Some of the most representative for this department

Ongoing Projects

PN3 - Research on biodiversity conservation, habitats, invasive species (non-native), sustainable exploitation of natural resources and socio-economic implications of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, in the context of climate change

Asigurarea unui statut favorabil de conservare pentru salvarea de la extincție a populației de nurcă europeana – Mustela lutreola (specie de interes comunitar, critic periclitată) – din România

Past Projects

Services for monitoring of the conservation status of the species of amphibians and reptiles of Community Interest from Romania
Estimation of the wintering and breeding population of Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Romania

Adaptive Management of Climate-induced Changes of Habitat Diversity in Protected Areas

Adequate-evaluation study for the the project Elaboration of works for enclosing „Sulina beach arrangement”
Evaluation study for Corbu, Vadu, Portița, Sf. Gheorghe and Sulina coastal areas to regulate toristic activities in relation with conservation of species and habitats
Black sea e-eye

Innovative Instruments for Environmental Analysis in Northwestern Black Sea Basin 


Revizuirea planului de management și a regulamentului RBDD


Cercetări privind starea și conservarea biodiversității, habitatelor, exploatarea sustenabilă a resurselor naturale, impactul speciilor non-native și implicațiile socio-economice din Rezervația Biosferei Delta Dunării


Invasive Alien Species Observatory and Network Development for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Black Sea Deltaic Protected Areas


Dezvoltarea de noi instrumente genetice pentru bioassessmentul ecosistemelor acvatice din Europa


Schimbările climatice și resursele acvatice din Europa


165 Babadag street, Tulcea 820112, Romania

Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 16.30 / Friday - 8.00 - 14.00

Call Center: (+4) 0240 - 524 546 / (+4) 0240 - 524 548 / (+4) 0240 - 524 550,

Phone (Secretary Office): (+4) 0240 - 531 520

Fax: (+4) 0240 - 533 547


Member Area

Access your data within the intranet


General Director : Monday  09.00 - 11.00

Scientific Director: Tuesday 09.00 - 11.00

Technical Director: Wednesday 09.00 - 11.00

Economic Director: Thursday 09.00 - 11.00

Registration for the audience is done by prior appointment by phone at:  0240/531520, int. 100 (secretariat) and by e-mail at: