Horizon 2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730141. The project began on 1 November 2016. The CyanoAlert service will be a global service for the environmental authorities and commercial sector, concerned by health risks and quality of water resources. The service will deliver a fully automated application for assessing toxin producing cyanobacteria blooms in water resources globally, using Copernicus satellite earth observation remote sensing technology. The service foresees a dual dissemination system that provides user-specific information for monitoring and reporting purposes to paying customers, and a free and open information for the public through web and mobile applications. The consortium consists of three implementation partners, Brockmann Consult (Germany), Odermatt & Brockmann (Switzerland) and Brockmann Geomatics (Sweden), for the technical implementation of the Service, and three pilot user partners the County Administrative Board of Stockholm (Sweden),The Italian National Institute of Health (Italy) and the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (Romania). The pilot user partners will integrate the service into their daily operations to demonstrate its usability and value. The establishment of a sustainable supply chain, and a sound business model, will enable us to bring this innovative service to the market.
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Aplicatie Demo

Aplicatie Demo





Studii de Caz

Delta Dunării

The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR), a Ramsar wetland Site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a biodiversity hotspot for numerous species of flora and fauna, including important colonies of 312 breeding and wintering bird species.

Lacul Erken

Erken is a clear water lake that usually is ice covered between January and March. It is dimictic with weak and often interrupted summer stratification, which represents an intermediate case between a polymictic lake and a lake with strong summer stratification.

Lacul Trasimeno

Trasimeno is a tectonic lake that is quite shallow (mean depth is 4.7 m) and with a relatively large catchment (396 km2). A eutrophic lake, Trasimeno is mainly used for irrigation, drinking and industrial uses that drain water through artesian wells in the lake groundwater reservoir.

Norra Bergundasjön

Norra Bergundasjön is a hypertrophic suburban lake rich in birds and fish. The lake was originally oligotrophic but a lowering of the lake level in the early 19th century contributed to eutrophication together with discharge of untreated sewage water from Växjö town.


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