Nr.crt. |
Title |
Journal |
Authors |
Year |
Nr. of citations in journals with IF (ISI) |
1 |
Links between different environment components and flooding risk in Danube Delta |
Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, supplement 7 |
Mierlă (M.), Nichersu (I.), Trifanov (C.), Nichersu (I.), Marin (E.), Sela (F.) |
2014 |
2 |
2 |
Hydrological Risk Map for the Danube Delta—A Case Study of Floods Within the Fluvial Delta |
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, Vol. 8, p.98-104 |
M Mierla, G Romanescu, I Nichersu, I Grigoras |
2015 |
15 |
3 |
Synergy Between LiDAR, RADARSAT-2, and Spot-5 Images for the Detection and Mapping of Wetland Vegetation in the Danube Delta |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume: 9, Issue: 8, 3651 – 3666, IEEE, ISSN: 1939-1404 |
Niculescu S., Lardeux C., Grigoras I., Hanganu J., David L |
2016 |
14 |
4 |
Development of a Web-based GIS monitoring and environmental assessment system for the Black Sea: application in the Danube Delta area |
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188: 492, Springer, ISSN: 0167-6369 |
Tziavos I.N., Alexandridis T.K., Aleksandrov B., Andrianopoulos A., Doukas I.D., Grigoras I., Grigoriadis V.N., Papadopoulou I.D., Savvaidis P., Stergioudis A., Teodorof L., Vergos G.S., Vorobyova L., Zalidis G.C |
2016 |
3 |
5 |
Current status and restoration options for floodplains along the Danube River |
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.09.073, |
Hein, Thomas; Schwarz, Ulrich; Habersack, Helmut; Nichersu, Iulian; Preiner, Stefan; Willby, Nigel; Weigelhofer, Gabriele |
2016 |
70 |
6 |
The Tendencies of Hydraulic Energy During XXI Century Between Preservation and Economic Development. Case Study: Fagaraș Mountains, Romania |
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2018, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 489 – 504; DOI:10.26471/cjees/2018/013/042 |
Gheorghe ROMANESCU†, Alin MIHU-PINTILIE, Donatella CARBONI, Cristian C. STOLERIU, Catalin I. CIMPIANU, Cristian TRIFANOV, Madalina E. PASCAL, Bogdan V. GHINDAOANU, Dan L. CIURTE & Madalina MOISII |
2018 |
3 |
7 |
Anthropisation Degree of Coastal Vegetation Areas in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve |
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, vol. 19, Nr. 2, p. 539–546, Editura Balkan Environmental Association, Alba Iulia, România, SRI 0,061, ISSN 1311-5065 |
Trifanov, C.; Romanescu†, G.; Tudor, M.; Grigoras, I.; Doroftei, M.; Covaliov, S.; Mierla, M. |
2018 |
4 |
8 |
Citizens’ Campaigns for Environmental Water Monitoring: Lessons From Field Experiments |
IEEE Access vol. 7, pp. 134601-134620. |
Assumpcao, Thaine H.; Jonoski, Andreja; Theona, Iouliani; Tsiakos, Chrysovalantis; Krommyda, Maria; Tamascelli, Stefano; Kallioras, Andreas; Mierla, Marian; Georgiou, Harris V.; Miska, Maria; Pouliaris, Christos; Trifanov, Cristian; Cimpan, Kinga Timea; Tsertou, Athanasia; Marin, Eugenia; Diakakis, Michalis; Nichersu, Iulian; Amditis, Angelos J.; Popescu, Ioana |
2019 |
8 |
9 |
Changes in ecosystem services from wetland loss and restoration: An ecosystem assessment of the Danube Delta (1960-2010) |
Ecosystem Services, Volume 39, 100965, ISSN 2212-0416, 16/j.ecoser.2019.100 965 FI: 5.572, SRI: 2.088 |
Gomez-Baggethun, Erik; Tudor, Marian; Doroftei, Mihai; Covaliov, Silviu; Nastase, Aurel; Onara, Dalia-Florentina; Mierla, Marian; Marinov, Mihai; Dorosencu, Alexandru-Catalin; Lupu, Gabriel; Teodorof, Liliana; Tudor, Iuliana-Mihaela; Kohler, Berit; Museth, Jon; Aronsen, Eivind; Johnsen, Stein Ivar; Ibram, Orhan; Marin, Eugenia; Craciun, Anca; Cioaca, Eugenia |
2019 |
32 |
10 |
New Approach to Enhance the Involvement of Stakeholders Through the Collaborative Flood-Serv Platform in Flood Risk Management |
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology |
Nichersu, I; Nichersu_a, I; Ogrezeanu, A; Balaican, D |
2020 |
1 |
11 |
Assessment of the Present Level of The Main Compounds of Pollutant Emissions from Inland Waterway Transport System in The Danube Region Wetlands-Green Danube |
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, 517-530. DOI:10.30638/eemj.2021.051. IF 0,916 (2021), SJR 0,165 (2020) |
Tudor, Iuliana-Mihaela; Pipirigeanu, Vasile; Munteanu, Doina; Tudor, Marian; Burada, Adrian; Ibram, Orhan; Teodorof, Liliana; Despina, Cristina; Mierla, Marian; Trifanov, Cristian; Anore, Ciprian; Bota, Diana†; Cupsa, Ovidiu Sorin; Vintila, Mihaela; Budescu, Natalia; Robert, Rafael; Markus, Eppich; Szuppinger, Peter; Penchev, Valeri Stoyanov |
2021 |
1 |
12 |
Integrated Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Danube River Chilia Branch |
Applied Sciences, Volumul 11, Numărul 19, Editura MDPI, |
Liliana Teodorof, Antoaneta Ene, Adrian Burada, Cristina Despina, Daniela Seceleanu-Odor, Cristian Trifanov, Orhan Ibram, Edward Bratfanof, Mihaela-Iuliana Tudor, Marian Tudor, Irina Cernisencu, Lucian Puiu Georgescu, Catalina Iticescu |
2021 |
1 |