Nr.crt. |
Titlul |
Numărul internațional standardizat al cărții (codul ISBN) |
Editura/Conferința |
Autorii |
Anul |
1 |
Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2021 |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Ene L., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Chirilă S.D., Mierlă M., Simionov M., Năstase A., Cenișencu I., Doroșencu A., Bolboacă L., Marinov M., Alexe V., Nichersu I., Balaican D., Sicrieru F., Lupu G |
2023 |
2 |
The Current And Historical Presence Of The European Fallow Deer – Dama Dama, (Linnaeus 1758) On The Territory Of The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 18, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Kiss J.B., Alexe V., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.E., Doroșencu A.C., Chișamera G.B., Nanu C.N. |
2023 |
3 |
Spatial Distribution and prey preferences of the White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and Surroundings (Romania) |
Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 61, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (prezentare orală) |
Alexe V., Bolboacă L.-E., Marinov M., Doroșencu A.-C., Sándor A. D., Kiss B. J., Murariu D. |
2023 |
4 |
Study of the analysis of the floristic composition of the grasslands in the Danube Delta and the impact of environmental factors |
Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 70, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (poster) |
Covaliov S., Chirilă S.D., Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Făgăraș M. |
2023 |
5 |
Natura2000 habitats map in Danube Delta, site for community importance |
Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 142, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (prezentare orală) |
Doroftei M., Grigoraș I., Covaliov S., Hanganu J., Sârbu C., Oprea A., Mierlă M.*, Trifanov C. |
2023 |
6 |
The Transformation of Reed Beds into Floodplain Pastures: A Complex Task in Preserving Biodiversity |
Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, (Book of Abstracts) pp 144, Bacău, România. Conferința națională cu participare internațională „Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor”, ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023, Bacău, România. (poster) |
Doroftei M., Covaliov S.*, Dumitrița Chirilă S., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Simionov M., Burada A., Tošić K., Lupu G., Ene L., Făgăraș M. |
2023 |
7 |
Addressing Invasive Alien Species in Black Sea Deltaic Ecosystems: Achievements and Implications of the IASON Project |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 20, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Simionov M., Covaliov S., Lupu G. |
2023 |
8 |
Contribuții la analiza potențialului de utilizare durabilă a vegetatiei specifice sistemului Dunăre-Delta Dunării-Marea Neagră |
Eco-Workshop, Editia 1, Ecologia Acvatică, (Book of Abstracts), București, România. Eco-Workshop, Editia 1, Ecologia Acvatică, București, România. (prezentare online) |
Hanganu J., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Mierlă M., Trifanov C. |
2023 |
9 |
Preliminary Results On Centaurea Jankae Monitoring |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 33, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Mierla M., Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Trifanov C., Despina C., Cernisencu I. |
2023 |
10 |
Is There a Conflict Between Local Communities in Romania and Birds of Prey? |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 13, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Birău Alx. C., Chirilă Simona Dumitrița, Mierlă M., Murariu D-tru. |
2023 |
11 |
Corologia şi preferințele de habitat a speciei Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (Droseraceae Salisb.) din România |
Sesiunea de comunicări ştiințifice „D. Brandza”, (Book of Abstracts), Bucureşti. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiințifice „D. Brandza”, Bucureşti. (poster) |
Chirilă S.D., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. |
2023 |
12 |
Analysis of the distribution and characteristics of the populations of Crambe tataria Sebeόk (Brassicaceae) in Romania |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Chirilă S.D. |
2023 |
13 |
How Are The Current Fish Stocks And Fish Fauna In Freshwater Of Danube Delta Compared To The Last Century |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol 9, pp 19, Tulcea, Romania. The 30th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2023, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Năstase Aurel, Ion Năvodaru |
2023 |
14 |
Current ecological state of the fish fauna from fluvio-maritimal of Danube Deșta (Roșu-Puiu lakes-complex) |
(Book of Abstracts) “Alma Mater” Publishing House, Ecology and Sustainable Development Section, p 127. The 14th Edition of Conference Ecology and Protection of Ecosystems (EPE), Univ. V. Alecsandri of Bacău, 2-4 of November 2023, Romania. (poster) |
