Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally–friendly Inland Water Transport system in the Danube region.
Programme: Danube Transnational Programme

Priority Axis 3: Better connected and energy responsible Danube region

Specific Objective 3.1: Support environmentally–friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Duration: 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019)

Consortium: 10 partners from 7 countries and 6 associatedstrategic partners:


  1. CERONAV–Romanian Maritime Training Centre, Lead Partner
  2. Pro Danube Management GmbH–Austria
  3. Black Sea – Danube Association of Research and Development–Bulgaria
  4. Inland Navigation Development Centre Ltd–Croatia
  5. Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems–Germany
  6. National Association of Radio Distress–Signalling and Infocommunications–Hungary
  7. The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe–Hungary
  8. Danube Delta National Institute–Romania
  9. Association of Cross Border Cooperation  „Lower Danube”–Romania
  10. Danube Competence Centre–Serbia
Associate Strategic Partners

  1. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority–Romania
  2. General Directorate for Water–Hungary
  3. Directorate for Inland Waterways–Serbia
  4. Danube Commission–Hungary
  5. Executive Agency Maritime Administration–Bulgaria
  6. Ministry of Transport–Romania
Medium and Long Term Perspective of IWT in the EU highlights that the market of IWT is growing with about 80% until 2040 compared to 2010. Without policy intervention in the year 2020 the average emission level of air pollutants of inland navigation vessels will in many cases be higher than that of trucks. The transport sector is recognized as a major contributor to emissions, therefore it is important to support environmentally sound transport modes like IWT.

Above challenges identified in the Danube navigation explain in part the huge discrepancy between IWT on the Rhine and on the Danube (EUSDR:”Cargo volumes transported on the Danube are only between 10% and 20% of those carried on the Rhine”) and make imperative the need for a common transnational approach to better exploited Danube potential by enhanced multimodality, modernisation of the fleet (EUSDR PAIA) to reduce the negative impact of emissions.

GREENDANUBE consortium of 10 highly experienced PPs from most of Danube riparian countries and 6 ASPs, international organizations, river commission and national ministries, addresses this major challenge to strengthen environmentally friendly, safe and balanced transport systems by adoption of a three level approach which targets and focuses on: institutional capacity building by active involvement in pollutant emission reduction along the Danube through performing the measurements of emissions, organizational capacity building and cooperation in the Danube sector for investigation & assessment of existing green technologies and best practices. Providing tailor–made innovative solutions and individual capacity building by testing through pilot actions the EICs will raise the intensity of cooperation between the Danube riparian countries and will ensure long–term transnational cooperation.

Acting as a policy driver for a stronger multilevel cooperation,GREEN DANUBE ensures the replication of project outputs in the entire Danube region and beyond.

Project’s acronym: GREEN DANUBE

Total Budget: 1.586.244 EURO

ERDF Contribution: 1.267.897,40 EURO

IPA Contribution: 80.410 EURO

The project addresses the environmental pollution caused by the inland water transport emphasized in different European policies, strategies and initiatives, such as: Europe2020, NAIADES II, European Strategy for the Danube Region, White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system.

The project activities include:

  • The capacity consolidation of regulating Authorities on Inland Waterways with regard to compliance with the new standards pertaining to pollutant emissions by:
  • Performing a study on present practices and procedures and developing action tools  and
  • Developing transnational procedures to determine and comply with pollutant emission  standards;
  • Reduction of emissions by using environmentally–friendly technologies by elaborating a study on present fleet analysing types of engines, lifetime of vessels, fuel consumption and gas emissions;
  • Development of navigation on Danube by limiting the negative impact of transport systems on Danube ecosystem by elaborating a transnational strategy for adequate management that will lead to the limitation of pollutant emissions in the Danube corridor.


Project website:




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