FI: 6.85, SRI: 2.088 Gómez-Baggethun E., Tudor M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Năstase A. Onără D.F., Mierlă M., Marinov M., Doroșencu A.C., Lupu G., Teodorof I.M., Köhler B., Museth J., Aronsen E., Johnsen S.I.,  Ibram O., Marin E., Craciun Anca, Cioacă E., 2019 6.85
24 Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in South Eastern Serbia.. Parasites&Vectors (Journal). 12(1):61 Scor Relativ de Influență –  1,878. ISSN – 1756-3305. Vasic A., Zdravkovic N., Anita D., Bojkovski J., Marinov M., Mathis A., Niculaua M., Oslobanu E.L., Pavlovic I., Petric D., Pflüger V., Pudar D., Savuta G., Simeunovic P., Veronesi E., Silaghi C., Aniță A., Anton I.A., Cimpan A., Ciuca L., Crivei L., Cojkić A., Davitkov D., Drašković V., Gajić B., Glavinić U., Ivănescu M.L., Kavran M., Lupu A.C., Mîndru R., Porea D., Prodanović R., Radanović O., Răileanu C., Răileanu S., Ristanić M., Roman C., Stanišić L., Vaselek S., Đurić M., 2019 3.163
25 Evidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) Circulation in Wild Birds and WNV RNA Negativity in Mosquitoes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania, 2016.  Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2019, 4(3), 116; . ISSN- 2414-6366. Vasic A., Oșlobanu L.E., Marinov M., Crivei L.A., Rățoi I.A., Aniță A., Aniță D., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Răileanu Ş., Simeunovic P., Răileanu C., Fălcuţă E., Prioteasa F.L., Bojkovski J., Pavlovic I., Mathis A., Tews B.A., Savuta G., Veronesi E., Silaghi C., Aniță A., Anton I.A., Cimpan A., Ciuca L., Crivei L., Cojkić A., Davitkov D., Drašković V., Gajić B., Glavinić U., Ivănescu M.L., Kavran M., Lupu A.C., Mîndru R., Porea D., Prodanović R., Radanović O., Răileanu C., Răileanu S., Ristanić M., Roman C., Stanišić L., Vaselek S., Đurić M.,  2019 2.18
26 Recent data regarding colonial waterbirds in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania)  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 20. (1) : 276 – 284 Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Kiss J.B., Nanu C., Tošić K., Tudor M., 2019 0.91
27 Breeding Dynamics of Waterbirds in Three Large Mixed Colonies (Purcelu, Nebunu, Martinca) in the Danube Delta, Romania. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 20. (3) : 1517 – 1526. Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Kiss J.B., Marinov I.M., Bolboacă L.E., Tošić K., Tudor M. 2019 0.91
28 Assessment of thretening at regional level for community interest insect species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 20. (3): 1325-1334. Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Lupu G., Tudor I-M., Dorosencu A., Suliman I., Spiridon C., Ibram O. 2019 0.91
29 Citizens’ campaign for environmental water monotoring: lessons from field experiments  IEEE Access vol. 7, pp. 134601-134620. Thaine H. Assumpcao, Andreja Jonoski, Iouliani Theona, Chrysovalantis Tsiakos, Mario Krommdya, Stefano Tamascelli, Andreas Kallioras, Marian Mierla, Harris V. Georgiou, Maria Miska, Christos Pouliari, Cristian Trifanov, Kinga Timea Cimpan, Athanasia Tsertou, Eugenia Marin, Michalis Diakakis, Iulian Nichersu, Angelos J. Amditis, Ioana Popescu. 2019 5.56
30 A decade (2007-2017) from first record of the invasion in Danube Delta Romania by the non-native Chinese sleeper (Perccotus glenii, Dybowsky 1877) species in North of Balkan Area Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 20. (4): 1796-1805. Nastase A., Cernisencu I., Navodaru I. 2019 0.91
31 Towards improving water management in Romania; stakeholder perceptions of satellite-based Cyanobacteria bloom assessments. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 20.3: 1094-1101. FI: 2019 – 0.91. SRI – 0.084. ISSN – 1311-5065 Torok L., Torok Zs., Philipson P., Politi E. 2019 0.91
32 Analysis and forecast of Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) catch in the Danube River Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science (IRAN J FISH SCI), vol 17 (3), pp.443-457. DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.116611. ISSN 1562-2916. IF2016/2017 0.285; SRI 0.251. Smederevac-Lalić M, Kalauzi A., Regner S., Navodaru I., Višnjić-Jeftić Ž., Gačić Z., Lenhardt M. 2018 0.43
33 Anthropisation Degree of Coastal Vegetation Areas in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 19, Nr. 2, p. 539–546, Editura Balkan Environmental Association, Alba Iulia, România, SRI 0,061, ISSN 1311-5065 Trifanov C., Romanescu G., Tudor M., Grigoras I., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Mierla M. 2018 0.78
34 Assessing the potential distribution of invasive alien species Amorpha fruticosa (Mill.) in the Mureş Floodplain Natural Park (Romania) using GIS and logistic regression Nature Conservation, Pensoft, 30:41-67 (IF 2.48) Kucsicsa Ghe., Grigorescu I., Dumitraşcu M., Doroftei M., Năstase M., Herlo G. 2018 2.48
35 Investigation of the effects of multiple pressures in the Lower Danube basin Water and Environment Journal, Vol. 32 (2) 217-228  Hanganu J., Constantinescu A., Doroftei M., Tošić K.  2018 1.27


Nr.crt. Titlul Revista științifică Autorii Anul
1 Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2021 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 95 – 112 Ene L., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Chirilă S.D., Mierlă M., Simionov M., Năstase A., Cenișencu I., Doroșencu A., Bolboacă L., Marinov M., Alexe V., Nichersu I., Balaican D., Sicrieru F., Lupu G 2023
2 The Current And Historical Presence Of The European Fallow Deer – Dama Dama, (Linnaeus 1758) On The Territory Of The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 77 – 84 Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Doroșencu A.C., Chișamera G.B., Nanu C.N. 2023
3 Bird species of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve(Romania) – First checklist Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28:121 – 148 Marinov M., Doroșencu A.C., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Ene L., Kiss J.B. 2023
4 The western limit of the distribution area for the European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve-ROSCI0065, Romania Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28 : 45 – 50.   Cristescu M., Ibănescu D. C., Nica A., Popescu A., Marinov M. 2023
5 Survey of the Moustached Warbler (Acrocephalus melanopogon) populations and migration routes in Europe, role of the Black Sea population 6th International Conference „Water resources and wetlands”, Conference proceedings, 13-17 September, 2023, Tulcea, Romania. 6 : 96 – 104 Publisher: Romanian Limnogeographical Association ISSN: 2285-7923 Tamás E.A., Kalocsa B., Németh Á, Marinov M. 2023
6 New data on the distribution and invasion status of some alien plants in Romania Journal of Plant Development, Vol. 30, 17-32, Editura U.A.I.C., Iași, România, doi: 10.47743/jpd.2023.30.1.922  Sîrbu C., Oprea A., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. 2023
7 Taxonomic and ecological analysis of the species of the genus Russula sp. Pers. (Basidiomycota) from ROSCI0270 Vânători-Neamț  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 15 – 22   Chirilă  A.M., Chirilă S.D. 2023
8 Harvesting common reed (Phragmites australis) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve: Sustainable Practices and Innovative Technologies for Economic and Ecological Benefits Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 31 – 44 Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Simionov M., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Lupu G., Chirila S.D., Făgăraș M. 2023
9 Research on the organic carbon content from the Danube Delta soils Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 85 – 93 LIVANOV Oliver, NICHERSU Iulian, BURADA Adrian, BALAICAN Dragoș, SIMIONOV Matei, BRATFANOF Edward 2023
10 Temporal trends and spatial patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrate populations in Danube Delta freshwater ecosystems Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 69 – 75 Ibram O., Suliman I., Burada A., Despina C., Lupu G., Tudor I. M. 2023
11 Invasive alien species stakeholder survey in Danube Delta – Romania Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 113 – 119 Lupu G., Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Simionov M. 2023
12 Dynamics of freshwater fish fauna and stocks in the Danube Delta, Romania Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 149-168 Năstase A., Năvodaru I. 2023
13 First record of Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) (Rathbun, 1896) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae) in Romanian sea coasts of Danube Delta Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 28: 169-174 Năstase A., Honț Ș., Iani M., Paraschiv M. 2023
14 Can the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) be considered a breeding species in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania)? Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea (Romania), 27. Printed version: ISSN 1842 – 614X. Online version:   ISSN 2247 – 9902. Kiss J. Botond, Marinov Mihai, Alexe Vasile, Bolboacă Lucia-Eugen, Doroșencu Alexandru-Cătălin, Trifanov Cristian, Peraita Marta, Cotorogea Cornel  2022
15 Natural vegetal resources of the Danube Delta territory – present status and trends Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 27, 2022. Printed version:  ISSN 1842 – 614X On-line version:  ISSN 2247 – 9902 Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Trifanov C.  2022
16 Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2020 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea (Romania), 27: 77-98. Printed version: ISSN 1842 – 614X. Online version:   ISSN 2247 – 9902. Lupu G., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Mierlă M., Năstase (A.), Cernișencu I., Doroșencu A., Bolboacă L., Marinov M., Alexe V., Marin E., Balaican D., Ene L., Bota D., Năvodaru I. 2022
17 A ROADMAP FOR A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT OF DANUBE DELTA – A 3D INITIATIVE Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering. Vol. XI, 2022
Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064
Iulian NICHERSU, Delia DIMITRIU, Iuliana I. NICHERSU, Dragoș BALAICAN, Edward BRATFANOF, Alexandru NICHERSU, Oliver LIVANOV 2022
18 LOCAL BASED SOLUTIONS EDAPHIC-BLOOM DANUBE – CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ROLE OF ORGANIC CARBON IN REDUCING GREENHOUSE GASES IN AGRICULTURE Scientific Papers. Series E. Land Reclamation, Earth Observation & Surveying, Environmental Engineering. Vol. XI, 2022
Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064
Iulian NICHERSU, Costel NEGREI, Oliver LIVANOV, Edward BRATFANOF, Dragoș BALAICAN 2022
19 Fauna inventory in the Zaghen wetland after the ecological restoration works Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. 26 : 35 – 46.  Editura C.I.T.D.D. Tulcea. ISSN 1842 -614X. Marinov M., Doroşencu A., Năstase A., Lupu G., Suliman I., Alexe V., Ibram O., Tudor I.-M., Trifanov C., Mierlă M. 2021
20 Ambrosia tenuifolia, instead of A. psilostachya, in Romania Scientific Annals of DDI, Volume 26, Danube Delta Technological Information Center
Oprea A., Sîrbu C., Karrer G., Georgescu M. I., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. 2021
21 Fish Community from Lower Danube River Arms. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea (Romania), 26: 47-68. Printed version: ISSN 1842 – 614X. Online version:   ISSN 2247 – 9902. Năstase A., Iani M., Honț Ș., Paraschiv M., Cernișencu I. 2021
22 First Record of Faxonius limosus (Spiny Cheek Crayfish) (Rafinesque, 1817) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Cambaridae) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea (Romania), 26: 69-74. Printed version: ISSN 1842 – 614X. Online version:   ISSN 2247 – 9902. Năstase A., Ibram O. 2021
23 Preliminary research on the distribution and numbers of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in the context of the African Swine Fever epizootic from 2018-2019.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Editura C.I.T.D.D. Tulcea. 25 : 39 – 44.  ISSN 1842 -614X. Marinov M., Doroşencu C. A., Alexe V., Kiss J. B., Bolboacă L.E.  2020
24 The presence of the White-tailed Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) in Romania, especially in Dobrogea, identified in the ornithological literature: a bibliographical review.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. 25: 5 – 18. ISSN 1842 -614X. Alexe V., Kiss J.B., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Tudor M., Murariu D.  2020
25 Implementation of a citizen-centric
public service application in Danube
Delta area for Flood-Serv
Horizon2020 project 
Scientific Annals Of The Danube Delta Institute, Vol. 25, 2020. Danube Delta National Institute For Research And Development, Tulcea Romania România. Http://Www.Ddniscientificannals.Ro/Scientific-Annals/26-Volume-25/198-Vol25_Art13 Iuliana I. Nichersu,Iulian Nichersu, Edward Bratfanof, Dragos Balaican 2020
26 Stakeholders’ perception on algal blooms in Danube Delta, as decision support for aquatic ecosystems.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 25, pp. 83-92. Tulcea, Romania. ISSN-L: 1842-614X. Marin E., Török L., Mierlă M., Török Z.  2020
27 Fish fauna from Lower Romanian Mureș River.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 25, No. of articles: 15, Year of printing: 2020, No. of pages: 144, printed version:  ISSN 1842 – 614X, on-line version:  ISSN 2247 – 9902, pp. 45-54 Năstase Aurel, Iani Marian, Honț Ștefan, Paraschiv Marian  2020
28 Key indicators and variables in Citizen Science for the water-food-energy Nexus analysis in Tulcea case study  Scientific Annals Of The Danube Delta Institute, Vol. 25, 2020. Danube Delta National Institute For Research And Development, Tulcea Romania România Http://Www.Ddniscientificannals.Ro/Scientific-Annals/26-Volume-25/195-Vol25_Art10 Nichersu Iulian, Nichersu Iuliana, Balaican Dragoș, Ciobănescu Ariadna, Bratfanof Edward 2020
29 Data on the postbreeding mi¬gration of marked Romanian Great White Pelicans
(Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus,
Ornis Hungarica 28(1): 65–75. DOI: 10.2478/orhu-2020-0005. ISSN – 2061-9588. Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Dorosencu A., Marinov M. 2020
30 Report on the accumulation of heavy metals in the feathers of some wetland birds in the Danube Delta (Romania). Bucharest. Rom. J. Biol. – Zool. Academia Română. Ed. Academiei Române, București. 64. 1 – 2 : 73 – 84. ISSN – 2248-3799. Marinov M., Burada A., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Teodorof L., Țigănuș M., Bolboacă L.E., Tošić K., Kiss J.B., Tudor M. 2019
31 Screening of wild passerines for the avian influenza virus in the Danube Delta (Romania), in 2018 Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. 35. 2 : 141 – 146. ISSN – 1454-6914 Marinov M.,, Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Porea, Răileanu Ș., Bolboacă L.E., Tošić K., Lupu E., Maftei D.N.,  2019
32 New data regarding the spatial distribution of White-tailed Eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus 1758) and their breeding ecology between 2009 and 2018 within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and lts surroundings.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. 24 : 5 – 14.  ISSN – 1842 -614X. Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J. B., Sándor D. A., Ceico T., Bolboacă L.E., Tudor M., Nanu C. N., Ivanov G., Enescu R., Moise V., Murariu D. ,  2019
33 Post-breeding dispersion and migratory routes of Dalmation Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and Eurasian Spoonbil (Platalea leucorodia) from the north of Sinoe Lagoon. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. 24 : 51 – 62.  ISSN – 1842 -614X. Kiss J. B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Sándor D. A.,  2019
34 An evaluation of the wintering of the White – tailed Eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) population in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its surroundings during 2016 – 2018 (Romania).  Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. 35. 1 : 137 – 144. ISSN – 1454-6914. Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Bolboacă L.E., Tudor M., Murariu D.,  2019
35 Data regarding fluctuations in the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus 1758) population in the Danube Delta (Romania) between the 1950 and 2016 Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. 35. 2 : 129 – 140. ISSN – 1454-6914. Kiss J.B., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Marinov M. 2019
36 New Recoveries of color marked Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia), with longevity records and signs of high territorial fidelity.   Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. 35. 1 : 231 – 232. ISSN – 1454-6914. Kiss J.B., Marinov M., Sandor D.A.,  2019
37 Zooplankton Communities as Bioindicators in Zaghen Restored Wetland, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute Tulcea, România, Vol. 24, pp.99-108 Suliman Iasemin, Ibram Orhan, Tofan Lucica, Tudor Iuliana Mihaela, Doroftei Mihai 2019
38 The fish communities of lake Complexes from DDBR in spring summer and autumn of 2016 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea (Romania), 24: 63-76. Printed version:  ISSN 1842 – 614X. Online version:   ISSN 2247 – 9902. Nastase A., Navodaru I., Cernisencu I., Tiganov G. 2019
39 Assessment of  the  Urban  Development  Degree  Based  On Integrated System of Indicators for Sulina Case Study Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 24, no. 29, p. 275-280, Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică Delta Dunării, ISSN 1842 – 614X, ISSN online:  ISSN 2247 – 9902 Marin E., Sicrieru F., Mierlă M. 2019
40 Disparities in living conditions and life standards of D.D.B.R.’s human communities – Sulina case study. Scientific  Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 24, pp. 215-224, ISSN 1842 – 614X, doi:10.7427/DDI.24.23 Tulcea, România. Sicrieru F., Marin E.,  2019
41 Past and Current Situation of Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in Romania SIS Conservation – Publication of the IUCN SSC Stork, Ibis and Spoonbill Specialist Group; 1 (2019) 65–71, Special Issue: Glossy Ibis Ecology & Conservation. ISBN 978-2-491451-01-1. Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Alexe V., Ciorpac M., Nichersu I.,Cernișencu I., Tudor M.,  2019
42 Research regarding the success of White-tailed Eagle nesting (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus 1758) between 2009 and 2017 within the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve And Its Surroundings (Romania) „Oltenia. Studii și comunicări, Știintele Naturii”, „, 34, 1/2018, pp. 171-177. The Museum and Scientific Research. Craiova, România. ISSN 1454-6914. Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov Mihai, Kiss J. B., Sándor D. A., Ceico T., Murariu D. 2018
43 Expert Judgement Assessment & SCENT Ontological Analysis Scientific  Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 23, pp. 79 – 88, printed version ISSN 1824-614X, on-line version ISSSN 2247-9902. doi:10.7427/DDI.23.10 Nichersu I., Nichersu I., Marin E., Sela F., Mierla M., Trifanov C 2018
44 Systemic analysis of Danube Delta drinking water in the context of potable water management. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Vol. 23, pp. 69-78, ISSN 1824 – 614X, on-line version ISSSN 2247-9902 Nichersu I. I., Mierlă M., Török Z., Török L. 2018
45 Study of fish fauna and natural fish productivity in Holbina 1 ecological reconstruction area, part of wetland Danube Delta Gastescu, P., Bretcan, P. (edit, 2018), Water resources and wetlands, 4th International Conference Water resources and wetlands, 5-9 September 2018, Tulcea (Romania), p.312. ISSN: 2285-7923. Năstase, A., Țiganov, G., Cernișencu, I., Despina, C., Burada, A., Seceleanu-Odor, D., Spiridon, C., Ibram, O., Tudor, M.I., Tudor, M. 2018
46 Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) migrating upstream the Danube river and larval drift downstream to Black Sea in 2016 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Vol.23, pp. 57-68. printed version 23-30. ISSN 1824-614X, on-line version ISSSN 2247-9902 Năstase A., Năvodaru I., Cernișencu I., Țiganov G., Popa L. 2018
47 Study of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) fishery from Razim Lake, Danube delta, Romania Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Vol.23, pp. 23-30, printed version ISSN 1824-614X, on-line version ISSSN 2247-9902 Cernișencu I., Năvodaru I., Năstase A., Cociaș Ș. 2018
48 Ecological Restoration of the Danube Delta Wetland Fragmented Ecosystems. Șontea-Fortuna Area Case Study Geomorphologia Slovaca Et Bohemica, Vol. 1, p. 23-31. Association of Slovak Geomorphologists, Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Czech Association of Geomorphologists, Bratislava, Slovacia,  ISSN 1337-6799 Cioacă E., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Marinov M., Doroşencu A., Alexe V., Lupu G., Năstase A., Tudor M., Ibram O. 2018
49 The State of White-tailed Eagle patrs (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus 1758) for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and lts surroundings The Holistic Approach to Environment”, pp. 751-759, Association for Promation of Holistic Approach to Environment. Sisak, Croatia, ISSN 2623-677X. Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov Mihai, Kiss J. B., Sándor D. A., Ceico T., Tudor M., Nanu C. N., Ivanov G., Enescu R., Moise V., Murariu D. 2018
Nr. Crt. Titlul Revista Autorii Anul Nr. Citări în reviste cu Factor de impact (ISI) în perioada 2018-2023
1 Habitats and foods used by woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) during migration trough North Dobrogea, Romania, 1970 – 1989. IN: Newsletter (of International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau – Woodcock and Snipe Research Group), nr. 21, paginile 28 – 35.  Kiss (J. B.), Rékási (J.), Sterbetz (I.),
Tӧrӧk Z.
1995 1
2 Exploitation of Alosa pontica in the Danube Delta, Romania STOCK ASSESSMENT IN INLAND FISHERIES, 448-453 pp. Navodaru, I. 1996 4
3 Data on the ecology of amphibians and reptiles from sandy areas of the Razim – Sinoe lagoonary system (Romania) Travaux du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle „Grigore Antipa”, vol. XXXVII, pp. 297–303 Török Z. 1997 1
4 Conservation of fish stocks in Danube Delta, Romania: target, constraints and present status Ital. J. Zool., 65, Suppl.: 369-371. ISSN 1125-0003. Navodaru I. & M. Staras 1998 2

Interrelations between habitat characteristics and ecological density of the natural
populations of sand lizard (Lacerta agilis Linnaeus 1758) from Razim-Sinoe lagoonary system (Romania)

Tulcea, Romania.

Part I. – Vegetation. Analele stiintifice ale Institutului Delta Dun§rii – 1997, vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 167-179 Török Z. 1998 1
6 Management of sturgeon stocks of the lower Danube River system In: “The Delta`s: State-of art protection and management”. Conference Proceedings, Tulcea, Romania 26-31 July 1999: 229-237. Navodaru I., M. Staras  & R. Banks 1999 2
7 Ecological gradients in the Danube Delta lakes. Present state and man-induced changes.Summary. RIZA rapport 2000.136x. 31p.   Oosterberg W., Staras M., Bogdan L., Constantinescu A., Coops H., Hanganu J., Ibelings B.W., Menting G.A.M., Navodaru I. and Török L. 2000 11
8 The challenge of sustainable use of the Danube Delta fisheries, Romania Fisheries Management and Ecology. 8(4-5): 323-332 Navodaru I., M. Staras and I. Cernisencu 2001 2
9 Seaward drift of the Pontic shad larvae (Alosa pontica) and the influence of Danube River hydrology on their travel path through the Danube Delta system BULLETIN FRANCAIS DE LA PECHE ET DE LA PISCICULTURE. DOI: 10.1051/kmae:2001016. Navodaru, I. 2001 3
10 Effects of Hydrology and Water Quality on the Fish Community in Danube Delta Lakes . International Review of Hydrobiology, 87, 329-348. ISSN 1434-2944 Navodaru, I., Dirk Buijse, A., & Staras, M. 2002 11
11 Shads of Eastern Europe from the Black Sea: review of species and fisheries  In K. E. Limburg and J. R. Waldman, eds., Biodiversity and Conservation of Shads Worldwide. American Fisheries Society Symposium 35: 69-76. ISBN 1-888569-51-4. Navodaru I. & J. R. Waldman 2003 6
12 Interrelations between habitat characteristics and ecological density of the natural populations of Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758) from the Razim-Sinoe lagoonary system (Romania). Part II – Accesibility of shelters Analele Științifice 2002 / Scientific Annals 2002, pp. 191–195 Török Z. 2003 2
13 Potential management plan for conservation of Vipera ursinii from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) Analele Științifice 2002 / Scientific Annals 2002, pp. 174–184 Török Z. 2003 1
14 The Romanian Wetland Inventory Project.  Analele Stiintifice 2002 / Scientific Annals
2002, pp. 161-173.
Török Z. 2003 1
15 Changes in fish population in Danube delta lakes: effects of hydrology and water quality change. Review of results and potential for rehabilitation Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. 5(3): 245-256. ISSN 1642-3593. Navodaru I., M. Staras, A.D. Buijse, J.J. De Leew 2005 1
16 Ecology of some alien plant species in Danube Delta Ovidius University Annals of Natural Sciences, Biology–Ecology Series, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 33-40. ISSN 1453–1267 Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Marinov M. 2005 6
17 Nutrients and eutrophication in lake  In: A.G. Solimini, A. C. Cardoso, A. S. Heiskanen (eds). Indicators and methods for the ecological status assessment under the Water Framework Directive. EUR 22314 EN, 252 pp. Luxembourg. Office for official publication of European.ISSN 1018-5593
ISBN 92-79-02646-1. Communities
Carvalho L., L. Lepistö, J. Rissanen, O. P. Pietiläinen, S. Rekolainen, L. Torok, A. L. Solheim, T. Saloranta, R. Ptacnik, G. Tartari, A. C. Cardoso, G. Premazzi, I. Gunn, E. Penning, J. Hanganu, S. Hellsten, I. Orhan, I. Navodaru 2006 6
18 Study of ichthyodiversity from Gorgova-Uzlina lake-complex.  Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Vol 12. pp. 91-96. Năstase A. & I. Năvodaru 2006 1
19 Comparative study of Sulina and Sfântu Gheorghe seaside flora  Sc. Annals of DDI, vol. 13 Doroftei Mihai, Covaliov Silviu 2007 2
20 First record of Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii (Perciformes, Odontobutidae) in the Danube delta (Dobrogea, Romania) Acta Ichtiologica Romanica 2, 167-175 Năstase A. 2007 2
21 Gymnospermium altaicum in northern Dobrogea Brukenthal Acta Musei, 3(1), 6-12. Doroftei, M., & Mierla, M 2007 1
22 Trophic gradients in a large-river delta: ecological structure determined by connectivity gradients in the Danube Delta (Romania) River. Res. Applic. 24: 698–709 Coops H., L. L Buijse, T. Buijse, A. Constantinescu, S. Covaliov, J. Hanganu, B. Ibelings, G. Menting, I. Navodaru, W. Oosterberg, M. Staras, L. Török 2008 17
23 Checklist of Romanian Orthoptera (Insecta: Orthoptera) and their distribution by ecoregions  Travaux du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle “Gr. Antipa”, LI: 119-135 IORGU I., PISICĂ E., PĂIŞ L., LUPU G., IUŞAN C. 2008 1
24 Ichthyofauna of Danube delta lakes  Scientific Annals of DDI 14, 37-46 A Năstase, I Năvodaru 2008 1
25 Chorology of Amorpha fruticosa in the Danube Delta Romanian Journal of Biology – Plant Biology, Volumul, 54, Numărul 1, Pagini 61-67 Doroftei M. 2009 2
26 Chorology of Amorpha fruticosa in the Danube Delta Rom. J. Plant. Biol., Editura Academiei, București, vol. 54, 1, 61-67 p. Doroftei M. 2009 1
27 REPRODUCIBILITY OF AGE DETERMINATION BY SCALE AND VERTEBRA IN PONTIC SHAD (ALOSA PONTICA EICHWALD, 1838), FROM THE DANUBE ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Volume 61, Issue 2, 337-341 pp, DOI: 10.2298/ABS0902337V Visnjic-Jeftic, Zeljka; Lenhardt, Mirjana; Navodaru, I.; Hegedis, A.; Gacic, Z.; Nikcevic, M. 2009 2
28 Review on ecological response to hydromorphological degradation and restoration  Reform FP7 Deliverable D 1.3. Wolter C, Lorenz S, Scheunig S, Lehmann N, Schomaker L. & Nastase A. 2010 10
29 Researches of fish communities from Rosu-Puiu and Matita-Merhei lake-complexes in 2008 Scientific Annalas of the Danube Delta Institute 16 (3), 23-32 A Nastase, I Navodaru 2010 2
30 „Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR): reed dynamics within actual context.” Advances in Environmental Sciences 2.1 (2010): 69-79. Covaliov, Silviu, Mihai Doroftei, and Jenică Hanganu 2010 1
31 Identifying governance strategies that effectively support ecosystem services, resource sustainability, and biodiversity  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (13), 5308-5312 Kenward, R.E., M. J. Whittingham, S. Arampatzis, B. D. Manos, T. Hahn, A. Terry, R. Simoncini, J. Alcorn, O. Bastian, M. Donlan, K. Elowe, F. Franzén, Z. Karacsonyi, M. Larsson, D. Manou, I. Navodaru, O. Papadopoulou, J. Papathanasiou, A. von Raggamby, R. J. A. Sharp, T. Söderqvist, Å. Soutukorva, L. Vavrova, N. J. Aebischer, N. Leader-Williams, and C. Rutz 2011 25
32 What fish and how many there are in Danube delta lakes Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 17, 71-82 Năvodaru, I., & Năstase, A.  2011 1
33 Vascular wild flora of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Sci. Annals of Danube Delta Institute, 17, 15–52 Doroftei, M., Oprea, A., Ştefan, N., & Sârbu, I. 2011 4
34 Vascular wild flora of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Sci. Annals of Danube Delta Institute, Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, Tulcea – Romania,
Information Technological Center, vol. 17, 1, 15 – 52 p.
Doroftei M., Oprea A., Ştefan N., Sârbu I. 2011 2
35 Approaches to habitat disturbances in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Studii şi Cercetări în Biologie 20 (1) 46-56 Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Lupu G. 2011 1
36 New contributions to the flora of Romania Anal. Șt. ale Univ. „Al. I.
Cuza” Iaşi, Biol. Veg., 79 – 90 p.