Aurel Năstase, Marian Iani, Ștefan Honț, Marian Paraschiv, Irina Cernișencu |
2023 |
15 |
European mink (Mustrela lutreola) reference genome and population genomics |
34th European Mustelid Colloquium – 14-16 September 2022 (online Conference) (prezentare orala). 34th European Mustelid Colloquium September 2022 (Book of Abstracts) |
A. Mouton, C. Fournier-Chambrillon, P. Fournier, J. Skorupski, P. Smietana, B. Vacherie, T. Guerin, E. Payen, L. Bertrand, G. Magdelenat, B. Mairey, C. Hamon, M. Lepretre, N. Martins, E. Brun, O. Belusche, S. Lebled, C. Milani, B. Istace, C. Belser, K. Labadie, C. Cruaud, P. H. Oliveira, J.M. Aury, P. Wincker, M. Podraq, M. Gerbault-Seureau, I. Marchand, M. Marinov, T. Maran, C. Bellanger, B. Bed’Hom, J. Michaux |
2022 |
16 |
Online ISSN 2393-5138 |
The International Conference „Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, June, 2-4, 2022, the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (Book of Abstract), (prezentare orala) |
2022 |
17 |
Online ISSN 2393-5138 |
The International Conference „Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, June, 2-4, 2022, the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (Book of Abstract), (prezentare orala) |
2022 |
18 |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 20. |
2022 |
19 |
BSB ECO MONITORINGBSB MONITORING – Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries – Project Number: BSB-884 |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 19. |
Cernişencu Irina, Despina Cristina, Hanganu Victoria, Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Popescu G., Covaliov S. |
2022 |
20 |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 24, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) |
Livanov Oliver, Nichersu Iulian, Balaican Dragoş, Simionov Matei, Burada Adrian, Bratfanof Edward |
2022 |
21 |
IASON Project – Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Black Sea Deltaic Protected Areas. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 31, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) |
Dr. Gabriel LUPU, Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Matei SIMIONOV, Raluca (BOZAGIEVICI) CĂLIN |
2022 |
22 |
The most common alien invasive plant species of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 29, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (prezentare orală) |
Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Dr. Mihai DOROFTEI |
2022 |
23 |
Invasive Alien Species from the Danube Delta representative for the phenomenon of invasiveness |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 30, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
2022 |
24 |
Status of biodiversity, habitats, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in 2020 |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Dr. Gabriel LUPU, Dr. Mihai DOROFTEI, Drd. Silviu COVALIOV, Dr. Aurel NĂSTASE, Dr. Irina CERNIȘENCU, Dr. Alexandru DOROȘENCU, Dr. Lucian BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Eugenia MARIN, Dragoș BALAICAN, Drd. Liliana ENE, Diana BOTA, Dr. Ion NĂVODARU |
2022 |
25 |
New data on the distribution of Pine Marten – Martes martes and Beech Marten – Martes foina populations from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 11, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Dr. Gabriel CHIȘAMERA, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Viorel POCORA, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Dr. Lucian-Eugen BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Alexandru – Cătălin DOROȘENCU |
2022 |
26 |
Brief analysis of the bird species recorded in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and their phylogenetic relationships. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 16, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Marta PERAITA, Dr. Alexandru Cătălin DOROȘENCU, Dr. Lucian Eugen BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Dr. Vasile ALEXE, Dr. Viorel CUZIC, Iuliana POȘTARU, Ana Mirela SCIOTNIC |
2022 |
27 |
Habitat selectivity of breeding Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in DDBR. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 11, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Dr. Lucian BOLBOACĂ, Dr. Alexandru-Cătălin DOROȘENCU, Dr. Mihai MARINOV, Marta PERAITA, Dr. Vasile ALEXE |
2022 |
28 |
Breeding population estimates of Common Goldeneye (B. c. clangula) (Palmer 1976, Bellrose 1980) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Alexandru Cătălin Doroșencu, Lucian Eugen Bolboacă, Mihai Marinov, Vasile Alexe, Marta Peraita, Viorel Cuzic, Constantin Ion, Laurențiu Petrencu, Lucian Fasolă-Mătăsaru, Vitalie Ajder, Viorel Cuzic, Vlad Amarghioalei |
2022 |
29 |
Preliminary data regarding fish fauna from freshwater of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. |
