Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development The Danube delta National Research Institute for Research and Development is divided into three sub-departments: (i) Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (ii) Ecological Reconstruction and (iii) Information Systems. DDNI has been nominated Centre of Excellence for Deltas & Wetlands; National Reference Centre for Land Cover and Fisheries; The DDNI is beneficiary within the European Topic Centre on Land Use and Spatial Information (ETC-LUSI). DDNI has participated in several FP4, FP5 and FP6 projects including NaturNet-Redime project.

DDNI is also the main scientific advisor of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development for establishment of NATURA 2000 network in Romania. DDNI co-ordinated several projects in order to achieve the objectives of the National Strategy for Environment Protection, focused on the enlargement of the network of protected areas, rehabilitation of the coastal infrastructure, improvement of ecological and economical features of the Danube Delta, coordination of activities focused on inventory & GIS mapping of the natural habitats and gathering data on distribution of wild species for selection the Sites of Community Interest (SCI) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). DDNI co-ordinated restoration projects of Danube Delta agriculture polders and the ecological restoration of Danube river flood plains.

DDNI co-ordinated the process aiming the completion of N2000 Standard Sheets for SCIs and SPAs, being nominated to develop a set of standard criteria for monitoring of the current status of species and natural habitats occurring in N2000 sites from Romania.

The project HAVE BEEN essentially be implemented by:

Jenică Hanganu of the Department of Natural Resources, Danube Delta National Institute, Romania holds a Ph. D. in ecological reconstruction of wetlands. His primary experencesinclude survey and mapping of wetland vegetation and wetland soils. Since 1990 he has lead the research studies on sustainable management strategy of natural resources of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. He is national coordinator of CORINE LAND COVER 2000 and 2006 EEA projects and partner within GMES Land Fast Track Service project. Presently he is national coordinator of the ”Nardus” project dealing with inventory of semi-natural grasslands in Romania. Recent works includes research studies on aquatic macrophytes in relation with water quality in lakes within REBECCA EU FP 6 project. Within EnviroGRIDS project he will be involved mainly in WP3 – assessment of the land cover/use changes for different scenarios in the Black Sea Catchment, and WP5 – Impacts on selected Societal Benefit Areas, biodiversity and wetland ecosystems of the Department of Natural Resources, Danube Delta Institute, holds a Ph.D. in ecological reconstruction of wetlands. His primary experiences include survey and mapping of wetland vegetation and wetland soils. He is responsible with sustainable management strategy of natural resources of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. He graduated GIS and remote sensing course in Amherst Massachusetts University, SUA. Recent experience includes research studies on aquatic macrophytes in relation with water quality in lakes within REBECCA FP6 project. Presently he is national coordinator of CORINE LAND COVER 2006 project within EEA GMES Land Fast Track Service project and national coordinator of the NARDUS project dealing with inventory of semi-natural grasslands in Romania.

Adrian Constantinescu has a degree in Electric Engineering. His main research interest is the GIS applications and hydrology modeling with 10 years of experience in hydraulic modeling using Sobek and 15 years in GIS processing and acting as beneficiary in EU projects such as: FP5 “Nutrient Management in the Danube Basin and its Impact on the Black Sea – DANUBS”, “Centre of Excellence – DELWET”, “Corine Land Cover 1990, 2000, 2006” .

Dr. Ioan Grigoras has a degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Graduated GIS and remote sensing course in Amherst Massachusetts University, SUA. Have PhD Diploma in Geography. His main research interest is the GIS applications (15 years), satellite image processing, photo-interpretation for biodiversity and environmental protection. He was coordinator of Natura2000 network set up in Romania, beneficiary in “Corine Land Cover 1990, 2000, 2006” and GIS/remote sensing environmental projects in Ukraine, Russian Federation and West Africa.

Role in the project:

The DDNI team will contribute to the assessment of the land cover/use changes for different scenarios in the Black Sea Catchment (WP3). It will participate in data collection for SWAT within WP4 task 4.1, in building hydrological modelling for lower Danube River and Danube Delta, and will report on data availability and quality for hydrological modelling and water quality modelling in the Black Sea Catchment (D4.1). Within WP5 DDNI will investigate available vector and grid ecosystem and soil maps of the Danube delta and will do ecosystem analyses in both Black Sea ecosystems and wetlands. One full project meeting (task 7.2) will be organize in Tulcea by DDNI.


165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania

Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00

Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,

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Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547

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General Director : Monday  09.00 - 11.00

Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00

Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00

Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00

Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at:  0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: office@ddni.ro