Oprea A., Sîrbu C., Doroftei M. 2011 3
37 Monitoring of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – Romania, 2003-2011. Current status and setting of goals for the European Mink conservation Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. Editura C.I.T.D.D. Tulcea, vol. 18, 69-74, Tulcea, Romania Marinov M.E., Kiss J.B., Toman A., Polednik L., Alexe V., Doroftei M., Dorosencu A., Kranz A.,  2012 1
38 First records of the Pine Marten (Martes martes) in the Danube Delta  North-Western Journal of Zoology. 8. 1 : 195 – 197  Kiss J.B., Marinov M., Alexe V., Sandor D. A. 2012 1
39 Considerations regarding the Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) in the Danube Delta (Romania) Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute). 18 : 49 – 56. ISSN: 1842 – 614X. Kiss J.B., Dorosencu A., Marinov M.E., Alexe V., Bozagievici R. 2012 2
40 First report of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in two threatened carnivores: the Marbled polecat, Vormela peregusna and European mink, Mustela lutreola (Mammalia: Mustelidae) BMC (BioMed Central) Infectious Diseases. 8 : 137 Gherman C.M., Sándor A.D., Kalmár Z., Marinov M.E., Mihalca A.D. 2012 13
41 Researches on the fish fauna in some SCIs Natura 2000 from Romania AACL Bioflux 9(3): 527-540  Năstase (A.), Oțel (V.) 2012 3
42 Fish stock management cooperation in the Lower Danube Region: a case study of sturgeons and Pontic shad. Ch. 7. In: V. Lagutov (ed.), Environmental Security in Watersheds: The Sea of Azov NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 2012, Part 2, 127-140, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2460-0_7. Hard copy: 1st Edition., 2012, XVI, 253 p. 58 illus. Hardcover. ISBN 978-94-007-2459-4. Lenhardt L., Ž. Višnjić-Jeftić, I. Navodaru, I. Jarić, M. Vassilev, Z. Gačić and M. Nikčević 2012 1
43 Alaria alata Infection in European Mink Emerg Infect Dis. 19. 9 : 1547 – 1549.  [Internet]. 2013 Sep [date cited]. Tăbăran F., Sándor D.A., Marinov M., Cătoi C., Mihalca A.D. 2013 8
44 Assessing invasive terrestrial
plant species Amorpha fruticosa in three wetland areas in Romania: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Comana Natural Park and Mures Floodplain Natural Park
 Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM),
Vol. 1, : 113-124, Sofia
Dumitrascu M., Grigorescu I., Doroftei M., Kucsicsa Ghe., Mierlă M. 2013 3
45 Presence of alien ligneous species in some plant associations from Danube Delta and their management AACL Bioflux, 6 (2): 115–136 Negrea B.M., Doroftei M., Grimm M., Roibu C.C. 2013 1
46 Key biological indicators to assess Invasive Terrestrial Plant Species Ailanthus altissima in the Măcin Mountains National Park. Romania  Wulfenia, 20, 20: 1–8. Dumitraşcu K., Grigorescu I., Doroftei M., Kucsicsa G. 2013 1
48 The complete sequence of a West Nile virus lineage 2 strain detected in a Hyalomma marginatum marginatum tick collected from a song thrush (Turdus philomelos) in Eastern Romania in 2013 revealed closest genetic relationship to strain Volgograd 2007  PLoS ONE 9(10): e109905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109905 · 3.73 Kolodziejek J., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Nowotny N. 2014 35
49 European Mustelids Occupying Pristine Wetlands in the Danube Delta are Infected with Trichinella Likely Derived from Domesticated Swine Journal of Wildlife Diseases: October 2014, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 972-975 Oltean M., Kalmár Z., Kiss J.B., Marinov M., Alexe V., Sándor A.D., Domşa C., Gherman C.M., Boireau P., Cozma V., Mihalca A.D., Rosenthal B.M. 2014 10
50 Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A geographical approach Romanian Journal of Geography, Volumul 58, Numărul 2, Pagini, 145-160  Dumitraşcu Monica, Grigorescu Ines, Kuscicsa Gh., Doroftei M., Năstase Mihaela, Dragotă Carmen-Sofia 2014 12
51 Potential impacts of climate change on habitats and their effects on invasive plant species in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania Rannow S. and Neubert M. (eds.), Managing Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe Under Climate Change, pages 267-278 Doroftei M., Anastasiu Paulina 2014 9
52 Mercury levels in fish tissues with and without commercial value from Danube delta Biosphere reserve Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 15 (3), 842-850 A Burada, DS Odor, L Teodorof, C Nastase, A Nastase, I Navodaru 2014 6
53 Potential impacts of climate change on protected habitats Managing Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe Under Climate Change (pp. 45-60). Springer, Dordrecht Sârbu, A., Janauer, G., Profft, I., Kaligarič, M., & Doroftei M. 2014 1
54 Links between Selected Environmental Components and Flood Risk in the Danube Delta ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA, Supplement 7, 203-207 pp. Mierla, Marian; Nichersu, Iulian; Trifanov, Cristian; Nichersu, Iuliana; Marin, Eugenia; Sela, Florentina 2014 1
55 Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758), Pine Marten (Martes mantes L., 1758) and Stone Marten (Martes foina / Erxleben, 1777) in the Danube Delta (Romania) Beitraege zur Jagd- und Wildforschung, Volume 39, 347-355 pp., DOI: 10.1515/trser-2017-0021 Kiss, Botond J.; Dorosencu, Alexandru; Marinov, Mihai, Jr; Alexe, Vasile; Sandor, Attila D. 2014 1
56 Nest-site selection, breeding success and diet of white-tailed eagles(Haliaeetus albicilla) in the Danube Delta, Romania  Turkish Journal of Zoology. 39. 2 : 300 – 307 Sándor A.D., Alexe V., Marinov M.,  Dorosencu A., Domșa C., Kiss J.B. 2015 15
57 Exonic versus intronic SNPs: Contrasting roles in revealing the population genetic differentiation of a widespread bird species  HEREDITY 114(1):1-9, DOI10.1038/hdy.2014.59 Zhan X., Dixon A., Batbayar N., Bragin E., Ayas Z., Deutschova L., Chavko J., Domashevsky S., Dorosencu A., Bagyura J., Gombobaatar S., Grlica ID., Levin A., Milobog Y., Ming M., Prommer M., Purev-Ochir G., Ragyov D., Tsurkanu1 V., Vetrov V., Zubkov N. and Bruford MW 2015 15
58 Prochaotic tourism development pressure on coastal habitats – adequate evaluation case study in Sulina, România Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 21, pp. 15-32, doi:10.7427/DDI.21.02 Tulcea, România Doroftei M., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Marin Eugenia, Ene Liliana, Sela Florentina, Covaliov S., Nanu Cristina, Lupu G. 2015 1
59 Fish and macrophyte assessment of Ciuperca Lake after rehabilitation works (Tulcea City, Romania) Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 21: 61–76 Năstase A., Doroftei M., Teodorof L., Burada, A., Despina C. 2015 1
60 Model of the Pontic Shad Alosa immaculata (Bennet, 1835) and Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Catch in the Danube River and Black Sea for the Period 1920-2008 Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, vol 68 (4), pp 557-561. ISSN: 0324-0770 Lenhardt M., Navodaru I., Vassilev M., Kalauzi A., Regner S., Višnjić-Jeftić Ž., Tošić K., Smederevac-Lalić M. 2016 4
61 DNAqua-Net: Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in Europe Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e11321., ISSSN 2367-7163(online). Leese F, Altermatt F, Navodaru I, 2016 88
62 Sustainable Mountain Regions: Challenges and Perspectives in Southeastern Europe  vol.1, Springer International Publishing, pp. 159-172 Ines Grigorescu, Monica Dumitraşcu, Gheorghe Kucsicsa, Mihai Doroftei, Mihaela Năstase, Carmen-Sofia Dragotă 2016 1
63 Predicting the Potential Distribution of Ailanthus altissima, an Invasive Terrestrial Plant Species in Măcin Mountains National Park (Romania) Sustainable Mountain Regions: Challenges and Perspectives in Southeastern Europe, 159-172 p. Grigorescu I., Dumitraşcu M., Kucsicsa Ghe., Doroftei M., Năstase M., Dragotă C.-S. 2016 2
64 Researches on the fish fauna in some SCIs Natura 2000 from Romania Bioflux. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 9 (3), 527-540 Năstase A., Oțel V 2016 6
65 RECENT DATA ON THE DANUBE DELTA (ROMANIA) AVIFAUNA FROM THE 2014 AND 2015 SUMMER SEASONS Acrocephalus, Volume 37, Issue 168, 85-92 pp, DOI: 10.1515/acro-2016-0006 Kiss, Botond J.; Alexe, Vasile; Dorosencu, Alexandru C.; Ceico, Tanase; Kiss, Nimrod B.; Marinov, Mihai E. 2016 1
66 Fish communities of the small rivers of Turda and Tureni Gorges Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Biologia, 69-80 Năstase, A., & Tošić, K.  2016 1
67 Monitoring the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus, 1758) breeding population using drones in 2016 – the Danube Delta (Romania) Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute – 2016. 22 : 41 – 52. ISSN: 1842 – 614X.  Marinov M., Pogan T., Doroșencu A., Nichersu I., Alexe V., Trifanov C., Bozagievici R., Tošić K., Kiss J.B. 2016 4
68 Trace elements in fish tissue with commercial value of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 16 (3). p. 731-738. ISSN 1582-9596 Burada A., Teodorof L., Despina C., Seceleanu-Odor D., Tudor M. Ibram O., Năvodaru I., Murariu G., Țopa C. M., Tudor M. 2017 23
69 New record in Romanian Danube Delta part as an extension in the lower Danube area of the non-native bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica (Leidy, 1851) Romanian Journal of Biology-Zoology, Bucharest, Volume 62, No. 1–2: 41-51. Năstase (A.), Covaliov (S.), Doroftei (M.), Țiganov (G.), Oțel (V.)  2017 1
70 Integrated indices for surface water and sediment quality, according to Water Framework Directive Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 17 (1), p 42–52. ISSN 1582-9596 Teodorof L., Burada A., Despina C., Seceleanu-Odor D., Tudor I.M., Ibram O., Năvodaru I., Tudor M. 2017 5
71 Ecological status of fish fauna in arms of the Danube Delta (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania) at the beginning of the third Millennium Acta Zool Bulg 69 (3), 349-360 Năstase A., Oțel V., Năvodaru I. 2017 6
72 Seasonal Variation of Eutrophication in Some Lakes of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, Volume 89, Issue 1, 86-94 pp., DOI: 10.2175/106143016X14733681696248 Torok, Liliana; Torok, Zsolt; Carstea, Elfrida M.; Savastru, Dan 2017 2
73 FISH FAUNA STATUS OF THE NATURA 2000 SITES PROPOSED AS NEW OR FOR EXTENSION IN THE RIVERS SOMES AND MURES (ROMANIA) Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, Volume 19, Issue 3, 57-74 pp., DOI: 10.1515/trser-2017-0021 Nastase, Aurel; Otel, Vasile 2017 1
74 Anthropisation degree of Coastal Vegetation Areas in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 19, Nr. 2, p. 539–546, ISSN 1311-5065 Trifanov C., Romanescu G., Tudor M., Grigoras I., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Mierla M. 2018 4
75 Assessing the potential distribution of invasive alien species Amorpha fruticosa (Mill.) in the Mureş Floodplain Natural Park (Romania)
using GIS and logistic regression 
Nature Conservation, Pensoft Kucsicsa Ghe., Grigorescu I., Dumitraşcu M., Doroftei M., Năstase M., Herlo G 2018 6
76 Analysis and forecast of Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) catch in the Danube River Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science (IRAN J FISH SCI), vol 17 (3), pp.443-457. DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.116611. ISSN 1562-2916. IF2016/2017 0.285; SRI 0.251. Factor Impact: 0.43 Smederevac-Lalić M, Kalauzi A., Regner S., Navodaru I., Višnjić-Jeftić Ž., Gačić Z., Lenhardt M. 2018 5
77 Species diversity, host preference and arbovirus detection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in South Eastern Serbia.  Parasites & Vectors (Journal).  12. 61. Vasic A., Zdravkovic N., Anita D., Bojkovski J., Marinov M., Mathis A., Niculaua M., Oslobanu E.L., Pavlovic I., Petric D., Pflüger V., Pudar D., Savuta G., Simeunovic P., Veronesi E., Silaghi C., Aniță A., Anton I.A., Cimpan A., Ciuca L., Crivei L., Cojkić A., Davitkov D., Drašković V., Gajić B., Glavinić U., Ivănescu M.L., Kavran M., Lupu A.C., Mîndru R., Porea D., Prodanović R., Radanović O., Răileanu C., Răileanu S., Ristanić M., Roman C., Stanišić L., Vaselek S., Đurić M. 2019 8
78 Changes in ecosystem services from wetland loss and restoration: An
ecosystem assessment of the Danube Delta (1960–2010)
Ecosystem Services, Vol. 39, 100965. Editura Science Direct Gómez-Baggethun E., Tudor M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Năstase A., Onără D.-F., Mierlă M., Marinov M.,
Doroșencu Al.-C., Lupu G., Teodorof L., Tudor I.-M., Köhler B., Museth J., Aronsen E., Johnsen I. S., Ibram O.,
Marin E., Crăciun A., Cioacă E.
2019 64
79 Evidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) Circulation in Wild Birds and WNV RNA Negativity in Mosquitoes of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania, 2016.  Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2019, 4(3), 116; Vasic A., Oșlobanu L.E., Marinov M., Crivei L.A., Rățoi I.A., Aniță A., Aniță D., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Răileanu Ş., Simeunovic P., Răileanu C., Fălcuţă E., Prioteasa F.L., Bojkovski J., Pavlovic I., Mathis A., Tews B.A., Savuta G., Veronesi E., Silaghi C., Aniță A., Anton I.A., Cimpan A., Ciuca L., Crivei L., Cojkić A., Davitkov D., Drašković V., Gajić B., Glavinić U., Ivănescu M.L., Kavran M., Lupu A.C., Mîndru R., Porea D., Prodanović R., Radanović O., Răileanu C., Răileanu S., Ristanić M., Roman C., Stanišić L., Vaselek S., Đurić M. 2019 6
80 Towards improving water management in Romania; stakeholder perceptions of satellite-based Cyanobacteria bloom assessments.  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 20, No 3, pp. 1094 – 1101. FI: 2018 – 0.634. SRI – 0.084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Factor Impact: 0.91, Editura: Balkan Environmental Association. Tipărit de Scibulcom Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria Török L., Török Z. Philipson P., Politi E. 2019 2
81 Report on the accumulation of heavy metals in the feathers of some wetland birds in the Danube Delta (Romania)  Bucharest. Rom. J. Biol. – Zool. Academia Română Marinov M., Burada A., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Teodorof L., Țigănuș M., Bolboacă L.E., Tošić K., Kiss J.B., Tudor M. 2019 4
82 A decade (2007-2017) from first record of the invasion in Danube Delta (Romania) by the non-native Chinese sleeper (Perccottus glenii, Dybowsky 1877) species in north of Balkan area.  J Environ Protect Ecol. 2019;20(4):1796-805. Nastase A, Cernisencu I, Navodaru I 2019 5
83 Citizens’ campaign for environmental water monotoring: lessons from field experiments.  IEEE Access vol. 7, pp. 134601-134620. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2939471
Factor Impact: 5.56
Thaine H. Assumpcao, Andreja Jonoski, Iouliani Theona, Chrysovalantis Tsiakos, Mario Krommdya, Stefano Tamascelli, Andreas Kallioras, Marian Mierla, Harris V. Georgiou, Maria Miska, Christos Pouliari, Cristian Trifanov, Kinga Timea Cimpan, Athanasia Tsertou, Eugenia Marin, Michalis Diakakis, Iulian Nichersu, Angelos J. Amditis, Ioana Popescu. 2019 8
84 AN EVALUATION OF THE WINTERING OF THE WHITE-TAILED EAGLE (AVES: Haliaeetus albicilla) POPULATION IN THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS DURING 2016-2018 (ROMANIA) Oltenia Studii si Comunicari Stiintele Naturii, Volume 35, Issue 1, 137-144 pp. Alexe, Vasile; Dorosencu, Alexandru; Marinov, Mihai; Kiss, J. Botond; Bolboaca, Lucian-Eugen; Tudor, Marian; Murariu, Dumitru 2019 1
85 Assessment of thretening at regional level for community interest insect species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 20. (3): 1325-1334. Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Lupu G., Tudor I-M., Dorosencu A., Suliman I., Spiridon C., Ibram O. 2019 1
86 Recent data regarding colonial waterbirds in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 20. (1) : 276 – 284 Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Kiss J.B., Nanu C., Tošić K., Tudor M., 2019 1
87 The fish communities of lake-complexes from Danube Delta biosphere reserve (DDBR) in spring-summer and autumn of 2016 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 24, 63-76. Năstase, A., Năvodaru, I., Cernișencu, I., & Țiganov, G.  2019 1
88 Breeding Dynamics of Waterbirds in Three Large Mixed Colonies (Purcelu, Nebunu, Martinca) in the Danube Delta, Romania  Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 20. (3) : 1517 – 1526. Scor Relativ de Influență –  0,084. ISSN – 1311-5065. Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Kiss J.B., Marinov I.M., Bolboacă L.E., Tošić K., Tudor M. 2019 1
89 Synergy of High-Resolution Radar and Optical Images Satellite for Identification and Mapping of Wetland
Macrophytes on the Danube Delta
 Remote Sens., 1-29p., 12, 2188. Niculescu S., Boissonnat J.-B., Lardeux C., Roberts D., Hanganu J., Billey A., Constantinescu A., Doroftei M. 2020 17
90 Preliminary research on the distribution and numbers of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in the context of the African Swine Fever epizootic from 2018-2019 Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute. 25 : 39 – 44, ISSN 1842 -614X Marinov M., Doroşencu C. A., Alexe V., Kiss J. B., Bolboacă L.E. 2020 1
91 Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A review of the geographical aspects Folia Oecologica, 47 (2) 168-177, Impact Factor: 1.3 Grigorescu I., Kucsicsa Ghe., Dumitrașcu M., Doroftei M. 2020 6
92 Case Study Report – Case Study 3: Danube River Basin –
harmonising inland, coastal and marine ecosystem management to achieve aquatic biodiversity targets. 34 p. 
Deliverable for Work Package WP9 of the AQUACROSS project, financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642317. Editor: Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Funk (A), Trauner (D.), Hein (T.). Mattheiss (V.), Charbonnier (C.), Krautkraemer (A), Strosser (P.), Costea (G.), Pusch
(M.), Marin (E.), Тбгбк (L.), Torok (Z)
2020 1
93 Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve—Long-Term Assessment of Water Quality Water Resources Management in Balkan Countries, 21-43 C Despina, L Teodorof, A Burada, D Seceleanu-Odor, IM Tudor, O Ibram, Năstase A, Trifanov C., Spiridon C., Tudor M. 2020 1
94 New approach to enhance the involvement of stakeholders trough the collaborative floodserv platform in flood risk management Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 21, NO 2, 767–775, ISSN 1311-5065; Impact Factor (2020) = 0.57 Nichersu I.I, Nichersu I., Ogrezeanu A., Balaican D. 2020 1
95 Ambrosia tenuifolia, instead of A. psilostachya in Romania Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, vol. 26, 17-26, Tulcea, Romania,  Karrer G., Sîrbu C., Oprea A., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. 2021 3
96 A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions Science of the Total Environment 788 (2021) 147868. ISSN: 0048-9697 Lorenzo Vilizzi, Gordon H. Copp … Ion Năvodaru, Aurel Năstase et. al. 2021 65
97 Characterization of European lampreys and fishes by their longitudinal and lateral distribution traits  Ecological Indicators 123, 107350 C Wolter, J Borcherding, T Ferreira, J Freyhof, J Gessner, K Górski, A, Năstase 2021 5
98 Speaking their language–development of a multilingual decision-support tool for communicating invasive species risks to decision makers and stakeholders. Environmental Modelling & Software 135, 104900. GH Copp, L Vilizzi, H Wei, S Li, M Piria, AJ Al-Faisal, D Almeida, U Atique, I. Năvodaru 2021 33
99 Seasonal dynamics of Phlebotomus neglectus (Diptera: Psychodidae) in cave microhabitats in Romania and the rediscovery of Sergentomyia minuta (Rondani, 1843) after 50 years.  Parasites & Vectors (Journal).   14:476 ISSN – 1756-3305. Factor de Impact – 3,876. Scorul Relativ de Influenta: 1,661. Factor Impact:  3.876 Cazan C.D., Horváth C., Panait L.C., Porea D., Marinov M.*, Alexe V., Mihalca A.D. 2021 1
100 Assessment of the present level of the main compounds of pollutant emissions from inland waterway transport system in the Danube region wetlands-Green Danube.  Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, 517-530. DOI:10.30638/eemj.2021.051. IF 0,94 (2021), SJR 0,165 (2020). Factor Impact:  0.94 Tudor I.–M., Pipirigeanu V., Munteanu D., Tudor M., Burada A., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Despina C., M. Mierla, Trifanov C., Anore C., Bota D., Cupsa O. S., Vintila M., Budescu N., Robert R., Markus E., Szuppinger P., Penchev V. S. 2021 1
101 Urban Living Labs: how to enable inclusive transdisciplinary research?  Urban transformations, Volume 3, Issue 1, DOI:10.1186/s42854-021-00026-0 Laborgne, Pia; Ekille, Epongue; Wendel, Jochen; Pierce, Andrea; Heyder, Monika; Suchomska, Joanna; Nichersu, Iulian; Balaican, Dragos; Slebioda, Krzysztof; Wroblewski, Michal; Goszczynski, Wojciech 2021 1
102 Ecological status of fish fauna from Razim Lake and the adjacent area, the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 52(1). Năstase, A., Honţ, Ş., Iani, M., Paraschiv, M., Cernişencu, I., & Năvodaru, I.  2022 2
103 Serological Survey of Mosquito-Borne Arboviruses in Wild Birds from Important Migratory Hotspots in Romania Pathogens. 2022; 11(11):1270. Impact Factor – 4,531. Scorul Relativ de Influenta:  1,060. Coroian M., Silaghi C., Tews B.A., Baltag E.Ș., Marinov M., Alexe V., Kalmár Z., Cintia H., Lupșe M.S., Mihalca A.D. 2022 4
104 Severe Drought Monitoring by Remote Sensing Methods and Its Impact on Wetlands Birds Assemblages in Nuntași and Tuzla Lakes (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve) Land. 2022; 11(5):672. Impact Factor – 3,889. Scorul Relativ de Influenta:  0,670 Jitariu V., Dorosencu A.C., Ichim P., Ion C. 2022 2
105 Analysis of the characteristics of some populations of Crambe tataria Sebeók from Romania Acta Oecologica, 114, p.103810. Chirilă, S.D. 2022 1
106 Potential mosquito vector attraction to- and feeding preferences for pigs in Romanian backyard farms. Frontiers in Veterinary Science Veterinary Infectious Diseases. 9:1046263. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1046263. Impact factor 3,471. Scorul Relativ de Influenta:  2,077 Stelder J.J., Mihalca A.D., Olesen A.S., Kjær L.J., Boklund A.E., Rasmussen TB, Marinov M., Alexe V., Balmoş O.M., Rene Bødker R. 2023 1
107 Creating knowledge about food-water-energy nexus at a local scale: A participatory approach in Tulcea, Romania  Environmental Science and Policy, 141(2023) 23-32 Impact Factor 6.424 Dragos Balaican, Iulian Nichersu, Iuliana.I.Nichersu, Andrea Pierce, Olga Wilhelmi, Pia Laborgne, Edward Bratfanof,  2023 1
108 The Danube Delta: The Achilles Heel of Danube River–Danube Delta–Black Sea Region Fish Diversity under a Black Sea Impact Scenario Due to Sea Level Rise—A Prospective Review Fishes 2023, 8, 355. 10.3390/fishes8070355. Bănăduc, D., Afanasyev S., Akeroyd, J.R., Năstase A., Năvodaru I., Tofan, L., Curtean-Bănăduc A. 2023 1


Nr.crt. Titlul Numărul internațional standardizat al cărții codul ISBN Editura/Conferința Autorii Anul
1 Nurca europeană (Mustela lutreola) – date de biologie și ecologie -Ghid- 165 p. (bilingv).  ISBN 978-606-8896-09-0 Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică ”DELTA DUNĂRII” – Tulcea , Romania Alexe V., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Doroșencu A.C. 2023
2 Stufărișurile din Delta Dunării, 161 p. ISBN 978-606-8896-07-6 Editura C.I.T.D.D., Tulcea, Romania Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Chirilă S.D., Hanganu J. 2023
3 Ghid privind măsuri de conservare in situ pentru specii și habitate de interes conservativ din RBDD ISBN 978-606-8896-06-9 Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică ”DELTA DUNĂRII” – Tulcea , Romania Doroșencu A.C., Alexe V., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Covaliov S., Nastase A., Lupoae P., Tupu E., Ibram O. 2023
4 Analiza eco-cenotică și structura genetică a populațiilor de Crambe tataria Sebeók din România Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 272 pp. Chirilă S.D. 2023
5 Specii de nevertebrate de interes conservativ (NATURA 2000) din Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării ISBN 978-606-8896-03-8 Capitol 4(pp. 99-128) în Manual privind conservarea biodiversitatii si monitorizarea speciilor periclitate. Publisher: Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, România, 2022 Gabriel Lupu, Orhan Ibram, Iuliana-Mihaela Tudor, Iasemin Suliman 2022
6 Specii adventive din flora Deltei Dunării ISBN 978-606-8896-03-8 Capitol 3 (pp. 67-97) în Manual privind conservarea biodiversitatii si monitorizarea speciilor periclitate. Publisher: Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, România, 2022 Mihai Doroftei, Liliana Ene, Silviu Covaliov 2022
7 Biologia și ecologia codalbului (Haliaeetus Albicilla L.) din Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării și împrejurimi ISBN 978-606-8896-03-8 Capitol 6 (pp.157-191) în Manual privind conservarea biodiversitatii si monitorizarea speciilor periclitate. Publisher: Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, România, 2022 Vasile Alexe, Mihai Marinov, Alexandru – Cătălin Doroșencu, Lucian Eugen Bolboacă, Janos Botond Kiss, Marta Peraita, Dumitru Murariu 2022
8 SPECIILE DE MAMIFERE DE INTERES CONSERVATIV DIN DELTA DUNĂRII (ROSCI0065) ISBN 978-606-8896-03-8 Capitol 7 (pp.193-236) în Manual privind conservarea biodiversitatii si monitorizarea speciilor periclitate. Publisher: Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, România, 2022 Vasile Alexe, Mihai Marinov, Alexandru – Cătălin Doroșencu, Lucian Eugen Bolboacă, Janos Botond Kiss, Marta Peraita, Dumitru Murariu 2022
9 Evoluția pescăriilor și identificarea măsurilor de exploatare sustenabilă a stocurilor de pești și de conservare a ihtiofaunei din RBDD.  ISBN 978-606-8896-03-8. Capitol 5 (pp. 129-155), în Manual privind conservarea biodiversității și monitorizarea speciilor periclitate.  Publisher: Editura Centrul de Informare Tehnologică „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, România, 2022 Năstase A., Cernișencu I., Năvodaru I. 2022
10 Pontic shad – Alosa immaculata (Bennett, 1835). Black Sea shad – Alosa tanaica (Grimm, 1901).  ISBN 978-606-8896-02-1. Cap. 2.7 and 2.8: 29-36. IN: Cokan B., Paraschiv M., Pekarik L. Editors, Danube migratory fish habitat manual. Edit. CITDD, Tulcea, Romania. Lenhardt M., Năstase A., Mihov S. 2021
11 The identification method of tree species using UV-VIS-IR technology and deep learning methods. Case study -Indepedenta Forest ISBN: 978-1-5386-4444-7 Proceedings of 2018 22nd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 524-528  Murariu G., Munteanu D., Dorosencu A., Murariu A., Dinca L., Hahuie V., Dragu D.M., Vlad C., Stanciu S. 2018
Nr.crt. Titlul Numărul internațional standardizat al cărții (codul ISBN) Editura/Conferința Autorii Anul
1 Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2021 ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Ene L., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Chirilă S.D., Mierlă M., Simionov M., Năstase A., Cenișencu I., Doroșencu A., Bolboacă L., Marinov M., Alexe V., Nichersu I., Balaican D., Sicrieru F., Lupu G 2023
2 The Current And Historical Presence Of The European Fallow Deer – Dama Dama, (Linnaeus 1758) On The Territory Of The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 18, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Doroșencu A.C., Chișamera G.B., Nanu C.N. 2023
3 Spatial Distribution and prey preferences of the White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and Surroundings (Romania)   Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 61, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (prezentare orală) Alexe V., Bolboacă L.-E., Marinov M., Doroșencu A.-C., Sándor A. D., Kiss B. J., Murariu D. 2023
4 Study of the analysis of the floristic composition of the grasslands in the Danube Delta and the impact of environmental factors   Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 70, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (poster) Covaliov S., Chirilă S.D., Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Făgăraș M. 2023
5 Natura2000 habitats map in Danube Delta, site for community importance   Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 142, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (prezentare orală) Doroftei M., Grigoraș I., Covaliov S., Hanganu J., Sârbu C., Oprea A., Mierlă M.*, Trifanov C. 2023
6 The Transformation of Reed Beds into Floodplain Pastures: A Complex Task in Preserving Biodiversity   Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 144, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (poster) Doroftei M., Covaliov S.*, Dumitrița Chirilă S., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Simionov M., Burada A., Tošić K., Lupu G., Ene L., Făgăraș M. 2023
7 Addressing Invasive Alien Species in Black Sea Deltaic Ecosystems: Achievements and Implications of the IASON Project ISSN: 2344-3766  Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 20, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Simionov M., Covaliov S., Lupu G. 2023
8 Contribuții la analiza potențialului de utilizare durabilă a vegetatiei specifice sistemului Dunăre-Delta Dunării-Marea Neagră   Eco-Workshop, Editia 1, Ecologia Acvatică, (Book of Abstracts), București, România. Eco-Workshop, Editia 1, Ecologia Acvatică, București, România. (prezentare online) Hanganu J., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Mierlă M., Trifanov C. 2023
9 Preliminary Results On Centaurea Jankae Monitoring ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 33, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Mierla M., Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Trifanov C., Despina C., Cernisencu I. 2023
10 Is There a Conflict Between Local Communities in Romania and Birds of Prey? ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 13, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Birău Alx. C., Chirilă Simona Dumitrița, Mierlă M., Murariu D-tru. 2023
11 Corologia şi preferințele de habitat a speciei Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (Droseraceae Salisb.) din România   Sesiunea de comunicări ştiințifice „D. Brandza”, (Book of Abstracts), Bucureşti. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiințifice „D. Brandza”, Bucureşti. (poster) Chirilă S.D., Doroftei M., Covaliov S.  2023
12 Analysis of the distribution and characteristics of the populations of Crambe tataria Sebeόk (Brassicaceae) in Romania ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Chirilă S.D.  2023
13 How Are The Current Fish Stocks And Fish Fauna In Freshwater Of Danube Delta Compared To The Last Century ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 19, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Năstase Aurel, Ion Năvodaru 2023
14 Current ecological state of the fish fauna from fluvio-maritimal of Danube Deșta (Roșu-Puiu lakes-complex)   (Book of Abstracts) “Alma Mater” Publishing House, Ecology and Sustainable Development Section,  p 127. The 14th Edition of Conference Ecology and Protection of Ecosystems (EPE), Univ. V. Alecsandri of Bacău, 2-4 of November 2023, Romania. (poster) Aurel Năstase, Marian Iani, Ștefan Honț, Marian Paraschiv, Irina Cernișencu  2023
15 European mink (Mustrela lutreola) reference genome and population genomics   34th European Mustelid Colloquium – 14-16 September 2022 (online Conference) (prezentare orala). 34th European Mustelid Colloquium September 2022  (Book of Abstracts) A. Mouton, C. Fournier-Chambrillon, P. Fournier, J. Skorupski, P. Smietana, B. Vacherie, T. Guerin, E. Payen, L. Bertrand, G. Magdelenat, B. Mairey, C. Hamon, M. Lepretre, N. Martins, E. Brun, O. Belusche, S. Lebled, C. Milani, B. Istace, C. Belser, K. Labadie, C. Cruaud, P. H. Oliveira, J.M. Aury, P. Wincker, M. Podraq, M. Gerbault-Seureau, I. Marchand, M. Marinov, T. Maran, C. Bellanger, B. Bed’Hom, J. Michaux 2022
16 LOCAL BASED SOLUTIONS EDAPHIC-BLOOM DANUBE – CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ROLE OF ORGANIC CARBON IN REDUCING GREENHOUSE GASES IN AGRICULTURE  Online ISSN 2393-5138 The International Conference „Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, June, 2-4, 2022, the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (Book of Abstract), (prezentare orala) Iulian NICHERSU, Costel NEGREI, Oliver LIVANOV, Edward BRATFANOF, Dragoș BALAICAN 2022
17 A ROADMAP FOR A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT OF DANUBE DELTA – A 3D INITIATIVE  Online ISSN 2393-5138 The International Conference „Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, June, 2-4, 2022, the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (Book of Abstract), (prezentare orala) Iulian NICHERSU, Delia DIMITRIU, Iuliana I. NICHERSU, Dragoș BALAICAN, Edward BRATFANOF, Alexandru NICHERSU, Oliver LIVANOV 2022
19 BSB ECO MONITORINGBSB MONITORING – Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries – Project Number: BSB-884 ISSN: 2344-3766 The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 19. Cernişencu Irina, Despina Cristina, Hanganu Victoria, Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Popescu G., Covaliov S.  2022
20 THE ORGANIC CARBON CONTENT FROM THE DANUBE DELTA SOILS. RESULTS FROM THE 2021 FIELD CAMPAIGN ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 24, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) Livanov Oliver, Nichersu Iulian, Balaican Dragoş, Simionov Matei, Burada Adrian, Bratfanof Edward 2022
21 IASON Project – Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Black Sea Deltaic Protected Areas.  ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 31, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) Dr. Gabriel LUPU, Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Matei SIMIONOV, Raluca (BOZAGIEVICI) CĂLIN 2022
22 The most common alien invasive plant species of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory. ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 29, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Dr. Mihai DOROFTEI 2022
23 Invasive Alien Species from the Danube Delta representative for the phenomenon of invasiveness  ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 30, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Dr. Gabriel LUPU, Drd. Silviu COVALIOV,Matei SIMIONOV, Raluca (BOZAGIEVICI) CĂLIN 2022
24 Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2020 ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Dr. Gabriel LUPU, Dr. Mihai DOROFTEI, Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Dr. Aurel NĂSTASE, Dr. Irina CERNIȘENCU, Dr. Alexandru DOROȘENCU, Dr. Lucian BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Eugenia MARIN, Dragoș BALAICAN, Drd. Liliana ENE, Diana BOTA, Dr. Ion NĂVODARU 2022
25 New data on the distribution of Pine Marten – Martes martes and Beech Marten – Martes foina populations from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 11, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Dr. Gabriel CHIȘAMERA, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Viorel POCORA, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Dr. Lucian-Eugen BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Alexandru – Cătălin DOROȘENCU 2022
26 Brief analysis of the bird species recorded in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and their phylogenetic relationships. ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 16, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Marta PERAITA, Dr. Alexandru Cătălin DOROȘENCU, Dr. Lucian Eugen BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Dr. Viorel CUZIC, Iuliana POȘTARU, Ana Mirela SCIOTNIC 2022
27 Habitat selectivity of breeding Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in DDBR.   ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 11, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Dr. Lucian BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Alexandru-Cătălin DOROȘENCU, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Marta PERAITA, Dr. Vasile ALEXE  2022
28 Breeding population estimates of Common Goldeneye (B. c. clangula) (Palmer 1976, Bellrose 1980) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Alexandru Cătălin Doroșencu, Lucian Eugen Bolboacă, Mihai Marinov, Vasile Alexe, Marta Peraita, Viorel Cuzic, Constantin Ion, Laurențiu Petrencu, Lucian Fasolă-Mătăsaru, Vitalie Ajder, Viorel Cuzic, Vlad Amarghioalei 2022
29 Preliminary data regarding fish fauna from freshwater of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. ISSN: 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) Năstase (A.), Iani I.M., Honț Ș., Paraschiv M., Cernișencu I., Cociaș Ș., Năvodaru I. 2022
