National Institute for Research and Development for Biological Sciences INCDSB
The INCDSB (www.incdsb.ro) was established in 1996 under the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research. The INCDSB conducts excellence research in environmental biology, biodiversity, biomedicine, agro-food research, being an important center in the field of Life Sciences. Within this project, the INCDSB has the status of coordinator of the project, being the coordinator of the activities assigned to the Hub. The INCDSBB participated as a partner in the Sectoral project „Preparing the ESFRI project proposal for the founding of the international centre „DANUBIU” for advanced studies for „river-delta-systems” (2013), which led to the submitted in 2015 of the application for entry on road –map ESFRI of the project DANUBIUS –RI. In the period 2013-2015 NIRDBS was involved as a partner in the European project FP7 DANCERS: Danube Macroregion: Capacity building and excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea), a project which, in the context of the Danube River- in view of the preparation of the ESFRI application, has developed new research and promotion instruments for research in the Danube and the Black Sea region. The INCDSB is a partner in the DANUBIUS-RI Preparatory phase for the Pan-European Research Infrastructure project, H2020-INFRADEV-2016-2 , where he coordinates WP7-Data Protocols & Handling and is responsible for Task 5.3 – The Role and Functions of the Hub in WP5. The INCDSB has participated in numerous international projects: FP5-1 project, FP6-3 projects, FP7-3 projects, Bilateral Programs-5 projects, SCOPES-1 project, SEE-1 project, EEA-1 project, ERA-MIN-1project.
The coordinating director of the project is Dr. Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff