EcoVeloTour Project

Duration: 36 months (01.06.2018 – 31.05.2021)

Total Budget: 2.117.177,58 EURO

ERDF Contribution: 1.575.855,96 EURO

IPA Contribution: 223.744,97 EURO

Priority Axis: Environment and culture responsible Danube region

Specific objective: Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources



 The Outputs:

(i)                  transnational tools for ecotourism development and management: enhanced framework for ecotourism development and mobility planning guidelines, transnational market research, policy recommendation, ecotourism mobile app., e-learning platform;

(ii)                pilot regional ecotourism strategies;

(iii)               transnational learning interactions.

EcoVeloTour facilitates the development of sustainable tourism in the Danube region along EuroVelo routes via enhanced, conscious and ecologically sound framework of tourism destination management and extending cyclist tourism, unfolding neighbouring regions beyond the EuroVelo route. The regions will capitalize on cultural and natural heritage, through the integration of the ecosystem service framework into ecotourism planning, that enable the attentive maintenance of high ecosystem provisions that contribute to the well-being of the region including ecotourism stakeholders in the long run. The framework will be strongly support by sustainable mobility guidelines, that is key element in comprehensive ecotourism planning, esp. in the case of cyclist ecotourism.

Regional ecotourism strategies will be elaborated based on the developed framework and good practices, studies on ecotourism, green mobility, knowledge exchange, potential ecosystem service mapping of pilot areas, intensive key actors’ cooperation, stakeholder analysis and participation, learning interactions (including e-learning) at regional and transnational level. The implementation of the strategies starts during the project lifetime including small-scale investments too. The bottom-up approach, collected experience from local level will result in a policy recommendation to ensure the capitalization of project results at policy-maker level.

Project Partners

Lead Partner: City of Budapest, District 14 Zugló Municipality – HUNGARY

ERDF PP1. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Department for Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute for Transport Studies – AUSTRIA

ERDF PP2. University of Passau – CenTouris – GERMANY

ERDF PP3. Tourism Board of East Bavaria- GERMANY

ERDF PP4. Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism- BULGARIA

ERDF PP5. Košice Region Tourism- SLOVAKIA

ERDF PP6. Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development- ROMANIA

ERDF PP7. Corvinus University of Budapest – HUNGARY

IPA Partner 1. Fund for Microregional Tourism Cluster Subotica Palić – SERBIA

IPA Partner 2. Danube Competence Centre – SERBIA

Associate Strategic Partners

Hungarian Cycling Alliance – HUNGARY

Marketing Association German Danube – GERMANY

Ministry of Tourism – BULGARIA

Prešov Bicycle Group Boneshaker – SLOVAKIA

Ministry of Tourism – ROMANIA

Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic – SLOVAKIA


165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania

Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00

Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,

Phone (Secretary Office): (+4) 0240 - 531 520

Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547


Member Area

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General Director : Monday  09.00 - 11.00

Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00

Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00

Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00

Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at:  0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: