POS Mediu: ” Elaborarea unui suport cartografic digital de rezoluţie înaltă necesar implementării planurilor, strategiilor şi a schemelor de management în Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării ” (2009-2012) (CARTODD), Buget: 1 148 906 Euro
Project description: The cartographic support used for implementation of management plan in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve was quite old and dates back from 1985. In order to meet obligations arising from implementation of the Natura 2000 network, the existing management plan needs to be updated. This requires a cartographic high resolution with good elevation accuracy. To achieve this, LIDAR technology has been selected to provide the raw data. This technology provides data with enough accuracy for hydrological models requested in ecological restoration projects, improvement of habitats, classification by processing information from DEM and DTM and support for flood hazard maps.
Department achievements: Process LIDAR raw data to produce Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, updating the hydrological model in order to be used for maintain / restoring the good ecological status of ecosystems in D.D.B.R. These products are also used for: habitat restoration, hazard maps, support for urban planning.
It enables a more detailed classification of habitats by combining information obtained from radiometric data classification of images satellite / orthophoto with information about vegetation height that comes from differences between DEM and DTM.
Internet access to these data was provided by a web GIS client application in combination with a map server, developed by DDNI using only Open-Source products. The application allows the user to access the map of Natura 2000 sites and the DTM of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. DDNI also provides maintenance for the server, where the application is hosted.