The overall objective of the FLOODRISK project was to develop and produce high quality, stakeholder oriented flood risk maps for the transnational Danube river floodplains to provide adequate risk information for spatial planning and economic requests. Risk information is the basis for sustainable development along the Danube River. Vertical and horizontal cooperation are the two pillars of the project. The project has reached the following objectives:

– Development of a joint mapping method for flood risk and harmonization of data sources;

– Production and provision of risk maps and risk information;

– Integration of relevant stakeholders and users on different levels into the definition and realization processes;

– Involvement of different economic aspects of land use in the river basin like spatial planning, recreation and agriculture as well as energy supply or health services;

– Linkage of flood risk mapping and provision of maps as basis for planning, e.g. within the EU Floods Directive;

– Development and distribution of exemplary procedures within the Danube countries and beyond;

– Reflection of the EU Directives, e.g. WFD, Floods Directive, providing feedback based on the experiences of the project cooperation by using the platform of the ICPDR Flood Protection Expert Group.

The project contributes with these objectives to the improvement of the institutional cooperation of the ICPDR and further towards the realization of measures within the existing international cooperation structure. It supports decisions for investments on political and administrative levels by allowing the assessment of investments and land use decisions taking into account the Joint Program of Measures, based on the risk reduction aspects. Within the frame of this project, 24 institutions from din 8 Danube countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Serbia, and Croatia) have been cooperating. The Danube FLOODRISK project successfully reached its objectives managing to achieve remarkable outcomes:

  • Harmonization of requirements on the flood mapping procedures for the Danube River
  • Hydrological and hydraulic modeling
  • Vulnerability mapping
  • Common GeoDatabase
  • Availability check and first quality check
  • Acquisition of additional and missing data
  • Set up of a common data base


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