30 Comparative analysis of the significance and importance of urban lakes in the perception of young people from Cluj Napoca, Sibiu and Tulcea. ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 29, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Török Liliana, Bratfanov Edward, Török Zsolt 2021
31 Food habits of the population from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory and adjacent areas ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Despina C., Burada A., Teodorof L., Seceleanu-Odor D., Țigănuș M., Tudor M. I., Ibram O., Calmuc V.A., Năstase (A.), Crăciun A., Balaican D., Iani I.M. 2021
32 Fish biodiversity from Danube River Delta arms in DDBR area. ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Năstase (A.), Iani M., Honț Ș., Paraschiv M., Cernișencu I. 2021
33 Variability of heavy metals concentrations in some fish species from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.  ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 25, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Burada A., Teodorof L., Despina C., Seceleanu-Odor D., Țigănuș M., Tudor M. I., Ibram O., Calmuc V.A., Năstase (A.), Crăciun A., Iani I.M. 2021
34 BSB ECO MONITORINGBSB MONITORING – Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries – Project Number: BSB-884   The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Cernişencu Irina, Despina Cristina, Hanganu Victoria, Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Popescu G., Covaliov S.  2021
35 Endangered plant species and habitats in DDBR – conservation management and perspectives ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (prezentare orala) Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Oprea A., Sîrbu C., Trifanov C., Mierlă M., Hanganu J., Sârbu I.  2021
36 IASON – Invasive alien species observatory and network development for the assessment of climate change impacts in Black Sea deltaic protected areas. ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 34, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) LUPU G., COVALIOV S., SIMIONOV M., CĂLIN (BOZAGIEVICI) R. 2021
37 Food-Water-Energy Nexus visibility at local level. Co-creative approaches involving citizen science through multiple stages of research  ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 24, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) BALAICAN D., NICHERSU I., BRATFANOF E., SIMIONOV M.  2021
ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Doroșencu Alexandru, Bolboacă Lucian, Michelangelo Morganti 2021
ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (prezentare orala) Morganti Michelangelo, Bogliani Giuseppe, Bolboacă Lucian, Catitti Benedetta, Dorosencu
Alexandru, Fasola Emanuele, Gruebler Martin, Monrós Juan, Rubolini Diego, Stefani
Fabrizio, Viganò Enrico and Fasola Mauro 
40 New data on the diet of White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its sourroundings (România).  ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 13, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) Alexe V., Sandor A. D., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.-E., Dorosencu A.-A., Marta P., Kiss B., Dumitru M.  2021
41 Project code BSB27 Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure prevention.    MONITOX International Conference “Environmental Challenges in the Black Sea Basin: Impact on Human Health” Galati, Romania, September 23th-26th, 2019. Abstract book: Năstase A.– Fish Fauna from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Book of Abstract: 27. Năstase A. 2020
42 Noi contribuţii la cunoaşterea răspândirii unor antofite adventive în flora României, 160 de ani de la înfiinţarea Grădinii Botanice din Bucureşti ”Dimitrie Brândză”    Anastasiu P., Camen-Comănescu P. (eds.) 2020. Sesiunea de Comunicări ştiinţifice „D. Brandza”, ediţia a 26-a. Program, rezumate. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, pag. 38. (prezentare orala) Sîrbu C., Oprea A., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. 2020
43 Contribuții la  Eficientizarea Investigării Habitatelor Naturale Utilizând Abordări și Instrumente Moderne de Lucru, 160 de ani de la înfiinţarea Grădinii Botanice din Bucureşti ”Dimitrie Brândză”    Anastasiu P., Camen-Comănescu P. (eds.) 2020. Sesiunea de Comunicări ştiinţifice „D. Brandza”, ediţia a 26-a. Program, rezumate. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, pag. 32. (prezentare orala) Covaliov S., Negrea B., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Doroftei M., Făgăraș M. 2020
44 A two-year comparative survey (2015 –2016) of West Nile virus circulation in Sǎlcioara –Jurilovca area. ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 25, Tulcea, Romania. The 27th Scientific Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands”, 5-9  June 2019, Tulcea – Romania. (prezentare orala) Fǎlcuțǎ E., Marinov M., Cotar A.., Dinu S., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Ceianu C., Vladimirescu A., Purcǎrea –Ciulacu V., Prioteasa L.  2019
45 A decade (2007-2017) from first record of the invasion in Danube Delta (Romania) by the non-negative Chinese sleeper (Percottus glenii, Dybowsky 1877) species. ISBN 978-606-23-0940-4. International Workshop on Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management – SWEM 2019: Bucharest, Romania, 5-6 April 2019, Eds. Constantin Carolina, Golumbeanu Mariana, Codreanu Mario. Editura Printech, Book of Abstract: 54.  Nastase A., Cernisencu I., Tiganov G., Navodaru I. 2019
46 A new approach to enhance the involvement of stakeholders through the collaborative floodserv platform in flood risk management   International Workshop Of Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management-SWEM, 5-6 aprilie Bucuresti Romania. Book of Abstracts, Editura Printech București, Romania. (prezentare orala) Nichersu I.I., Nichersu I., Ogrezeanu A., Balaican D. 2019
47 An evaluation of wintering white-tailed eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) population in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve during 2016-2018.   Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.72, Book of Abstracts No.1. (prezentare orala) Alexe V., Dorosencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Bolboaca L. E., Tudor M., Murariu D. 2019
48 Assessing the perception of local community on the transition from economic capitalization to biodiversity conservation in Danube Delta ISSN 2344-3766. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 33, Tulcea, Romania.  The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea – România. (prezentare orala) Marin E., Sicrieru F., Mierlă M. 2019
49 Assessment of stakeholders perceptions of satellite-based assessment of Cyanobacteria blooms, as decision support, towards improvement of water management in Romania ISBN 978-606-23-0940-40. International Workshop Of Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management-SWEM 2019, Book of Abstracts, pp. 55-56, Editura Printech București, Romania.  5-6 April 2019. (poster) Torok L., Torok Z., Philipson P., Politi E. 2019
50 Bicycle touring – based ecotourism in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, pp 33, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) Crăciun A., Bota D., Sbarcea, M. 2019
51 Contribution to study on evolution of climatic parameters and some environmental components, in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 37, Tulcea, Romania. The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea – România. (prezentare orala) Mierlă M., Grigoraș I., Trifanov C., Covaliov S., Doroftei M. 2019
52 Current status of transport system in a fragile environment: Sulina case study ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 35, Tulcea. Romania (oral presentation) Sicrieru F., Marin E., Mierla M. 2019
53 Cyanoalert Space based Cyanobacteria Services for Danube Delta ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. (Book of Abstract) vol 6,pp. 42-43, Romania. (poster) Torok L., Politi E., Torok Z., Philipson P., Lebreton C. 2019
54 Data regarding fluctuations in the Great White pelican (Pelecanus onocratalus Linnaeus 1758) population in the Danube Delta (Romania) between the 1950s and 2016   Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.74, Book of Abstracts No.1. (prezentare orala) Kiss. J. B., Dorosencu A., Alexe V., Marinov E.M. 2019
55 Entomofauna species – indicators for environmental quality ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 18, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) Lupu G., Tudor I.M., Sali I., Spiridon C., Ibram O. 2019
56 Evolutia activitatilor in cadrul proiectului BELMONT – Creating interfaces – Prezentare Orala   A 39-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice Interne INCDDD 11 decembrie 2019, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orala) Balaican D. 2019
57 Fish fauna status from lake-complexes of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) in condition of growing population of Perccottus glenii in 2018 ISSN 2344-3766 The 27th Scientific Symposium, 5-9 June 2019 Tulcea, Romania, Book of Abstract vol. 6:20. (prezentare orala) Nastase A., Navodaru I., Cernisencu I. 2019
58 Implementation of a citizen-centric public service application in Danube Delta area for Flood-serv Horizon 2020 project ISSN 2344-3766 The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 39 pp, Tulcea. Romania.  (prezentare orala) Nichersu I.I., Nichersu I., Bratfanof Edward, Balaican D. 2019
59 Consistent ontological scenarios analysis on the information management towards the adaptative management of Danubius RI ISSN 2344-3766 The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 38 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (prezentare orala) Nichersu I. Iuliana, Nichersu Iulian, Balaican Dragos 2019
60 Natural vegetal resources of Danube Delta territory – present status and trend ISSN 2344-3766 The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea. Romania, Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) Vol. 6, p. 20, Editura C.I.T.D.D., Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orala) Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Negrea B. 2019
61 Operational water quality services and cyanobacteria warnings   Bio-optical properties and Remote Sensing of the Baltic Sea workshop, 23 August 2019, Nordic Network for Baltic Remote Sensing (Stockholm, Suedia). (oral presentation) Philipson P., Lebreton C., Stelzer K., Hahn N., Politi E., Török L., Török Z., Berglind C., Pansar J., Ganz H., Brockmann C., Bruno M 2019
62 New recoveries of color marked Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia), with longevity records and signs of high territorial fidelity   The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova. (prezentare orala) Kiss J.B., Marinov E.M., Sándor D.A., 2019
63 Preliminary data regarding the trace elements residues from the feathers of waterbirds in Danube Delta (Romania) in 2015  ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 28 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) Marinov Mihai,  Burada Adrian, Doroșencu  Alexandru, Alexe Vasile, Teodorof Liliana, Țigănuș Mihaela, Bolboacă Lucian Eugen, Tošić Katarina, Kiss Janos Botond, Tudor Marian 2019
64 Researches  on  the  conservation  status  of  the  fish  natural  breeding  areas  from  the  Somova-Parcheș hydrographic unit -Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, în Deltas and Wetlands ISSN 2344-3766 The 27th Scientific Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands”, 5-9  June 2019, Tulcea – Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of abstracts), Vol. 6, p. 24-25, Editura C.I.T.D.D., Tulcea, Romania. Cioacă Eugenia, Năstase A., Paraschiv M., Iani M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Pindic Paula, Anore C., Bănescu A 2019