ISSN: 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 8, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 29th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’ June 01 – 05, 2022, Tulcea. (poster) |
Năstase (A.), Iani I.M., Honț Ș., Paraschiv M., Cernișencu I., Cociaș Ș., Năvodaru I. |
2022 |
30 |
Comparative analysis of the significance and importance of urban lakes in the perception of young people from Cluj Napoca, Sibiu and Tulcea. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 29, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Török Liliana, Bratfanov Edward, Török Zsolt |
2021 |
31 |
Food habits of the population from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve territory and adjacent areas |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Despina C., Burada A., Teodorof L., Seceleanu-Odor D., Țigănuș M., Tudor M. I., Ibram O., Calmuc V.A., Năstase (A.), Crăciun A., Balaican D., Iani I.M. |
2021 |
32 |
Fish biodiversity from Danube River Delta arms in DDBR area. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Năstase (A.), Iani M., Honț Ș., Paraschiv M., Cernișencu I. |
2021 |
33 |
Variability of heavy metals concentrations in some fish species from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 25, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Burada A., Teodorof L., Despina C., Seceleanu-Odor D., Țigănuș M., Tudor M. I., Ibram O., Calmuc V.A., Năstase (A.), Crăciun A., Iani I.M. |
2021 |
34 |
BSB ECO MONITORINGBSB MONITORING – Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries – Project Number: BSB-884 |
The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Cernişencu Irina, Despina Cristina, Hanganu Victoria, Doroftei M., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Popescu G., Covaliov S. |
2021 |
35 |
Endangered plant species and habitats in DDBR – conservation management and perspectives |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 15, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (prezentare orala) |
Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Oprea A., Sîrbu C., Trifanov C., Mierlă M., Hanganu J., Sârbu I. |
2021 |
36 |
IASON – Invasive alien species observatory and network development for the assessment of climate change impacts in Black Sea deltaic protected areas. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 34, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
2021 |
37 |
Food-Water-Energy Nexus visibility at local level. Co-creative approaches involving citizen science through multiple stages of research |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 24, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
2021 |
38 |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 14, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Doroșencu Alexandru, Bolboacă Lucian, Michelangelo Morganti |
2021 |
39 |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 17, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (prezentare orala) |
Morganti Michelangelo, Bogliani Giuseppe, Bolboacă Lucian, Catitti Benedetta, Dorosencu Alexandru, Fasola Emanuele, Gruebler Martin, Monrós Juan, Rubolini Diego, Stefani Fabrizio, Viganò Enrico and Fasola Mauro |
2021 |
40 |
New data on the diet of White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its sourroundings (România). |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract), vol. 7, pp 13, Tulcea, Romania. The 28th Symposium ‘Deltas and Wetlands’, September 13 – 18, 2021, Tulcea, România. (poster) |
Alexe V., Sandor A. D., Marinov M., Bolboacă L.-E., Dorosencu A.-A., Marta P., Kiss B., Dumitru M. |
2021 |
41 |
Project code BSB27 Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure prevention. |
MONITOX International Conference “Environmental Challenges in the Black Sea Basin: Impact on Human Health” Galati, Romania, September 23th-26th, 2019. Abstract book: Năstase A.– Fish Fauna from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Book of Abstract: 27. |
Năstase A. |
2020 |
42 |
Noi contribuţii la cunoaşterea răspândirii unor antofite adventive în flora României, 160 de ani de la înfiinţarea Grădinii Botanice din Bucureşti ”Dimitrie Brândză” |
Anastasiu P., Camen-Comănescu P. (eds.) 2020. Sesiunea de Comunicări ştiinţifice „D. Brandza”, ediţia a 26-a. Program, rezumate. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, pag. 38. (prezentare orala) |
Sîrbu C., Oprea A., Doroftei M., Covaliov S. |
2020 |
43 |
Contribuții la Eficientizarea Investigării Habitatelor Naturale Utilizând Abordări și Instrumente Moderne de Lucru, 160 de ani de la înfiinţarea Grădinii Botanice din Bucureşti ”Dimitrie Brândză” |
Anastasiu P., Camen-Comănescu P. (eds.) 2020. Sesiunea de Comunicări ştiinţifice „D. Brandza”, ediţia a 26-a. Program, rezumate. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, pag. 32. (prezentare orala) |
Covaliov S., Negrea B., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Doroftei M., Făgăraș M. |
2020 |
44 |
