From exchanges of experiences and best practices, the project aims at studying the necessary governance tools to ensure a sustainable development of straits and to develop their functions as gateways to hinterlands and to external territories around the issues of economic development, transport, tourism and biodiversity. By searching ways to improve the governance between the two banks of a strait, the aim is to enable the authorities to enhance effective public policies, at the local, national and European levels, that will both allow economic development of the area and preserve the biodiversity.

The European Deltas are facing the same issues as the European straits: reconciling balance between the economic activities and the environmental management. In the mean time, both areas are dealing with faster economic growth while large parts of them are included in Natura 2000 network. The participation of DDNI (as the main scientific advisor for the management of the DDBR) in NOSTRA project is relevant due to its involvement in DELTANET project (Network of European Delta Regions – Sustainable Delta Governance) and can benefit from the cross-border cooperation dimension given by straits. DDNI expects to exchange experience and best practices regarding the common approach of the sustainable governance of sensitive areas like straits and deltas and of the cross-border co-operations in order to achieve the sustainable management objectives.


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