65 An evaluation of wintering White-tailed Eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) population in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve during 2016 – 2018.    Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Muzeul Şi Cercetarea Ştiinţifică” Craiova, 12-14 septembrie 2019, pg. 72 (Book of Abstracts. No.I. The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova (Eds.: Anca Florentina Alexandru, Daniela Mihaela Măceșeanu, Mirela Sabina Ridiche), The Museum of Oltenia Craiova, Natural Sciences Department). (prezentare orala) Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Bolboacă L.E., Tudor M., Murariu D. 2019
66 Data regarding fluctuations in the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus 1758) population in the Danube Delta (Romania) between the 1950s and 2016.    Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Muzeul Şi Cercetarea Ştiinţifică” Craiova, 12-14 septembrie 2019, pg. 74 (Book of Abstracts. No.I. The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova (Eds.: Anca Florentina Alexandru, Daniela Mihaela Măceșeanu, Mirela Sabina Ridiche), The Museum of Oltenia Craiova, Natural Sciences Department). (prezentare orala) Kiss J.B., Doroșencu C.A., Alexe V., Marinov E.M. 2019
67 Screening of wild passerines for the avian influenza virus in the Danube Delta (Romania) in 2018   Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.108, Book of Abstracts No.1. (poster)  Marinov M., Alexe V., Dorosencu A., Porea D., Raileanu S., Bolboaca L. E., Tosik K., Lupu E., Maftei D. N.  2019
68 Sistemul de circulatie al apelor pe canale in Delta Dunarii la ape mici   Conferinta Stiintifica Anuala a INGHA 2019, Bucuresti- Romania. (prezentare orala) Nichersu I., Nichersu I., Simionov M., Balaican D. 2019
69 The assessment of colonial waterbird species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) in 2018 ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 19 pp, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Marinov Mihai, Doroșencu Alexandru, Alexe Vasile, Bolboacă Lucian Eugen 2019
70 The LUCAS project roller coaster ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 36, Tulcea. Romania. (prezentare orala) Balaican D., Tudor M., Nichersu I., Hanganu J., Sicrieru F., Banescu A., Sbarcea M., Anore C., Livanov O., Mierla M., Covaliov S., Ciorpac M., Bolboaca L., Trifanov C., Mihu-Pintilie A., Negrea B. 2019
71 The perception overview of main stakeholders on algal blooms in Danube Delta ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. (Book of Abstract) vol 6,pp. 33,  Romania. (poster) Marin E., Torok L., Mierla M., Torok Z.  2019
72 White–tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) active nests and Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes waterbird colonies in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve-a rough spatial analysis ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) Alexe Vasile, Doroşencu C. Alexandru, Marinov Mihai, Kiss J. Botond, Bolboacă Lucian-Eugen, Mierlă Marian, Murariu Dumitru 2019
73 DANUBEPARKS Position Paper Collision   International conference DANUBE FREE SKY, Tulcea, 12-14 septembrie 2019. (prezentare orala) Doroșencu A., Marinov E.M.., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Munteanu I., Crețu G., Morozov G., Căpriță C.  2019
74 Rezistența genetică la insecticide piretroide la complexul Culex pipiens, vector al virusului West Nile.     A XII-a Conferință Națională de Microbiologie și Epidemiologie. Microbiologia și Epidemiologia Românească – Realizări, Evoluții și Perspective. 14-16 noiembrie 2019, București. (prezentare orala) Stancu I.G., Tiron G.V., Falcută E., Marinov M., Porea D., Ceianu C.S., Cszutak O., Prioteasa L.F.  2019
75 Why does the white stork (Ciconia Ciconia) breed colonially in Donana and does not in the Danube Delta? ISSN 2344-3766 Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 14, Tulcea. Romania. Marta Peraita Cachaza, Dorosencu Alexandru 2019
76 Assessment the present level of the main compounds of pollutant emissions, from inland water transport system in the Danube 8regions wetlands – GREEDANUBE   ICEEM 10 – International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, organizata de Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iasi 18-21, septembrie, 2019 Romania. (prezentare orala) Tudor I.–M. Pipirigeanu V., Burada A., Tudor M., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Despina C., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Bota D., Anore C., Munteanu D., Cupsa O. S., Vintila M., Budescu N., Penchev V 2019
77 Romanian Danube River Floodplain Functionality Assessment ISBN online 978-3-030-22320-5. Negm A. M., Romanescu G., Zeleňáková M., în Water Resources Management in Romania, Editura Springer Cham, Switzerland, 251-277 p. Trifanov C., Mihu-Pintilie A., Tudor M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S.,  2019
78 Projection of changes in productivity of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) from Razim Lake under climate changes by VPA ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp9, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation).  Cernișencu I., Năvodaru I., Ibram O., Năstase A. 2018
79 The fish communities of lake-complexes from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in spring and automn 2017 ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766,  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp14, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation).  Năstase A., Năvodaru I., Cernișencu I., Țiganov G. 2018
80 Fishery from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – state and trends ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp35, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation). Năvodaru I., Cernișencu I., Năstase A. 2018
81 Study of fish fauna and natural fish productivity in Holbina 1-ecological reconstruction area, part of wetland Danube Delta ISSN 2285-7923 4th International Symposium Water Resources and Wetlands 5-9 September 2018 Tulcea, Romania (Book of Abstract ), vol. 4: 111-112. (poster) Năstase, A., Țiganov, G., Cernișencu, I., Despina, C., Burada, A., Seceleanu-Odor, D., Spiridon, C., Ibram, O., Tudor, M.I., Tudor, M. 2018
82 The State of White-tailed Eagle patrs (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus 1758) for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and lts surroundings ISSN 2623-677X.  Anita S., Zoran G. Sanja K. (ed.) „The Holistic Approach to Environment”, ediția a I-a (HAE 2018), pp. 751-759. Association for Promation of Holistic Approach to Environment. Sisak, Croatia, (poster) Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Sándor D.A., Ceico T., Tudor M., Nanu C.N., Ivanov G., Enescu R., Moise V., Murariu D. 2018
83 Ecological Restoration of the Danube Delta Wetland Fragmented Ecosystems. Șontea-Fortuna Area Case Study ISBN 978-80-89548-07-1. The 24th IAD Conference, Association of Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Czech Association of Geomorphologists, Bratislava, Slovacia Smolenice, Book of abstracts, pg. 14., Prezentare (Power Point) Cioacă E., Tudor M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Lupu G., Năstase A., Tudor M., Ibram O. 2018
84 The assessment of colonial species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) in 2016 and 2017 ISSN 2344-3766. Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 14, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orală) Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Răileanu S. 2018
85 Zaghen Polder – monitoring of ecological aspects after reconstruction works.  ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 10, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orală) Doroftei M., Burada A., Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Năstase A., Trifanov C., Covaliov S., Lupu G., Cristina D., Ibram O., Mierlă M., Tudor M., Marinov M., Pindic P., Sali I., Spiridon C. 2018
86 Preliminary data on mammal species of community interest in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 7, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M. 2018
87 Opinion Survey – A tool applied for the evaluation of tourists demand and supply in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 52, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania.  Bota D., Nanu C., Bozagievici R. 2018
88 Mass development episodes of some opportunistic macroalgae furing summer season along the Romanian Black Sea coast in the last decade ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 52, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Marin O., Török L., Török Z. 2018
89 Establishing a protocol to analyze harvesting and exploitation of phytoplankton algae for biomass production ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Török L., Mateescu C., Ducu R., Török Z. 2018
90 Techniques on how and when to analyze the presence of algal toxins ISSN 2344-3766.  Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Török L., Török Z. 2018
91 Disparities in living conditions and life standards of D.D.B.R.’s human communities – Sulina case study ISSN 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 37-38, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Sela F., Marin E. 2018
92 Maritime Spatial Planning – Coastal erosion, vulnerability and public consultation on Case Study Eforie. ISSN 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 38-39, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Alexandrov L., Spinu A., Mateescu R., Nita V., Vlasceanu E., Nichersu I., Marin E., Sela F. 2018
93 Assessment of threatening at regional level for Community Interest Insect Species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 13, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Lupu G., Tudor I.M., Ibram O. 2018
94 Water quality assessment of aquatic ecosystems using Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification (criteria) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 31, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Tudor I.,M., Teodorof L., Ibram O., Burada A., Despina C., Sali I., Tudor M., Lupu G., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Seceleanu-Odor D., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Spiridon C., Țigănuș M., Bănescu A. 2018
95 Contributions in knowing the effects of climate change on some ecosystem services within Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve ISSN 2344-3766 Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 26, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania.  Mierlă M., Grigoraș I., Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Trifanov C. 2018
96 Assessment of air quality status performed in the selected Danube river areas ISSN 2344-3766. Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 26, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Pipirigeanu V., Tudor I.-M., Burada A., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Bota D., Despina C., Tudor M., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Anore C., Munteanu D., Vintila M., Rafael R., Penchev V., Kereš B. E., Sajgó N., Zöllner J., Dahlke F., Szuppinger P., Kállary T., Budescu F.-N., Serban-Atanasiu I., Camernik B., 2018
97 Epidemiological aspects related to parasitosis and infectious diseases in the equines population of Grindul Letea – Danube Delta ISSN 2344-3766. Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 47, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) Răileanu S., Cernea M., Marinov M.  2018
Nr. crt. Statistică perioada 2018 – 2023 Valori
1 Numărul de lucrări prezentate la manifestări ştiinţifice publicate în volum 97
2 Numărul de articole publicate  în reviste indexate WoS/Scopus,  inclusiv proceedings 35
3 Factor de impact cumulat al lucrărilor indexate WoS 73.022
4 Numărul de articole publicate în reviste ştiinţifice indexate BDI, inclusiv proceedings 49
5 Numărul de cărţi și capitole de carte publicate 11
6 Citări științifice / tehnice în reviste de specialitate indexate WoS/Scopus 692



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