A two-year comparative survey (2015 –2016) of West Nile virus circulation in Sǎlcioara –Jurilovca area. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 25, Tulcea, Romania. The 27th Scientific Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands”, 5-9 June 2019, Tulcea – Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Fǎlcuțǎ E., Marinov M., Cotar A.., Dinu S., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Ceianu C., Vladimirescu A., Purcǎrea –Ciulacu V., Prioteasa L. |
2019 |
45 |
A decade (2007-2017) from first record of the invasion in Danube Delta (Romania) by the non-negative Chinese sleeper (Percottus glenii, Dybowsky 1877) species. |
ISBN 978-606-23-0940-4. |
International Workshop on Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management – SWEM 2019: Bucharest, Romania, 5-6 April 2019, Eds. Constantin Carolina, Golumbeanu Mariana, Codreanu Mario. Editura Printech, Book of Abstract: 54. |
Nastase A., Cernisencu I., Tiganov G., Navodaru I. |
2019 |
46 |
A new approach to enhance the involvement of stakeholders through the collaborative floodserv platform in flood risk management |
International Workshop Of Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management-SWEM, 5-6 aprilie Bucuresti Romania. Book of Abstracts, Editura Printech București, Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Nichersu I.I., Nichersu I., Ogrezeanu A., Balaican D. |
2019 |
47 |
An evaluation of wintering white-tailed eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) population in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve during 2016-2018. |
Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.72, Book of Abstracts No.1. (prezentare orala) |
Alexe V., Dorosencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Bolboaca L. E., Tudor M., Murariu D. |
2019 |
48 |
Assessing the perception of local community on the transition from economic capitalization to biodiversity conservation in Danube Delta |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 33, Tulcea, Romania. The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea – România. (prezentare orala) |
Marin E., Sicrieru F., Mierlă M. |
2019 |
49 |
Assessment of stakeholders perceptions of satellite-based assessment of Cyanobacteria blooms, as decision support, towards improvement of water management in Romania |
ISBN 978-606-23-0940-40. |
International Workshop Of Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management-SWEM 2019, Book of Abstracts, pp. 55-56, Editura Printech București, Romania. 5-6 April 2019. (poster) |
Torok L., Torok Z., Philipson P., Politi E. |
2019 |
50 |
Bicycle touring – based ecotourism in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, pp 33, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) |
Crăciun A., Bota D., Sbarcea, M. |
2019 |
51 |
Contribution to study on evolution of climatic parameters and some environmental components, in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstracts) vol. 6, pp. 37, Tulcea, Romania. The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea – România. (prezentare orala) |
Mierlă M., Grigoraș I., Trifanov C., Covaliov S., Doroftei M. |
2019 |
52 |
Current status of transport system in a fragile environment: Sulina case study |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 35, Tulcea. Romania (oral presentation) |
Sicrieru F., Marin E., Mierla M. |
2019 |
53 |
Cyanoalert Space based Cyanobacteria Services for Danube Delta |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. (Book of Abstract) vol 6,pp. 42-43, Romania. (poster) |
Torok L., Politi E., Torok Z., Philipson P., Lebreton C. |
2019 |
54 |
Data regarding fluctuations in the Great White pelican (Pelecanus onocratalus Linnaeus 1758) population in the Danube Delta (Romania) between the 1950s and 2016 |
Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.74, Book of Abstracts No.1. (prezentare orala) |
Kiss. J. B., Dorosencu A., Alexe V., Marinov E.M. |
2019 |
55 |
Entomofauna species – indicators for environmental quality |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 18, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) |
Lupu G., Tudor I.M., Sali I., Spiridon C., Ibram O. |
2019 |
56 |
Evolutia activitatilor in cadrul proiectului BELMONT – Creating interfaces – Prezentare Orala |
A 39-a Sesiune de Comunicari Stiintifice Interne INCDDD 11 decembrie 2019, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Balaican D. |
2019 |
57 |
Fish fauna status from lake-complexes of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) in condition of growing population of Perccottus glenii in 2018 |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
The 27th Scientific Symposium, 5-9 June 2019 Tulcea, Romania, Book of Abstract vol. 6:20. (prezentare orala) |
Nastase A., Navodaru I., Cernisencu I. |
2019 |
58 |
