CARTODD project involves the development of a high resolution cartographic support through remote sensing technology: LIDAR – Light detection and Ranging.

The high resolution cartographic support (digital terrain model – DTM, digital elevation model – DEM, elevation classes – EC and orthophotos – OPH) represents the basic support for reaching the goals of the Danube’s Delta Biosphere Reserve (D.D.B.R.) Management Plan. This digital cartographic model will highlight with precision the real surface of the terrain for management of the protection and conservation of the ecosystems within D.D.B.R, risk emergencies situation management, cadaster applications and high resolution orthophotos.

This project can be considered as a successful pilot project for developing the high resolution cartographic support for the other protected areas within NATURA 2000 network.

This product was defined using the most advanced remote sensing technology (LIDAR -Light Detection and Ranging) that allows a high precision on X, Y (1m) and also on Z (0.2 m). The advantages of the developed digital cartographic support allow:

– Faster and cost effective map production;

– Map production for different users within different interest domains;

– The possibility of map production in case of emergencies;

– Facilitates data analysis that target the interaction between statistical data and map production;

– Efficiency increase by using digital maps comparing to the printed ones;

– Facilitates the possibility of tridimensional and stereoscopic representations;

– Boost in automation of the cartography process.

The project can be considered a successful one due to thoroughly reaching the objectives set in the application and the announced results were accomplished.


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