Implementation of a citizen-centric public service application in Danube Delta area for Flood-serv Horizon 2020 project |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 39 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Nichersu I.I., Nichersu I., Bratfanof Edward, Balaican D. |
2019 |
59 |
Consistent ontological scenarios analysis on the information management towards the adaptative management of Danubius RI |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 38 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Nichersu I. Iuliana, Nichersu Iulian, Balaican Dragos |
2019 |
60 |
Natural vegetal resources of Danube Delta territory – present status and trend |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
The 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea. Romania, Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) Vol. 6, p. 20, Editura C.I.T.D.D., Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Negrea B. |
2019 |
61 |
Operational water quality services and cyanobacteria warnings |
Bio-optical properties and Remote Sensing of the Baltic Sea workshop, 23 August 2019, Nordic Network for Baltic Remote Sensing (Stockholm, Suedia). (oral presentation) |
Philipson P., Lebreton C., Stelzer K., Hahn N., Politi E., Török L., Török Z., Berglind C., Pansar J., Ganz H., Brockmann C., Bruno M |
2019 |
62 |
New recoveries of color marked Eurasian Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia), with longevity records and signs of high territorial fidelity |
The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova. (prezentare orala) |
Kiss J.B., Marinov E.M., Sándor D.A., |
2019 |
63 |
Preliminary data regarding the trace elements residues from the feathers of waterbirds in Danube Delta (Romania) in 2015 |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 28 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) |
Marinov Mihai, Burada Adrian, Doroșencu Alexandru, Alexe Vasile, Teodorof Liliana, Țigănuș Mihaela, Bolboacă Lucian Eugen, Tošić Katarina, Kiss Janos Botond, Tudor Marian |
2019 |
64 |
Researches on the conservation status of the fish natural breeding areas from the Somova-Parcheș hydrographic unit -Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, în Deltas and Wetlands |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
The 27th Scientific Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands”, 5-9 June 2019, Tulcea – Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of abstracts), Vol. 6, p. 24-25, Editura C.I.T.D.D., Tulcea, Romania. |
Cioacă Eugenia, Năstase A., Paraschiv M., Iani M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Pindic Paula, Anore C., Bănescu A |
2019 |
65 |
An evaluation of wintering White-tailed Eagle (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla) population in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve during 2016 – 2018. |
Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Muzeul Şi Cercetarea Ştiinţifică” Craiova, 12-14 septembrie 2019, pg. 72 (Book of Abstracts. No.I. The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova (Eds.: Anca Florentina Alexandru, Daniela Mihaela Măceșeanu, Mirela Sabina Ridiche), The Museum of Oltenia Craiova, Natural Sciences Department). (prezentare orala) |
Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Bolboacă L.E., Tudor M., Murariu D. |
2019 |
66 |
Data regarding fluctuations in the Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus Linnaeus 1758) population in the Danube Delta (Romania) between the 1950s and 2016. |
Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Muzeul Şi Cercetarea Ştiinţifică” Craiova, 12-14 septembrie 2019, pg. 74 (Book of Abstracts. No.I. The Sientific International Conference „The Museum and scientific research” The 26th Edition, September 12-14, 2019, Craiova (Eds.: Anca Florentina Alexandru, Daniela Mihaela Măceșeanu, Mirela Sabina Ridiche), The Museum of Oltenia Craiova, Natural Sciences Department). (prezentare orala) |
Kiss J.B., Doroșencu C.A., Alexe V., Marinov E.M. |
2019 |
67 |
Screening of wild passerines for the avian influenza virus in the Danube Delta (Romania) in 2018 |
Conferinta stiintifica internationala “Muzeul si Cercetarea Stiintifica “ Craiova 12-14 septembrie 2019, pp.108, Book of Abstracts No.1. (poster) |
Marinov M., Alexe V., Dorosencu A., Porea D., Raileanu S., Bolboaca L. E., Tosik K., Lupu E., Maftei D. N. |
2019 |
68 |
Sistemul de circulatie al apelor pe canale in Delta Dunarii la ape mici |
Conferinta Stiintifica Anuala a INGHA 2019, Bucuresti- Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Nichersu I., Nichersu I., Simionov M., Balaican D. |
2019 |
69 |
The assessment of colonial waterbird species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) in 2018 |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 19 pp, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Marinov Mihai, Doroșencu Alexandru, Alexe Vasile, Bolboacă Lucian Eugen |
2019 |
70 |
The LUCAS project roller coaster |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 36, Tulcea. Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Balaican D., Tudor M., Nichersu I., Hanganu J., Sicrieru F., Banescu A., Sbarcea M., Anore C., Livanov O., Mierla M., Covaliov S., Ciorpac M., Bolboaca L., Trifanov C., Mihu-Pintilie A., Negrea B. |
2019 |
71 |
The perception overview of main stakeholders on algal blooms in Danube Delta |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. (Book of Abstract) vol 6,pp. 33, Romania. (poster) |
Marin E., Torok L., Mierla M., Torok Z. |
2019 |
72 |
White–tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) active nests and Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes waterbird colonies in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve-a rough spatial analysis |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp, Tulcea. Romania. (poster) |
Alexe Vasile, Doroşencu C. Alexandru, Marinov Mihai, Kiss J. Botond, Bolboacă Lucian-Eugen, Mierlă Marian, Murariu Dumitru |
2019 |
73 |
DANUBEPARKS Position Paper Collision |
International conference DANUBE FREE SKY, Tulcea, 12-14 septembrie 2019. (prezentare orala) |
Doroșencu A., Marinov E.M.., Alexe V., Bolboacă L.E., Munteanu I., Crețu G., Morozov G., Căpriță C. |
2019 |
74 |
Rezistența genetică la insecticide piretroide la complexul Culex pipiens, vector al virusului West Nile. |
A XII-a Conferință Națională de Microbiologie și Epidemiologie. Microbiologia și Epidemiologia Românească – Realizări, Evoluții și Perspective. 14-16 noiembrie 2019, București. (prezentare orala) |
Stancu I.G., Tiron G.V., Falcută E., Marinov M., Porea D., Ceianu C.S., Cszutak O., Prioteasa L.F. |
2019 |
75 |
Why does the white stork (Ciconia Ciconia) breed colonially in Donana and does not in the Danube Delta? |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Deltas and Wetlands, the 27th Scientific Symposium, 05-09 June 2019, Tulcea-Romania. Deltas and Wetlands (Book of Abstract) vol 6, 13 pp 14, Tulcea. Romania. |
Marta Peraita Cachaza, Dorosencu Alexandru |
2019 |
76 |
Assessment the present level of the main compounds of pollutant emissions, from inland water transport system in the Danube 8regions wetlands – GREEDANUBE |
ICEEM 10 – International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, organizata de Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi”, Iasi 18-21, septembrie, 2019 Romania. (prezentare orala) |
Tudor I.–M. Pipirigeanu V., Burada A., Tudor M., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Despina C., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Bota D., Anore C., Munteanu D., Cupsa O. S., Vintila M., Budescu N., Penchev V |
2019 |
77 |
Romanian Danube River Floodplain Functionality Assessment |
ISBN online 978-3-030-22320-5. |
Negm A. M., Romanescu G., Zeleňáková M., în Water Resources Management in Romania, Editura Springer Cham, Switzerland, 251-277 p. |
Trifanov C., Mihu-Pintilie A., Tudor M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., |
2019 |
78 |
Projection of changes in productivity of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) from Razim Lake under climate changes by VPA |
ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp9, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation). |
Cernișencu I., Năvodaru I., Ibram O., Năstase A. |
2018 |
79 |
The fish communities of lake-complexes from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in spring and automn 2017 |
ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766, |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp14, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation). |
Năstase A., Năvodaru I., Cernișencu I., Țiganov G. |
2018 |
80 |
Fishery from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve – state and trends |
ISSN: 2344-3766; ISSN-L: 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. Book of abstract No 5, pp35, 2018, Tulcea, (oral presentation). |
Năvodaru I., Cernișencu I., Năstase A. |
2018 |
81 |
Study of fish fauna and natural fish productivity in Holbina 1-ecological reconstruction area, part of wetland Danube Delta |
ISSN 2285-7923 |
4th International Symposium Water Resources and Wetlands 5-9 September 2018 Tulcea, Romania (Book of Abstract ), vol. 4: 111-112. (poster) |
Năstase, A., Țiganov, G., Cernișencu, I., Despina, C., Burada, A., Seceleanu-Odor, D., Spiridon, C., Ibram, O., Tudor, M.I., Tudor, M. |
2018 |
82 |
The State of White-tailed Eagle patrs (Aves: Haliaeetus albicilla Linnaeus 1758) for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and lts surroundings |
ISSN 2623-677X. |
Anita S., Zoran G. Sanja K. (ed.) „The Holistic Approach to Environment”, ediția a I-a (HAE 2018), pp. 751-759. Association for Promation of Holistic Approach to Environment. Sisak, Croatia, (poster) |
Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M., Kiss J.B., Sándor D.A., Ceico T., Tudor M., Nanu C.N., Ivanov G., Enescu R., Moise V., Murariu D. |
2018 |
83 |
Ecological Restoration of the Danube Delta Wetland Fragmented Ecosystems. Șontea-Fortuna Area Case Study |
ISBN 978-80-89548-07-1. |
The 24th IAD Conference, Association of Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Czech Association of Geomorphologists, Bratislava, Slovacia Smolenice, Book of abstracts, pg. 14., Prezentare (Power Point) |
Cioacă E., Tudor M., Mierlă M., Doroftei M., Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Lupu G., Năstase A., Tudor M., Ibram O. |
2018 |
84 |
The assessment of colonial species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Romania) in 2016 and 2017 |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania. (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 14, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orală) |
Marinov M., Doroșencu A., Alexe V., Răileanu S. |
2018 |
85 |
Zaghen Polder – monitoring of ecological aspects after reconstruction works. |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 10, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (prezentare orală) |
Doroftei M., Burada A., Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Năstase A., Trifanov C., Covaliov S., Lupu G., Cristina D., Ibram O., Mierlă M., Tudor M., Marinov M., Pindic P., Sali I., Spiridon C. |
2018 |
86 |
Preliminary data on mammal species of community interest in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 7, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Alexe V., Doroșencu A., Marinov M. |
2018 |
87 |
Opinion Survey – A tool applied for the evaluation of tourists demand and supply in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 52, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. |
Bota D., Nanu C., Bozagievici R. |
2018 |
88 |
Mass development episodes of some opportunistic macroalgae furing summer season along the Romanian Black Sea coast in the last decade |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 52, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Marin O., Török L., Török Z. |
2018 |
89 |
Establishing a protocol to analyze harvesting and exploitation of phytoplankton algae for biomass production |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Török L., Mateescu C., Ducu R., Török Z. |
2018 |
90 |
Techniques on how and when to analyze the presence of algal toxins |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Török L., Török Z. |
2018 |
91 |
Disparities in living conditions and life standards of D.D.B.R.’s human communities – Sulina case study |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 37-38, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Sela F., Marin E. |
2018 |
92 |
Maritime Spatial Planning – Coastal erosion, vulnerability and public consultation on Case Study Eforie. |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 38-39, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Alexandrov L., Spinu A., Mateescu R., Nita V., Vlasceanu E., Nichersu I., Marin E., Sela F. |
2018 |
93 |
Assessment of threatening at regional level for Community Interest Insect Species from Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 13, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Lupu G., Tudor I.M., Ibram O. |
2018 |
94 |
Water quality assessment of aquatic ecosystems using Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification (criteria) in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 31, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Tudor I.,M., Teodorof L., Ibram O., Burada A., Despina C., Sali I., Tudor M., Lupu G., Doroftei M., Covaliov S., Seceleanu-Odor D., Mierlă M., Trifanov C., Spiridon C., Țigănuș M., Bănescu A. |
2018 |
95 |
Contributions in knowing the effects of climate change on some ecosystem services within Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
ISSN 2344-3766 |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 26, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. |
Mierlă M., Grigoraș I., Covaliov S., Doroftei M., Trifanov C. |
2018 |
96 |
Assessment of air quality status performed in the selected Danube river areas |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 26, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Pipirigeanu V., Tudor I.-M., Burada A., Ibram O., Teodorof L., Bota D., Despina C., Tudor M., Mierla M., Trifanov C., Anore C., Munteanu D., Vintila M., Rafael R., Penchev V., Kereš B. E., Sajgó N., Zöllner J., Dahlke F., Szuppinger P., Kállary T., Budescu F.-N., Serban-Atanasiu I., Camernik B., |
2018 |
97 |
Epidemiological aspects related to parasitosis and infectious diseases in the equines population of Grindul Letea – Danube Delta |
ISSN 2344-3766. |
Delta and Wetlands, the 26th Scientific Symposium, 16-20 May 2018, Tulcea, Romania, (Book of Abstracts) vol 5, pp 47, Danube Delta Technological Information Center, Tulcea, Romania. (poster) |
Răileanu S., Cernea M., Marinov M. |
2018 |